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napoleon bonaparte, v1-第13节

小说: napoleon bonaparte, v1 字数: 每页4000字

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duty of the valet de chambre to follow the carriage on horseback。  One
day the First Consul; while returning to Paris; ascertained a short
distance from the chateau that he had forgotten his snuff…box; and sent
me for it。  I turned my bridle; set off at a gallop; and; having found
the snuff…box on his desk; retraced my steps to overtake him; but did not
succeed in doing so till he had reached Ruelle。  Just as I drew near the
carriage my horse slipped on a stone; fell; and threw me some distance
into a ditch。  The fall was very severe; and I remained stretched on the
ground; with one shoulder dislocated; and an arm badly bruised。  The
First Consul ordered the horses stopped; himself gave orders to have me
taken up; and cautioned them to be very careful in moving me; and I was
borne; attended by…him; to the barracks of Ruelle; where he took pains
before continuing his journey to satisfy himself that I was in no danger。
The physician of his household was sent to Ruelle; my shoulder set; and
my arm dressed; and from there I was carried as gently as possible to
Malmaison; where; good Madame; Bonaparte had the kindness to come to see
me; and lavished on me every attention。

The day I returned to service; after my recovery; I was in the
antechamber of the First Consul as he came out of his cabinet。  He drew
near me; and inquired with great interest how I was。  I replied that;
thanks to the care taken of me; according to the orders of my excellent
master and mistress; I was quite well again。  〃So much the better;〃 said
the First Consul。  〃Constant; make haste; and get your strength back。
Continue to serve me well; and I will take care of you。  Here;〃 added he;
placing in my hand three little crumpled papers; 〃these are to replenish
your wardrobe;〃 and he passed on; without listening to the profuse thanks
which; with great emotion; I was attempting to express; much more for the
consideration and interest in me shown by him than for his present; for I
did not then know of what it consisted。  After he passed on I unrolled my
papers: they were three bank…bills; each for a thousand francs!  I was
moved to tears by so great a kindness。  We must remember that at this
period the First Consul was not rich; although he was the first
magistrate of the republic。  How deeply the remembrance of this generous
deed touches me; even to…day。  I do not know if details so personal to me
will be found interesting; but they seem to me proper as evidence of the
true character of the Emperor; which has been so outrageously
misrepresented; and also as an instance of his ordinary conduct towards
the servants of his house; it shows too; at the same time; whether the
severe economy that he required in his domestic management; and of which
I will speak elsewhere; was the result; as has been stated; of sordid
avarice; or whether it was not rather a rule of prudence; from which he
departed willingly whenever his kindness of heart or his humanity urged
him thereto。

I am not certain that my memory does not deceive me in leading me to put
in this place a circumstance which shows the esteem in which the First
Consul held the brave soldiers of his army; and how he loved to manifest
it on all occasions。  I was one day in his sleeping…room; at the usual
hour for his toilet; and was performing that day the duties of chief
valet; Hambard being temporarily absent or indisposed; there being in the
room; besides the body servants; only the brave ;and modest Colonel
Gerard Lacuee; one of the aides…de…camp of the First Consul。  Jerome
Bonaparte; then hardly seventeen years of age; was introduced。  This
young man gave his family frequent cause of complaint; and feared no one
except his brother Napoleon; who reprimanded; lectured; and scolded him
as if he had been his own son。  There was a question at the time of
making him a sailor; less with the object of giving him a career; than of
removing him from the seductive temptations which the high position of
his brother caused to spring up incessantly around his path; and which he
had little strength to resist。  It may be imagined what it cost him to
renounce pleasures so accessible and so delightful to a young man。  He
did not fail to protest; on all occasions; his unfitness for sea…service;
going so far; it is said; that he even caused himself to be rejected by
the examining board of the navy as incompetent; though he could easily
have prepared himself to answer the few questions asked。  However; the
will of the First Consul must be obeyed; and Jerome was compelled to
embark。  On the day of which I have spoken; after some moments of
conversation and scolding; still on the subject of the navy; Jerome said
to his brother; 〃Instead of sending me to perish of ennui at sea; you
ought to take me for an aide…de…camp。〃〃What; take you; greenhorn;〃
warmly replied the First Consul; 〃wait till a ball has furrowed your face
and then I will see about it;〃 at the same time calling his attention to
Colonel Lacuee;  who blushed; and dropped his eyes to the floor like a
young girl; for; as is well known; he bore on his face the scar made by a
bullet。  This gallant colonel was killed in 1805 before Guntzbourg; and
the Emperor deeply regretted his loss; for he ways one of the bravest and
most skillful officers of the army。

