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a face illumined-第62节

小说: a face illumined 字数: 每页4000字

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wilderness and perish when the night comes; as it surely will?  If

you will follow him as well as you can; he'll bring you to a happy

and eternal home。  Thanks to his patient kindness which never

falters; he has brough me almost there。

〃And now; my young friends; beat with an old man; and let me say;

in conclusion; that you all need the kind; patient; faithful Friend

that I found so long ago。  No evil; no misfortune can come into any

human life that is beyond his power to remedy and finally banish

forever。  I you have not found this Friend; this Life…giver; I am

younger and happier than you are to…day; although I am eighty…eight

years old。〃

Once before a rash; despairing man lifted his hand against his life;

but God's message to him; through his apostle; was; 〃Do thyself no

harm。〃  And now again a faithful servant; speaking for him whose

coming was God's supreme expression of good…will towards men; had

brought a like merciful message to another poor soul that had taken

counsel of despair。  Ida Mayhew might learn; as did the jailer of

Philippi; that God has a better remedy than death for seemingly

irretrievable disasters。

The old gentleman's words came home to her with such a force

of personal application that she was deeply moved; and even awed。

They seemed like a divine messagenay more; like a restraining

hand。  〃How strange it was;〃 she thought; that she had come to this

place!how strange that a serene old; man; with heaven's peace

already on his brow; should have uttered the words best adapted

to her desperate need。  If he had spoken of duty; obligation; of

truth in the abstract; his tones would have been like the sound of

a wintry wind。  But he had spoken of a Friend; as tender; patient;

and helpful as he was powerful。  What was far more; he spoke with

the strong convincing confidence of personal knowledge。  He had tried

this Friend through all the vicissitudes of over half a century;

and found him true。  Could human assurancecould human testimony

go farther?  Deep in her heart she was conscious that hope was

reviving againthat the end had not yet come。

The gay young party; touched and subdued; passed out quietly with

the others。  But Ida lingered。

〃Who is that old gentleman?〃 she asked of a lady near her。

〃That is Mr。 EltingeMr。 James Eltinge;〃 was the reply。

Ida passed slowly towards the door; looking wistfully back at the

old man; who stopped to greet cheerily one and another。

〃No one need be afraid to speak to him;〃 she thought。  〃His every

look and tone show him to be kind and sincere。  I'll see him

beforebefore〃she shuddered; and scarcely dared to put her dark

purpose in thought in the presence of one who had lived patiently

at God's will for nearly a century。

She stepped out into the night and watched for his coming。  In a

moment or two the old gentleman also passed out; and stood waiting

for his carriage。

Timidly approaching him; she said; 〃Mr。 Eltinge; may I speak with


He stepped with her a little aside from the others。

〃Mr。 Eltinge;〃 she continued; in a voice that trembled and was

broken by her feeling; 〃I am one of the young people you spoke to

this evening。  I'm in troubledeep trouble。  I want such a Friend

as you described to…night。〃

He took her hand and said; in a hearty voice; 〃God bless you; my

child。  He wants you more than you want him。〃

〃May I come and see you to…morrow morning?〃 asked Ida; hurriedly;

for his tones of kindness; for which her heart was famishing; were

fast breaking down her self…control。

〃I'll come and see you;〃 was his prompt and cordial response。

〃No;〃 she faltered; 〃let it be as I wish。  Please tell me where to

find you。〃

As he finished directing her; she stooped down and kissed his hand;

and then vanished in the darkness。

〃Perhaps I'm not yet a cumberer of the ground;〃 murmured the old

man; wiping a sudden moisture from his eyes。

Chapter XXXIX。  Van Berg's Escape。

Ida found the party; on whose companionship she had in a measure

forced herself; waiting and calling for her。  The words of the old

gentleman had inspired them with kinder and more considerate feeling。

〃I'm coming;〃 she answered; 〃don't wait for me; I'll keep near


As they had already observed her evident wish to be left to herself;

