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a face illumined-第102节

小说: a face illumined 字数: 每页4000字

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was in the darkened room in which poor Jennie was resting; more

from her long passionate struggle with a sorrow she could not bury

than from the exhaustion caused by her rescue of Van Berg。

Friday morning happened to be very warm; and Ida did not visit Mr。

Eltinge; but ensconced herself in a distant corner of the piazza

with a book; the pages of which were not turned very regularly。

〃I wonder;〃 she thought; 〃when; if ever; we shall have another

friendly talk。  What a strange; deep hush; as it were; has come

after the passionate joy and desperate sorrow and fear of the past

week!  It is the type of what my inner life will be。  But I must

not complain; thousands of hearts; no doubt; are the burial…places

of as dear a hope as mine; and One is pledged to give me back my

life in some way; and at some time。

〃Miss Ida;〃 said a voice that made her start and crimson in spite

of herself; 〃may I come out and talk with you a little while?〃 and

she saw that Van Berg was speaking to her through the window blinds

of one of the private parlors。

〃Yes;〃 she said hesitatingly; 〃if you think it is best。〃

He went around and came openly to her side; bringing a small camp…chair

with him。  as he steadied himself against a piazza column in taking

his seat; and leaned his crutches on the railing; her looks were

very sympathetic。  With a smile he took on of his crutches in his

hands as he said:

〃I have come to these very properly at last; and you must have

seen their significance。  It is my spiritual and moral lameness;

however; that now troubles me most; Miss Mayhew。  When lying at the

bottom of that ravine; expecting death; I vowed; like most sinners

in similar circumstances; I suppose; that if I ever escaped I

would become a Christian man。  I intend to keep the vow if it is

a possible thing。  But I make no progress。  I prayed then; and I

have prayed and read my Bible since; but everything is forced and

formal; and the thought will come to me continually; that I might

as well pray to Socrates or Plato as to Christ。  I wish you could

teach me your faith。〃

〃Mr。 Van Berg;〃 replied Ida; with a troubled face; 〃I'm not wise

enough to guide you in such a matter。  I would much rather you

would talk with Mr。 Eltinge or some learned; good man。〃

〃I shall be glad to see Mr。 Eltinge; but I don't care to go to the

learned man just yet。  We might get into an argument; in which of

course I should be worsted; but I fear not convinced。  I have never

known anything so real as your faith has seemed; but I can obtain

nothing that in the least corresponds with it。  I ask; but receive

no more response than if I spoke to the empty air。  Then comes the

strong temptation to relapse into the old materialistic philosophy;

which I had practically accepted; and to believe that religious

experiences are imaginary; or the result of education and

temperament。  At the same time I have found this philosophy such a

wretched support; either in life or in the prospect of death; that

I would be glad to throw it away as worthless。〃

〃I fear to speak to you on this subject;〃 she said; 〃and shall not

for a moment attempt to teach you anything。  They say facts are

stubborn things; and I'll tell you a few; which to my simple; homely

common…sense are conclusive。  To a man's reason they may count for

little。  My religious experiences are not the result of education

or temperament; but are contrary to both; and if they are imaginary;

all my experiences are imaginary。  Perhaps I can best tell you what

I mean by an illustration that is a pleasant one to me。  There is

a partially finished picture in your studio that I hope to hang

some day in my own sanctum at home。  How shall I ever know that I

have that picture?  How shall I ever know that you have given it to

me?  I shall know it because you keep your promise and send it to

me。  I shall have it in my possession; and I shall enjoy it daily。

Are not hope; patience; peace; when the world could give no peace;

as real as your picture?  Is not the honest purpose to overcome

a nature that you know is so very faulty; as real a gift as any I

could receive?  If the Friend I have found promises me such things;

and at once begins to keep his word; why should I not trust him?

