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record of buddhistic kingdoms-第18节

小说: record of buddhistic kingdoms 字数: 每页4000字

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imself acknowledged it to be inevitable in the connexion of cause and effect。



Fifty le to the west of the city bring (the traveller) to a town named Too…wei;'1' the birthplace of Kasyapa Buddha。'1' At the place where he and his father met;'2' and at that where he attained to pari…nirvana; topes were erected。 Over the entire relic of the whole body of him; the Kasyapa Tathagata;'3' a great tope was also erected。

Going on south…east from the city of Sravasti for twelve yojanas; (the travellers) came to a town named Na…pei…kea;'4' the birthplace of Krakuchanda Buddha。 At the place where he and his father met; and at that where he attained to pari…nirvana; topes were erected。 Going north from here less than a yojana; they came to a town which had been the birthplace of Kanakamuni Buddha。 At the place where he and his father met; and where he attained to pari…nirvana; topes were erected。


'1' Identified; as Beal says; by Cunningham with Tadwa; a village nine miles to the west of Sahara…mahat。 The birthplace of Kasyapa Buddha is generally thought to have been Benares。 According to a calculation of Remusat; from his birth to A。D。 1832 there were 1;992;859 years!

'2' It seems to be necessary to have a meeting between every Buddha and his father。 One at least is ascribed to Sakyamuni and his father (real or supposed) Suddhodana。

'3' This is the highest epithet given to every supreme Buddha; in Chinese {。} {。}; meaning; as Eitel; p。 147 says; 〃/Sic profectus sum/。〃 It is equivalent to 〃Rightful Buddha; the true successor in the Supreme Buddha Line。〃 Hardy concludes his account of the Kasyapa Buddha (M。 B。; p。 97) with the following sentence:〃After his body was burnt; the bones still remained in their usual position; presenting the appearance of a perfect skeleton; and the whole of the inhabitants of Jambudvipa; assembling together; erected a dagoba over his relics one yojana in height!〃

'4' Na…pei…kea or Nabhiga is not mentioned elsewhere。 Eitel says this Buddha was born at the city of Gan…ho ({。} {。} {。}) and Hardy gives his birthplace as Mekhala。 It may be possible; by means of Sanskrit; to reconcile these statements。



Less than a yojana to the east from this brought them to the city of Kapilavastu;'1' but in it there was neither king nor people。 All was mound and desolation。 Of inhabitants there were only some monks and a score or two of families of the common people。 At the spot where stood the old palace of king Suddhodana'2' there have been made images of the prince (his eldest son) and his mother;'3' and at the places where that son appeared mounted on a white elephant when he entered his mother's womb;'4' and where he turned his carriage round on seeing the sick man after he had gone out of the city by the eastern gate;'5' topes have been erected。 The places (were also pointed out)'6' where (the rishi) A…e'7' inspected the marks (of Buddhaship on the body) of the heir…apparent (when an infant); where; when he was in company with Nanda and others; on the elephant being struck down and drawn to one side; he tossed it away;'8' where he shot an arrow to the south…east; and it went a distance of thirty le; then entering the ground and making a spring to come forth; which men subsequently fashioned into a well from which travellers might drink;'9' where; after he had attained to Wisdom; Buddha returned and saw the king; his father;'10' where five hundred Sakyas quitted their families and did reverence to Upali'11' while the earth shook and moved in six different ways; where Buddha preached his Law to the devas; and the four deva kings and others kept the four doors (of the hall); so that (even) the king; his father; could not enter;'12' where Buddha sat under a nyagrodha tree; which is still standing;'13' with his face to the east; and (his aunt) Maja…prajapati presented him with a Sanghali;'14' and (where) king Vaidurya slew the seed of Sakya; and they all in dying became Srotapannas。'15' A tope was erected at this last place; which is still existing。

Several le north…east from the city was the king's field; where the heir…apparent sat under a tree; and looked at the ploughers。'16'

Fifty le east from the city was a garden; named Lumbini;'17' where the queen entered the pond and bathed。 Having come forth from the pond on the northern bank; after (walking) twenty paces; she lifted up her hand; laid hold of a branch of a tree; and; with her face to the east; gave birth to the heir…apparent。'18' When he fell to the ground; he (immediately) walked seven paces。 Two dragon…kings (appeared) and washed his body。 At the place where they did so; there was immediately formed a well; and from it; as well as from the above pond; where (the queen) bathed;'19' the monks (even) now constantly take the water; and drink it。