they complied with her request。

The icy calm of her despair was now broken。

〃God bless him for his kindness!〃 she murmured; and 〃God bless

him for his hearty; hopeful words; they may save me yet;〃 and she

followed the others; crying softly to herself like a little child。

It would seem as if every warm tear fell on her heart; that had

been so hard and desperate before; so rapidly did it melt at the

thought of the old man's kindness。

But before she reached the hotel she began to grow excessively

weary。  She had not only overtaxed her powers of endurance; but

had over…estimated them。

At last; as she was about to ask her companions to walk more slowly;

lest she should be left alone by the roadside in her weakness; she

heard the sound of strong; rapid steps。

〃Where is Miss Mayhew?〃 was the anxious query of a voice that made

her heart bound and color come into her face; even at the moment

of almost mortal weakness and weariness。

〃Here is Miss Mayhew;〃 said one of the half…grown youths。  〃She

prefers to walk by herself; it seems。〃

〃Thank you;〃 replied Van Berg; decisively。  〃I will see her safely

home;〃 and the part went on; leaving him face to face with the

maiden whom he now believed he had very greatly wronged; and who;

he feared might yet proved herself capable of a terrible crime。

She stood before him with bowed head。  In her weakness and agitation

she trembled so violently that even in the starlight he could not

help seeing her distress; and it filled him at once with pity and


〃You are ill; Miss Mayhew;〃 he said; anxiously。

〃Yes;〃 she answered; then; conscious of her growing need; she

said; appealingly; 〃Mr。 Van Berg; with all my faults I am at least

a woman。  Please help me home。  I'm so weak and weary that I'm

almost ready to faint。〃

He seized her hand and faltered hoarsely; 〃Miss Mayhew; you have

notyou have not taken that drug…〃

She was so vividly conscious of her own dark secret; and so

impressed by his power to discover all the evil in her nature; that

she replied in a low tone;

〃Hush。  I understand you。  Not yet。〃

〃Thank God!〃 he ejaculated; with such a deep sigh of relief that

she looked at him in surprise。  The he drew her hand within his arm;

and weary as she was; she could not help noting that it trembled

as if he had an ague。

For a few moments they walked on without speaking。  Then the artist

addressed her。

〃Miss Mayhew…〃

〃Mr。 Van Berg;〃 she said; hastily interrupting him。  〃Spare me

to…night。  I'm too weary even to think。〃

Again they walked on in silence; but his agitation was evidently


〃Let me enter by that side door; please;〃 she said as they approached

the hotel。

〃Miss Mayhew;〃 he began in a low; hurried tone; 〃I must speak。  You

said you were a woman。  As such I appeal to you。  A woman may; at

times; have no pity on herself; but it rarely happens that she is

pitiless towards others; and it is said that she is often the most

generous and merciful towards those who have wronged her。  I have

wronged you cruelly and unpardonably。  I knew it as soon as you

entered the parlor last evening。  There is no excuse for meI

will never forgive myself; but I do most sincerely apologize and

ask your forgiveness。  Miss Mayhew; I appeal to your generosityI

appeal to your woman's heart。  If you should consummate the awful

purpose which I fear has been in your mind; I should go mad with

remorse。  You would destroy me as surely as yourself。  Pardon me for

speaking thus; but I fear so greatlyO God! can she have already

committed the fatal act?〃

Ida's overtaxed powers had given way; and she would have fallen had

he not sustained her。  His words had overwhelmed her; and; taken

in connection with those spoken by old Mr。 Eltinge; had given a

glimpse of the awful abyss into which she had well nigh plunged;

dragging others; perhaps; after her。  She recoiled from it all so

strongly that she became sick and faint from dread; and Van Berg

was compelled to support her to a rustic seat near the path。  He

was bout to leave her in order to obtain assistance; when she put

her hand on his arm and gasped:

〃Waitgive me timeI'll soon be better。  Do not call any one; I


〃Let me quietly bring you a little wine; then; from my own room?〃

She bowed her assent。

The stimulant soon revived her。  He stood at her side waiting with

intense anxiety till she should speak。  At last she rose slowly

and weakly; saying in a low tone:

〃Mr。 V

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