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erewhon revisited-第10节

小说: erewhon revisited 字数: 每页4000字

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in one sun and its system than in another。  All the suns with their
attendant planets are supposed to be equally His children; and He
deputes to each sun the supervision and protection of its own
system。  Hence they say that though we may pray to the air…god;
&c。; and even to the sun; we must not pray to God。  We may be
thankful to Him for watching over the suns; but we must not go

Going back to my father's reflections; he perceived that the
Erewhonians had not only adopted our calendar; as he had repeatedly
explained it to the Nosnibors; but had taken our week as well; and
were making Sunday a high day; just as we do。  Next Sunday; in
commemoration of the twentieth year after his ascent; they were
about to dedicate a temple to him; in this there was to be a
picture showing himself and his earthly bride on their heavenward
journey; in a chariot drawn by four black and white horseswhich;
however; Professor Hanky had positively affirmed to have been only

Here I interrupted my father。  〃But were there;〃 I said; 〃any

〃Yes;〃 he answered。  〃As soon as I heard Hanky's words I remembered
that a flight of some four or five of the large storks so common in
Erewhon during the summer months had been wheeling high aloft in
one of those aerial dances that so much delight them。  I had quite
forgotten it; but it came back to me at once that these creatures;
attracted doubtless by what they took to be an unknown kind of
bird; swooped down towards the balloon and circled round it like so
many satellites to a heavenly body。  I was fearful lest they should
strike at it with their long and formidable beaks; in which case
all would have been soon over; either they were afraid; or they had
satisfied their curiosityat any rate; they let us alone; but they
kept with us till we were well away from the capital。  Strange; how
completely this incident had escaped me。〃

I return to my father's thoughts as he made his way back to his old

As for the reversed position of Professor Panky's clothes; he
remembered having given his own old ones to the Queen; and having
thought that she might have got a better dummy on which to display
them than the headless scarecrow; which; however; he supposed was
all her ladies…in…waiting could lay their hands on at the moment。
If that dummy had never been replaced; it was perhaps not very
strange that the King could not at the first glance tell back from
front; and if he did not guess right at first; there was little
chance of his changing; for his first ideas were apt to be his
last。  But he must find out more about this。

Then how about the watch?  Had their views about machinery also
changed?  Or was there an exception made about any machine that he
had himself carried?

Yram too。  She must have been married not long after she and he had
parted。  So she was now wife to the Mayor; and was evidently able
to have things pretty much her own way in Sunch'ston; as he
supposed he must now call it。  Thank heaven she was prosperous!  It
was interesting to know that she was at heart a sceptic; as was
also her light…haired son; now Head Ranger。  And that son?  Just
twenty years of age!  Born seven months after marriage!  Then the
Mayor doubtless had light hair too; but why did not those wretches
say in which month Yram was married?  If she had married soon after
he had left; this was why he had not been sent for or written to。
Pray heaven it was so。  As for current gossip; people would talk;
and if the lad was well begotten; what could it matter to them
whose son he was?  〃But;〃 thought my father; 〃I am glad I did not
meet him on my way down。  I had rather have been killed by some one

Hanky and Panky again。  He remembered Bridgeford as the town where
the Colleges of Unreason had been most rife; he had visited it; but
he had forgotten that it was called 〃The city of the people who are
above suspicion。〃  Its Professors were evidently going to muster in
great force on Sunday; if two of them had robbed him; he could
forgive them; for the information he had gleaned from them had
furnished him with a pied a terre。  Moreover; he had got as much
Erewhonian money as he should want; for he had resolved to retrace
his steps immediately after seeing the temple dedicated to himself。
He knew the danger he should run in returning over the preserves
without a permit; but his curiosity was so great that he resolved
to risk it。

