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a face illumined-第85节

小说: a face illumined 字数: 每页4000字

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〃I'm a daughter of Eve。〃

〃Well; I'm coming to the conclusion that there is a good deal of

'old Adam' in me;〃 and he felt that as she then appeared she could

tempt him to almost anything。

Now that her back was towards him she felt safer; and her mellow

laugh trilled out as she said; 〃We may have to dub this place a

confessional rather than a studio of you talk in that way。〃

〃If I confessed all my sins against you; Miss Mayhew; it would;

indeed; be a confessional。〃  He spoke so earnestly that she gave

him a quick glance of surprise。

〃There is no need;〃 she said; hesitatingly; 〃since I have given you

full absolution;〃 and she suddenly became interested in something in

the farthest corner of the apartment。  After a moment she added;

〃If I am to come here I must say to you again; as I did on the

day I so disgusted you by my behavior in the stageyou must let

by…gones be by…gones。〃

It was now the artist's turn to laugh; and his merriment was

so hearty and prolonged that she turned a vexed and crimson face

towards him and said; 〃I think it's too bad in you to laugh at me


〃Miss Mayhew; I assure you I'm not laughing at you at all。  But your

words suggest a good omen。  Didn't that stage teach you that fate

means us to be good friends in spite of all you can do?  Before we

met in that car of fortune I had been trying for a week or more to

make your acquaintance; and made a martyr of myself in the effort。

I played the agreeable to nearly every lady in the hotel; and

perspired on picnics and boating parties that I did not enjoy。  I

played croquet and other games till I was half bored to death; and

all in the effort to produce such a genial atmosphere of enjoyment

and good…feeling that you would thaw a little towards me; but you

wouldn't speak to me; nor even look at me。  At last I gave up in

despair and went off among the hills with my sketch…book; and when

returning that blessed old stage overtook me。  Wasn't I pleased

when I found you were a fellow…passenger! and let me now express

my thanks that you looked so resolutely away from me; for it gave

me a chance to contrast a profile in which I could detect no fault

with the broad; sultry visage of the stout woman opposite me。  And

then; thank heaven; the horses ran away。  Whoever heard of stage

horses running away before?  It was a smile of fortunea miracle。

Submit to destiny; Miss Mayhew; for it's decreed that we should be

good friends;〃 and he laughed again in huge enjoyment of the whole


In spite of herself Ida found his humor contagious and irresistible;

and she laughed also till the tears came into her eyes。

〃Mr。 Van Berg;〃 she exclaimed; 〃I ought to be indignant; or I ought

to be ashamed to look you in the face。  I don't know what I ought

to do; only I'm sure it isn't the proper thing at all for me to be

laughing in this way。  I think I'll go home at once; for I'm only

wasting your time。

His answer was not very relevant; for he said impetuously; 〃Oh;

Miss Ida; I would give five years of my life to be able to paint

your portrait as you now appear; for the picture would cure old

melancholy himself and fill a prison…cell with light。〃

〃I won't come here any more if you laugh at me so;〃 she said;

putting on her hat。

〃See;〃 he said; 〃I'm as grave as a judge。  I will never laugh

AT you; but I hope to laugh WITH you many a time; for to tell you

the truth the experience has reminded me of the 'inextinguishable

laughter of the Gods。'  Please don't go yet。〃

〃If I must come so often my visits must be brief。〃

〃Then you will come?〃

〃I haven't promised anything except for to…morrow。  Good…morning。〃

〃Let me walk home with you。〃

〃No; positively。  You have wasted too much time already。〃

〃You will at least shake hands in token of peace and amity before

we part?〃

〃Oh; certainly; if you think it worth the while when we are to meet

so soon again。  Oh! you hurt me。  You did that once before。〃

His face suddenly became grave and even tender in its expression;

as he said; in a low; deep voice; 〃More than once; Miss Ida。  Don't

think I forget or forgive myself because you treat me so generously。〃

She would not look up and meet his eyes; but replied; in tones that

trembled with repressed feeling; 〃I could forgive anything after

your manner towards father this morning。  Never think I can forget

such favors;〃 and then she snatched away her hand and went swiftly

out。  Her tears fell fast as she sought her home by quiet streets

with bowed head and vail drawn tightly down; and she murmured:

〃I cannot give him upI cannot; indeed; I cannot。  If I lose him

it must be because there is no help for it。〃

Then conscience uttered its low; faint protest and her tears fell

faster still。

When reaching her room she threw herself on the sofa and sobbed;

〃Would it be so very; very wrong to win him if I could? she can't

love him as much as I do。  Why; I was ready to die even to win his

respect; and now in these visits he gives me a chance to win his

love。  Is he pledged to Miss Burton yet?  If he is; I do not know

it。  He does seem to care for methere is often something in his

face and tone that whispers hope。  If he loves her as I love him

he could not be here in New York all this week。  But it's her love

that troubles meI've seen it in her eyes when he was not observing;

and I fear she just worships him。  Alas; he gave her reason。  His

manner has been that of a lover; and no onehe least of allwould

think of flirting with Jennie Burton。  But does he lover her so

deeply that I could not win him if I had a chance?  Would it be very

wicked if I did?  Must I give up my happiness for her happiness?

I came to New York to get away from danger and temptation and here

I am right in the midst of it。  What shall I do!  Oh; my Saviour;

I'm half afraid to speak to thee about this。〃

〃If I could only see Mr。 Eltinge;〃 she murmured; after an

hour of distracted thought and indecision。  〃There is no time to

writeindeed; I could not write on such a subject; andandI'm

afraid he'd advise me against it。  He can't understand a woman's

feelings in a case like this; at least he could not understand a

passionate; faulty girl like me。  I've no patienceno fortitude。

I could die for my loveI think; I hope; I could for my faith;but

I feel no power within me to endure patiently year after year。  I

would be like the poor; weak women they shut up in the Inquisition

and who suffered on to the end only through remorseless compulsion;

because the walls were too thick for escape; and the tormentor's

hands and the rack were irresistible。  My soul would succumb as well

as my body。  This would seem wild; wicked talk to Mr。 Eltinge; it

would seem weak and irrational to any man。  But I'm only Ida Mayhew;

and such is my nature。  I've been made all the more incapable of

patient self…sacrifice by self…indulgence from my childhood up。

Oh; will it be very; very wrong to win him if I can?〃 and the

passionate tears and sobs that followed these words would seem to

indicate that she understood her nature only too well。

At last she concluded; in weariness and exhaustion; 〃I'm too weak

and distracted to think any more。  I hardly know whether it's right

or wrong。  I hope it isn't very wrong。  I won't decide now。  Let

matters take their own course as they have done and I may see

clearer by and by。〃

But deep in her heart she felt that this was about the same as

yielding to the temptation。

She bathed her eyes; tried to think how she could spend the

intervening hours before they would meet again。  Then with a sense

of dismay she began to consider; 〃If we are to meet so often what

are we to talk about?  He once tried to converse with me and found

me so ignorant he couldn't。  It seemed to me I didn't know anything

that evening; and he'll soon grow disgusted with me again as he sees

my poor little pack of knowledge is like a tramp's bundle that he

carries around with him。  I must readI must study every moment;

or I haven't the remotest chance of success。  Success!  Oh; merciful

heaven! it's the same as if I were setting about it all deliberately

and there's no use of deceiving myself。  I hope it isn't very; very


She went to her father's library with flushed cheeks and hesitating

steps; as if it were the tree from which she might pluck the fruit

of forbidden knowledge。  The long rows of ponderous and neglected

books appalled her; she took down two or three and they seemed

like unopened mines; deep and rocky。  She felt instinctively that

there was not time for her to transmute their ores into graceful

and natural mental adornments。

〃Methuselah himself couldn't read them all;〃 she exclaimed。  〃By the

powers! if here isn't more books than I can carry; on one subject。

I suppose cartloads have been written about art。  I've no doub

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