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the stolen white elephant-第2节

小说: the stolen white elephant 字数: 每页4000字

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family illustrated?〃

〃I think he would be indifferent to illustrations that is; I think he
would not value illustrations above simple letterpress。〃

〃No; you do not get my idea。  I refer to bulk。  The ordinary octavo Bible
weighs about two pound; and a half; while the great quarto with the
illustrations weighs ten or twelve。  How many Dore Bibles would he eat at
a meal?〃

〃If you knew this elephant; you could not ask。  He would take what they

〃Well; put it in dollars and cents; then。  We must get at it somehow。
The Dore costs a hundred dollars a copy; Russia leather; beveled。〃

〃He would require about fifty thousand dollars worthsay an edition of
five hundred copies。〃

〃Now that is more exact。  I will put that down。  Very well; he likes men
and Bibles; so far; so good。  What else will he eat?  I want

〃He will leave Bibles to eat bricks; he will leave bricks to eat bottles;
he will leave bottles to eat clothing; he will leave clothing to eat
cats; he will leave cats to eat oysters; he will leave oysters to eat
ham; he will leave ham to eat sugar; he will leave sugar to eat pie; he
will leave pie to eat potatoes; he will leave potatoes to eat bran; he
will leave bran to eat hay; he will leave hay to eat oats; he will leave
oats to eat rice; for he was mainly raised on it。  There is nothing
whatever that he will not eat but European butter; and he would eat that
if he could taste it。〃

〃Very good。  General quantity at a mealsay about〃

〃Well; anywhere from a quarter to half a ton。〃

〃And he drinks〃

〃Everything that is fluid。  Milk; water; whisky; molasses; castor oil;
camphene; carbolic acidit is no use to go into particulars; whatever
fluid occurs to you set it down。  He will drink anything that is fluid;
except European coffee。〃

〃Very good。  As to quantity?〃

〃Put it down five to fifteen barrelshis thirst varies; his other
appetites do not。〃

〃These things are unusual。  They ought to furnish quite good clues toward
tracing him。〃

He touched the bell。

〃Alaric; summon Captain Burns。〃

Burns appeared。  Inspector Blunt unfolded the whole matter to him; detail
by detail。  Then he said in the clear; decisive tones of a man whose
plans are clearly defined in his head and who is accustomed to command:

〃Captain Burns; detail Detectives Jones; Davis; Halsey; Bates; and
Hackett to shadow the elephant。〃

〃Yes; sir。〃

〃Detail Detectives Moses; Dakin; Murphy; Rogers; Tupper; Higgins; and
Bartholomew to shadow the thieves。〃

〃Yes; sir。〃

〃Place a strong guardA guard of thirty picked men; with a relief of
thirtyover the place from whence the elephant was stolen; to keep
strict watch there night and day; and allow none to approachexcept
reporterswithout written authority from me。〃

〃Yes; sir。〃

〃Place detectives in plain clothes in the railway; steamship; and ferry
depots; and upon all roadways leading out of Jersey City; with orders to
search all suspicious persons。〃

〃Yes; sir。〃

〃Furnish all these men with photograph and accompanying description of
the elephant; and instruct them to search all trains and outgoing
ferryboats and other vessels。〃

〃Yes; sir。〃

〃If the elephant should be found; let him be seized; and the information
forwarded to me by telegraph。〃

〃Yes; sir。〃

〃Let me be informed at once if any clues should be found footprints of
the animal; or anything of that kind。〃

〃Yes; sir。〃

〃Get an order commanding the harbor police to patrol the frontages

〃Yes; sir。〃

〃Despatch detectives in plain clothes over all the railways; north as far
as Canada; west as far as Ohio; south as far as Washington。〃

〃Yes; sir。〃

〃Place experts in all the telegraph offices to listen in to all messages;
and let them require that all cipher despatches be interpreted to them。〃

〃Yes; sir。〃

〃Let all these things be done with the utmost's secrecymind; the most
impenetrable secrecy。〃

〃Yes; sir。〃

〃Report to me promptly at the usual hour。〃

〃Yes; Sir。〃


〃Yes; sir。〃

He was gone。

Inspector Blunt was silent and thoughtful a moment; while the fire in his
eye cooled down and faded out。  Then he turned to me and said in a placid