Soon after he had passed the statues he began to descend; and it
being now broad day; he did so by leaps and bounds; for the ground
was not precipitous。  He reached his old camp soon after five
this; at any rate; was the hour at which he set his watch on
finding that it had run down during his absence。  There was now no
reason why he should not take it with him; so he put it in his
pocket。  The parrots had attacked his saddle…bags; saddle; and
bridle; as they were sure to do; but they had not got inside the
bags。  He took out his English clothes and put them onstowing his
bags of gold in various pockets; but keeping his Erewhonian money
in the one that was most accessible。  He put his Erewhonian dress
back into the saddle…bags; intending to keep it as a curiosity; he
also refreshed the dye upon his hands; face; and hair; he lit
himself a fire; made tea; cooked and ate two brace of quails; which
he had plucked while walking so as to save time; and then flung
himself on to the ground to snatch an hour's very necessary rest。
When he woke he found he had slept two hours; not one; which was
perhaps as well; and by eight he began to reascend the pass。

He reached the statues about noon; for he allowed himself not a
moment's rest。  This time there was a stiffish wind; and they were
chanting lustily。  He passed them with all speed; and had nearly
reached the place where he had caught the quails; when he saw a man
in a dress which he guessed at once to be a ranger's; but which;
strangely enough; seeing that he was in the King's employ; was not
reversed。  My father's heart beat fast; he got out his permit and
held it open in his hand; then with a smiling face he went towards
the Ranger; who was standing his ground。

〃I believe you are the Head Ranger;〃 said my father; who saw that
he was still smooth…faced and had light hair。  〃I am Professor
Panky; and here is my permit。  My brother Professor has been
prevented from coming with me; and; as you see; I am alone。〃

My father had professed to pass himself off as Panky; for he had
rather gathered that Hanky was the better known man of the two。

While the youth was scrutinising the permit; evidently with
suspicion; my father took stock of him; and saw his own past self
in him too plainlyknowing all he knewto doubt whose son he was。
He had the greatest difficulty in hiding his emotion; for the lad
was indeed one of whom any father might be proud。  He longed to be
able to embrace him and claim him for what he was; but this; as he
well knew; might not be。  The tears again welled into his eyes when
he told me of the struggle with himself that he had then had。

〃Don't be jealous; my dearest boy;〃 he said to me。  〃I love you
quite as dearly as I love him; or better; but he was sprung upon me
so suddenly; and dazzled me with his comely debonair face; so full
of youth; and health; and frankness。  Did you see him; he would go
straight to your heart; for he is wonderfully like you in spite of
your taking so much after your poor mother。〃

I was not jealous; on the contrary; I longed to see this youth; and
find in him such a brother as I had often wished to have。  But let
me return to my father's story。

The young man; after examining the permit; declared it to be in
form; and returned it to my father; but he eyed him with polite

〃I suppose;〃 he said; 〃you have come up; as so many are doing; from
Bridgeford and all over the country; to the dedication on Sunday。〃

〃Yes;〃 said my father。  〃Bless me!〃 he added; 〃what a wind you have
up here!  How it makes one's eyes water; to be sure;〃 but he spoke
with a cluck in his throat which no wind that blows can cause。

〃Have you met any suspicious characters between here and the
statues?〃 asked the youth。  〃I came across the ashes of a fire
lower down; there had been three men sitting for some time round
it; and they had all been eating quails。  Here are some of the
bones and feathers; which I shall keep。  They had not been gone
more than a couple of hours; for the ashes were still warm; they
are getting bolder and bolderwho would have thought they would
dare to light a fire?  I suppose you have not met any one; but if
you have seen a single person; let me know。〃

My father said quite truly that he had met no one。  He then
laughingly asked how the youth had been able to discover as much as
he had。

〃There were three well…marked forms; and three separate lots of
quail bones hidden in the ashes。  One man had done all the
plucking。  This is strange; but I dare say I shall get at it

After a little further conversation the Ranger said he was now
going down to Sunch'ston; and; though somewhat curtly; proposed
that he and my father should walk togeth

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