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a face illumined-第71节

小说: a face illumined 字数: 每页4000字

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cried passionately:

〃O Christ; hope of the sinful; if there is mercy for such as I;

forgive me; for my crime is like a falling mountain!〃

A moment later she sprang up and put her arms around the old man's


〃My friend; my more than father!〃 she sobbed; 〃I thinkI almost

believe God has heard me。  It seems as if I had escaped from death;

andandmy heart was breaking; but nowoh; it's all a heavenly


〃Yes;〃 replied Mr。 Eltinge brokenly; and with answering emotion;

〃it is a heavenly mystery。  'Not by might; nor by power; but by my

Spirit; saith the Lord。'〃

Ida could never forget the remaining hours which she spent that

day in the old garden。  it was then and there that she experienced

the sensations of those entering a new spiritual life and a new

world; and with some; these first impressions are very vivid; and

with some; these first impressions are very vivid。

It was according to nature that it should be so in the instance of

Ida Mayhew; for she was simple; positive; and warm in her feelings;

rather than cold and complex。  But she was sane; and abounded in

the homely common sense which enabled her to understand herself and

those about her。  She formed fairly correct estimates of all whom

she had met; and with the same simple directness she began to

recognize the character of the Divine Man that Mr。 Eltinge and the

Bible they read together presented。

No earthly casuistry could ever lead her to doubt that he had heard

her prayer that morning。  She might reply simply to all cavil and


〃I know he heard and answered me; and if I do not know this to be

true; I cannot know anything to be true;〃 for never before had her

consciousness made anything so distinct and real。

To say that she and multitudes of others are mistaken; is begging

the whole question。  It is baldly taking the ground of denial of

everything outside of personal understanding and knowledge。  The

skepticism of very many would blot out the greater part of science;

history; and geography。  The facts of Christian experience and

Christian testimony are as truly facts as those which are discovered

by people who are hostile or indifferent to the Bible。

The broad; liberal man is he who accepts all truth and humbly

waits till the fuller wisdom of coming ages reconciles what is

now apparently conflicting。  The bigot is he who shuts his eyes to

truth he does not like; or does not understand; and he is as apt

to be a scientist as the man who has learned that the God who made

him can also speak to him; through his inspired word and all…pervading


We are surrounded by earthly mysteries which the wisest cannot

solve; and some of them are very sad and dark。  Why should there

not be; as Ida said; a heavenly mystery?

After all; it is a question of fact。  The Christ of the New Testament

offers to give peace and spiritual healing。  Does he keep his word?

We say yes; on the broad ground of human experience and human

testimonythe ground on which is built the greater part of human


If this be true; what a reproach is contained in the words of our

Lord: 〃Ye will not come unto me that ye might have life〃!

Chapter XLIV。  〃The Garden of Eden。〃

〃Mr。 Eltinge;〃 Ida asked; as they were about to part; 〃have I a right

to the glad sense of escape and safety that has come so unexpectedly?〃

〃Your right;〃 he replied; 〃depends on the character of the Friend

you have found。  Do you think he is able and willing to keep his


〃Oh; Mr。 Eltinge; how plain you make it all!〃

〃No; my dear; it was made plain centuries ago。  You have as much

right to your happy feelings as to the sunshine; but never put your

feelings in the place of Christ; and trust in them。  That's like

putting faith in one's gratitude; instead of the friend whose

services inspired the gratitude。  But come again to…morrow; and

we'll go on with the 'old; old story。'  I've read it scores of

times; but am enjoying it now with you more than ever。  Good…by。〃

As Ida drew near to the hotel; Stanton stepped from the roadside

to meet her。

〃Ida;〃 he said; 〃if you cannot forgive me (and perhaps you cannot);