There are four places of regular and fixed occurrence (in the history of) all Buddhas:first; the place where they attained to perfect Wisdom (and became Buddha); second; the place where they turned the wheel of the Law;'20' third; the place where they preached the Law; discoursed of righteousness; and discomfited (the advocates of) erroneous doctrines; and fourth; the place where they came down; after going up to the Trayatrimsas heaven to preach the Law for the benefit of their mothers。 Other places in connexion with them became remarkable; according to the manifestations which were made at them at particular times。

The country of Kapilavastu is a great scene of empty desolation。 The inhabitants are few and far between。 On the roads people have to be on their guard against white elephants'21' and lions; and should not travel incautiously。


'1' Kapilavastu; 〃the city of beautiful virtue;〃 was the birthplace of Sakyamuni; but was destroyed; as intimated in the notes on last chapter; during his lifetime。 It was situated a short distance north… west of the present Goruckpoor; lat。 26d 46s N。; lon。 83d 19s E。 Davids says (Manual; p。 25); 〃It was on the banks of the river Rohini; the modern Kohana; about 100 miles north…west of the city of Benares。〃

'2' The father; or supposed father; of Sakyamuni。 He is here called 〃the king white and pure〃 ({。} {。} {。})。 A more common appellation is 〃the king of pure rice〃 ({。} {。} {。});〃 but the character {。}; or 〃rice;〃 must be a mistake for {。}; 〃Brahman;〃 and the appellation= 〃Pure Brahman king。〃

'3' The 〃eldest son;〃 or 〃prince〃 was Sakyamuni; and his mother had no other son。 For 〃his mother;〃 see chap。 xvii; note 3。 She was a daughter of Anjana or Anusakya; king of the neighbouring country of Koli; and Yasodhara; an aunt of Suddhodana。 There appear to have been various intermarriages between the royal houses of Kapila and Koli。

'4' In 〃The Life of the Buddha;〃 p。 15; we read that 〃Buddha was now in the Tushita heaven; and knowing that his time was come (the time for his last rebirth in the course of which he would become Buddha); he made the necessary examinations; and having decided that Maha…maya was the right mother; in the midnight watch he entered her womb under the appearance of an elephant。〃 See M。 B。; pp。 140…143; and; still better; Rhys Davids' 〃Birth Stories;〃 pp。 58…63。

'5' In Hardy's M。 B。; pp。 154; 155; we read; 〃As the prince (Siddhartha; the first name given to Sakyamuni; see Eitel; under Sarvarthasiddha) was one day passing along; he saw a deva under the appearance of a leper; full of sores; with a body like a water…vessel; and legs like the pestle for pounding rice; and when he learned from his charioteer what it was that he saw; be became agitated; and returned at once to the palace。〃 See also Rhys Davids' 〃Buddhism;〃 p。 29。

'6' This is an addition of my own; instead of 〃There are also topes erected at the following spots;〃 of former translators。 Fa…hien does not say that there were memorial topes at all these places。

'7' Asita; see Eitel; p。 15。 He is called in Pali Kala Devala; and had been a minister of Suddhodana's father。

'8' In 〃The Life of Buddha〃 we read that the Lichchhavis of Vaisali had sent to the young prince a very fine elephant; but when it was near Kapilavastu; Devadatta; out of envy; killed it with a blow of his fist。 Nanda (not Ananda; but a half…brother of Siddhartha); coming that way; saw the carcase lying on the road; and pulled it on one side; but the Bodhisattva; seeing it there; took it by the tail; and tossed it over seven fences and ditches; when the force of its fall made a great ditch。 I suspect that the characters in the column have been disarranged; and that we should read {。} {。} {。} {。}; {。} {。}; {。} {。}。 Buddha; that is Siddhartha; was at this time only ten years old。

'9' The young Sakyas were shooting when the prince thus surpassed them all。 He was then seventeen。

'10' This was not the night when he finally fled from Kapilavastu; and as he was leaving the palace; perceiving his sleeping father; and said; 〃Father; though I love thee; yet a fear possesses me; and I may not stay;〃The Life of the Buddha; p。 25。 Most probably it was that related in M。 B。; pp。 199…204。 See 〃Buddhist Birth Sto

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