〃I am not given to boasting; it is not my habit; butwe shall find the

I shook him warmly by the hand and thanked him; and I felt my thanks;
too。  The more I had seen of the man the more I liked him and the more I
admired him and marveled over the mysterious wonders of his profession。
Then we parted for the night; and I went home with a far happier heart
than I had carried with me to his office。


Next morning it was all in the newspapers; in the minutest detail。  It
even had additionsconsisting of Detective This; Detective That; and
Detective The Other's 〃Theory〃 as to how the robbery was done; who the
robbers were; and whither they had flown with their booty。  There were
eleven of these theories; and they covered all the possibilities; and
this single fact shows what independent thinkers detectives are。  No two
theories were alike; or even much resembled each other; save in one
striking particular; and in that one all the other eleven theories were
absolutely agreed。  That was; that although the rear of my building was
torn out and the only door remained locked; the elephant had not been
removed through the rent; but by some other (undiscovered) outlet。
All agreed that the robbers had made that rent only to mislead the
detectives。  That never would have occurred to me or to any other layman;
perhaps; but it had not deceived the detectives for a moment。  Thus; what
I had supposed was the only thing that had no mystery about it was in
fact the very thing I had gone furthest astray in。  The eleven theories
all named the supposed robbers; but no two named the same robbers; the
total number of suspected persons was thirty…seven。  The various
newspaper accounts all closed with the most important opinion of all
that of Chief Inspector Blunt。  A portion of this statement read as

     The chief knows who the two principals are; namely;〃 Brick〃 Daffy
     and 〃Red〃 McFadden。  Ten days before the robbery was achieved he was
     already aware that it was to be attempted; and had quietly proceeded
     to shadow these two noted villains; but unfortunately on the night
     in question their track was lost; and before it could be found again
     the bird was flownthat is; the elephant。

     Daffy and McFadden are the boldest scoundrels in the profession; the
     chief has reasons for believing that they are the men who stole the
     stove out of the detective headquarters on a bitter night last
     winterin consequence of which the chief and every detective
     present were in the hands of the physicians before morning; some
     with frozen feet; others with frozen fingers; ears; and other

When I read the first half of that I was more astonished than ever at the
wonderful sagacity of this strange man。  He not only saw everything in
the present with a clear eye; but even the future could not be hidden
from him。  I was soon at his office; and said I could not help wishing he
had had those men arrested; and so prevented the trouble and loss; but
his reply was simple and unanswerable:

〃It is not our province to prevent crime; but to punish it。  We cannot
punish it until it is committed。〃

I remarked that the secrecy with which we had begun had been marred by
the newspapers; not only all our facts but all our plans and purposes had
been revealed; even all the suspected persons had been named; these would
doubtless disguise themselves now; or go into hiding。

〃Let them。  They will find that when I am ready for them my hand will
descend upon them; in their secret places; as unerringly as the hand of
fate。  As to the newspapers; we must keep in with them。  Fame;
reputation; constant public mentionthese are the detective's bread and
butter。  He must publish his facts; else he will be supposed to have
none; he must publish his theory; for nothing is so strange or striking
as a detective's theory; or brings him so much wonderful respect; we must
publish our plans; for these the journals insist upon having; and we
could not deny them without offending。  We must constantly show the
public what we are doing; or they will believe we are doing nothing。
It is much pleasanter to have a newspaper say; 'Inspector Blunt's
ingenious and extraordinary theory is as follows;' than to have it say
some harsh thing; or; worse still; some sarcastic one。〃

〃I see the force of what you say。  But I noticed that in one part of your
remarks in the papers this morning you refused to reveal your opinion
upon a certain minor point。〃

〃Yes; we always do that; it has a good effect。  Besides; I had not formed
any opinion on that point; anyway。〃

I deposited a considerable sum of money with the inspector; to meet
current expenses; and sat down to wait for news。  We were expecting the
telegrams to begin to arrive at any moment now。  Meantime I reread the
newspapers and also our descriptive circular; and observed that our
twenty…five thousand dollars reward seemed to be offered onl

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