I'll leave to…morrow morningand perhaps I had better any way。  I

fear it was an evil day for us both when we came to this place。〃

〃I've thought so too; Cousin Ik;〃 she said kindly; 〃but I don't

now。  I'm glad I came here; though it has cost me a great deal of

suffering andandmaybut no matter。  I was better and worse than

you thought me。  I must in sincerity say that it has been hard to

forgive you; for your suspicion wounded me more deeply than you'll

ever know。  But my own need of forgiveness has taught me to forgive

others; and I now see that I also have been very disagreeable to

you; Ik。  Let us exchange forgiveness and be friends。〃

〃Ida; what has come over you?  You are no more like the girl that

I brought to the country than I'm like the self…satisfied fool that

accompanied you。〃

〃No; Ik; you are not a fool; and never were; but; like myself; you

had a good deal of self…complacency; and not much cause for it。

Pardon me for speaking plainly; but after what has passed between

us we can afford to be frank。  You may not win Jennie Burton; but

I believe she'll wake you up; and make a strong; genuine man of


〃Ida;〃 he said in a low tone; and with lips that quivered a little;

〃I'm not sorry that I love Jennie Burton; though in consequence I

may never see another happy day。  But good…by; I'm too confoundedly

blue to…day to speak to another mortal。  It's a great relief;

though; that you have forgiven me。  I wouldn't if I had been in

your place; and don't think I forgive myself because you have let

me off so easily;〃 and he turned hastily away; and was soon lost

to her view in the shrubbery by the roadside。

If Ida had puzzled Van Berg in the morning; he was still more

perplexed in the evening。  Slight traces of her deep emotion still

lingered around her eyes; but in the eyes themselves there shone

a light and hopefulness which he had never seen before; and which

he could not interpret。  Moreover; her face was growing so gentle

and womanly; so free from the impress of all that had marred

it heretofore; that he could not help stealing glances so often

that were Jennie Burton of a jealous disposition she might think

his interest not wholly artistic。  Although there was much of the

shrinking and retiring manner of the morning; and she did not join

in the general conversation; all traces of resentment and coldness

towards her companions had vanished。  She was considerate and even

kind to her mother; but in reply to her questions concerning the

people she had visited; said gently but firmly:

〃I will take you there some day; mother; and then you can judge

for yourself。〃

But with the exception of a promptness to check all reference to

herself and the day's experiences; her manner was so different from

what Mrs。  Mayhew had been accustomed to; that she could not help

turning many perplexed and curious glances toward her daughter;

and was evidently no better able to understand the subtle and yet

real change than was the artist himself。

Miss Burton; with her keen; delicate perceptions; recognized this

difference more fully than any of the others; and her instinct; rather

than anything she saw in Ida; enabled her to divine the cause in

part。  〃I know of but one thing that can account for Miss Mayhew's

behavior;〃 she thought; 〃and though she guards her secret well;

she cannot deceive a woman who has passed through my experience。

I begin to see it all。  She used Sibley as a blind; and she was

blind herself; poor child; when she did so; to everything save the

one womanly necessity of hiding an unsought love。  Well; well; my

outspoken lover has eyes for her sweet; chastened beauty to…night。

Perhaps he thinks he is studying her face as an artist。  Perhaps he

is。  But it strikes me that he has lost the critical and judicial

expression which I have noticed hitherto;〃 and a glimmer of a smile

that did not in the least suggest the 〃green…eyed monster〃 hovered

for a moment like a ray of light over Jennie Burton's face。

〃Mother;〃 said Ida; in a low; sympathetic tone; 〃I see one of your

headaches coming on。  Let me bathe your head after tea。〃

〃Ida;〃 whispered Mrs。 Mayhew; 〃you are so changed I don't know


The young girl flushed slightly; and by a quick; warning look

checked all further remark of this tendency。

〃She is indeed marvelously changed;〃 thought Miss Burton。  〃I feel

it even more than I can see it。  There must be some other influence

at work。  Who are these friends she is visiting; and who send her

back to us daily with some unexpected grace?  Yesterday it was

truthfulnessto…day an indescribable charm of manner that has

banished the element of eart

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