It was; I believe; about this time that the First Consul conceived a
strong passion for a very intelligent and handsome young woman; Madame D。
Madame Bonaparte; suspecting this intrigue; showed jealousy; and her
husband did all he could to allay her wifely suspicions。  Before going to
the chamber of his mistress he would wait until every one was asleep in
the chateau; and he even carried his precautions so far as to go from his
room to hers in his night…dress; without shoes or slippers。  Once I found
that day was about to break before his return; and fearing scandal; I
went; as the First Consul had ordered me to do in such a case; to notify
the chambermaid of Madame D。 to go to her mistress and tell her the hour。
It was hardly five minutes after this timely notice had been given; when
I saw the First Consul returning; in great excitement; of which I soon
learned the cause。  He had discovered; on his return; one of Madame
Bonaparte's women; lying in wait; and who had seen him through the window
of a closet opening upon the corridor。  The First Consul; after a
vigorous outburst against the curiosity of the fair sex; sent me to the
young scout from the enemy's camp to intimate to her his orders to hold
her tongue; unless she wished to be discharged without hope of return。
I do not know whether I added a milder argument to these threats to buy
her silence; but; whether from fear or for compensation; she had the good
sense not to talk。  Nevertheless; the successful lover; fearing another
surprise; directed me to rent in the Allee des Ireuves a little house
where he and Madame D。 met from time to time。  Such were; and continued
to be; the precautions of the First Consul towards his wife。  He had the
highest regard for her; and took all imaginable care to prevent his
infidelities coming to her knowledge。  Besides; these passing fancies did
not lessen the tenderness he felt for her; and although other women
inspired him with love; no other woman had his confidence and friendship
to the same extent as Madame Bonaparte。  There have been a thousand and
one calumnies repeated of the harshness and brutality of the First Consul
towards women。  He was not always gallant; but I have never seen him
rude; and; however singular it may seem after what I have just related;
he professed the greatest veneration for a wife of exemplary conduct;
speaking in admiring terms of happy households; and he did not admire
cynicism; either in morals or in language。  When he had any liaisons he
kept them secret; and concealed them with great care。


The 3d Nivose; year IX。  (Dec。  21; 1800);

     'Under the Republican regime the years were counted from the
     proclamation of the Republic; Sept。  22; 1792。  The year was divided
     into twelve months of thirty days each; re…named from some
     peculiarity; as Brumaire (foggy); Nivose (snowy); Thermidor (hot);
     Fructidor (fruit); etc。; besides five supplementary days of
     festivals; called 'sans…culottides'。  The months were divided into
     three decades of ten days instead of weeks; the tenth day (decadi)
     being in lieu of Sunday。  The Republican calendar lasted till Jan。
     1; 1806; as to the years and months at least; though the Concordat
     had restored the weeks and Sabbaths。TRANS。

the Opera presented; by order; The Creation of Haydn; and the First
Consul had announced that he would be present; with all his household; at
this magnificent oratorio。  He dined on that day with Madame Bonaparte;
her daughter; and Generals Rapp; Lauriston; Lannes; and Berthier。  I was
on duty; but as the First Consul was going to the Opera; I knew that I
should not be needed at the chateau; and resolved; for my part; to go to
the Feydeau; occupying the box which Madame Bonaparte allowed us; and
which was situated under hers。  After dinner; which the First Consul

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