But remember; you must not expect from me very much at first; any

more than did Mr。 Eltinge from the little pear…tree he lifted up

and gave a chance to live。  Now; with one more thought; my small

cup of theology is emptied。  To go back to my illustration:  Suppose

some person should say that he had not a picture of Mr。 Eltinge;

that would be no proof that I did not have one; or that you had

not given one to me。  I don't see; Mr。 Van Berg; that the fact that

you have no faith this morning; is anything against the fact that

I and Mr。 Eltinge; and so many others do have faith; with good

reasons for it; and are able to say; 〃I KNOW that my Redeemer

liveth。'  The testimony of other people counts for something in

most matters。  Why must such men as Mr。 Eltinge be set down either

as deceivers or deceived; when they state some of the most certain

facts of their experience?〃

〃I knew you were the right one to come to;〃 he said; looking at

her so earnestly that her eyes fell before his; 〃but why is it; do

you think; that I receive no answer?〃

〃As I told you; my little cup of knowledge is empty; but it seems

to me that in your happy; wonderful rescue you were answered。  You

have promised to become a Christian; Mr。 Van Berg。  You certainly

did not limit your effort to this week。  Surely to be a Christian

is worth a lifetime of effort。〃

〃I understand you again;〃 he said with a smile; 〃you leave me

no other choice than to make a lifetime of effort。  But I fear it

will be awfully up…hill work。  The Bible seems to me an old…world

book。  Many parts take a strong hold on my imagination; and of

course I know its surpassing literary merit; but I don't find in

it much that seems personally applicable or helpful。  Do you?  I

admit; though; that when I read words this morning to the effect

that 'a brutish man knoweth not; neither doth a fool understand。'

I felt that the good old saint must have had his prophetic eye on

me at the time of writing。〃

〃You are as unjust towards yourself as ever; I see;〃 she said。

〃I have found another Psalm that to me meant so much that I have

committed the first part of it to memory。  You can understand why

the following words are significant;〃 and in the plaintive tones that

had vibrated so deeply in his heart when she read to Mr。 Eltinge;

she repeated:

〃I love the Lord because he hath heard my voice and my supplication。

〃Because he hath inclined his ear unto me; therefore will I call

upon him as long as I live。

〃The sorrows of death compassed me; and the pains of hell got hold

upon me:  I found trouble and sorrow。

〃Then called I upon the name of the Lord; O Lord; I beseech thee;

deliver my soul。

〃The Lord preserveth the simple:  I was brought low and he HELPED


〃Return unto thy rest; O my soul; for the Lord hath dealt bountifully

with thee。

〃For thou hast delivered my soul from death; mine eyes from tears;

and my feet from falling。

〃And this is my conclusion; Mr。 Van Berg; 'I will walk before the

Lord in the land of the living。'  I am going to find plenty of

good; live; wholesome work to do 'in the land of the living;' and

I intend to do it as if I enjoyed it; indeed; I think I shall enjoy

it;〃 and she rose and left him with a genial and cheery smile。

But he sat still and thought long and deeply。  At last he muttered

in conclusion:  〃'By their fruits ye shall know them。'  Once more;

God bless Ida Mayhew for all she has been to me!〃

When they were gathered at dinner; Jennie Burton walked in and took

her seat in the most quiet and matter of course way possible。

Van Berg laid down his knife and fork and exclaimed:  〃You have

stolen a march on us。  We designed giving you an ovation when you

came down。〃

〃Will you please pass me the bread in its place; Mr。 Van Berg?〃  she

replied in her former piquant; mirthful way。  〃With the appetite

that is coming back to me; one of Mr。 Burleigh's good dinners is far

more to my taste than an ovation which I now decline with thanks。〃

Very pale and slight she certainly had become; but they saw her old

cheery; indomitable spirit once more looked out of her blue eyes

and vibrated in the tones of her voice。  With the changes indicated;

she was the same bright little 〃enigma in brown〃 that had so

fascinated Van Berg the first day of her arrival; and led him to make

the half…jesting prediction to Stanton that had been so thoroughly

fulfilled。  In spite of themselves her irresistible grace; wit;

and humor created continuous and irrepressible merriment at their

table; which Ida seconded with a tact and piquancy but little

inferior to that of Mis

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