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the burning spear-第6节

小说: the burning spear 字数: 每页4000字

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up and smiled。

〃Believe me;〃 continued Mr。 Lavender; 〃no task in these days is so

important as the cultivation of the soil; now that we are fighting to the

last man and the last dollar every woman and child in th islands should

put their hands to the plough。  And at that word his vision became

feverishly enlarged; so that he seemed to see not merely the young lady;

but quantities of young ladies; filling the whole garden。

〃This;〃 he went on; raising his voice; 〃is the psychological moment; the

turning…point in the history of these islands。  The defeat of our common

enemies imposes on us the sacred duty of feeding ourselves once more。

'There is a tide in the affairs of men which taken at the flood leads on

to Oh!〃  For in his desire to stir his audience; Mr。 Lavender had

reached out too far; and losing foothold on his polished bedroom floor;

was slipping down into the lilac…bush。  He was arrested by a jerk from

behind; where Blink; moved by this sudden elopement of her master; had

seized him by the nightshirt tails; and was staying his descent。

〃Is anything up?〃 said the young lady。

〃I have lost my balance;〃 thickly answered Mr。 Lavender; whose blood was

running to his head; which was now lower than his feet。〃 Fortunately; my

dog seems to be holding me from behind。  But if someone could assist her

it would be an advantage; for I fear that I am slipping。〃

〃Hold on!〃 cried the young lady。  And breaking through the low privet

hedge which separated the domains; she vanished beneath him with a low

gurgling sound。

Mr。 Lavender; who dared not speak again for fear that Blink; hearing his

voice; might let go to answer; remained suspended; torn with anxiety

about his costume。  〃If she comes in;〃 he thought; 〃I shall die from

shame。  And if she doesn't; I shall die from a broken neck。  What a

dreadful alternative!  And he firmly grasped the most substantial lilac…

boughs within; his reach; listening with the ears of a hare for any sound

within the room; in which he no longer was to any appreciable extent。

Then the thought of what a public man should feel in his position came to

his rescue。  〃We die but once;〃 he mused; 〃rather than shock that

charming lady let me seek oblivion。〃 And the words of his obituary notice

at once began to dance before his eyes。  〃This great public servant

honoured his country no less in his death than in his life。'  Then

striking out vigorously with his feet he launched his body forward。  The

words 〃My goodness resounded above him; as all restraining influence was

suddenly relaxed; Mr。 Lavender slid into the lilac…bush; turned heels

over head; and fell bump on the ground。  He lay there at full; length;

conscious of everything; and especially of the faces of Blink and the

young lady looking down on him from the window。

〃Are you hurt?〃 she called。

〃No;〃 said Mr。 Lavender that iseryes;〃 he added; ever scrupulously


〃I'm coming down;〃 said the young lady。

〃Don't move!〃

With a great effort Mr。 Lavender arranged his costume; and closed his

eyes。  〃 How many lie like this; staring at the blue heavens!〃 he


〃Where has it got you?〃 said a voice; and he saw the young lady bending

over him。

〃'In the dorsal region; I think;〃 said Mr。 Lavender。  〃But I suffer more

from the thought that Ithat you〃

〃That's all right;〃 said the young lady; 〃I'm a V。A。D。  It WAS a bump!

Let's see if you can〃 and taking his hands she raised him to a

sitting posture。  〃Does it work?〃

〃Yes;〃 said Mr。 Lavender rather faintly。

〃Try and stand;〃 said the young lady; pulling。

Mr。  Lavender tried; and stood; but no; sooner was he on his feet than

she turned her face away。  Great tears rolled down her cheeks; and she

writhed and shook all over。

〃Don't!〃 cried Mr。 Lavender; much concerned。  〃I beg you not to cry。

It's nothing; I assure younothing!〃  The young lady with

an effort controlled her emotion; and turned her large grey eyes on him。

〃The angelic devotion of nurses!〃 murmured Mr。 Lavender; leaning against

the wall of the house with his hand to his back。  〃Nothing like it has

been seen since the world began。〃

〃I shall never forget the sight!〃 said the young lady; choking。

Mr。 Lavender; who took the noises she made for sobbing; was unutterably


〃I can't bear to see you distressed on my account;〃 he said。  〃I am quite

well; I assure you; lookI can walk!〃  And he started forth up the

garden in his nightshirt and Norfolk jacket。  When he turned round she

was no longer there; sounds of uncontrollable emotion were audible from

the adjoining garden。  Going to the privet hedge; he looked aver。  She

was lying gracefully on the grass; with her face smothered in her hands;

and her whole body shaking。  〃Poor thing!〃 thought Mr。 Lavender。  〃No

doubt she is one of those whose nerves have been destroyed by the

terrible sights she has seen!〃  But at that moment the young lady rose

and ran as if demented into her castle。  Mr。 Lavender stayed transfixed。

〃Who would not be ill for the pleasure of drinking from a cup held by her

hand?〃 he thought。  〃I am fortunate to have received injuries in trying

to save her from confusion。  Down; Blink; down!〃

For his dog; who had once more leaped from the window; was frantically

endeavouring to lick his face。  Soothing her; and feeling his anatomy;

Mr。 Lavender became conscious that he was not alone。  An old lady was

standing on the gardenpath which led to the front gate; holding in her

hand a hat。  Mr。 Lavender sat down at once; and gathering his nightshirt

under him; spoke as follows:

〃There are circumstances; madam; which even the greatest public servants

cannot foresee; and I; who am the humblest of them; ask you to forgive me

for receiving you in this costume。〃

〃I have brought your hat back; 〃 said the old lady with a kindling eye;

〃they told me you lived here and I was anxious to know that you and your

dear dog were none the worse。

〃Madam;〃 replied Mr。 Lavender; 〃I am infinitely obliged to you。  Would

you very kindly hang my; hat up on theerweeping willow。  tree?〃

At this moment a little white dog; who accompanied the old lady; began

sniffing round Mr。 Lavender; and Blink; wounded in her proprietary

instincts; placed her paws at once on her master's shoulders; so that he

fell prone。  When he recovered a sitting posture neither the old lady nor

the little dog were in sight; but his hat was hanging on a laurel bush。

〃There seems to be something fateful about this morning;〃 he mused; 〃I

had better go in before the rest of the female population〃 and

recovering his feet with difficulty; he took his hat; and was about to

enter the house when he saw the young lady watching him from an upper

window of the adjoining castle。  Thinking to relieve her anxiety; he said

at once:

〃My dear young lady; I earnestly beg you to believe that such a thing

never happens to me; as a rule。〃

Her face was instantly withdrawn; and; sighing deeply; Mr。 Lavender

entered the house and made his way upstairs。  〃 Ah!〃 he thought;

painfully recumbent in his bed once more; 〃though my bones ache and my

head burns I have performed an action not unworthy of the traditions of

public life。  There is nothing more uplifting than to serve Youth and

Beauty at the peril of one's existence。  Humanity and Chivalry have ever

been the leading characteristics of the British race;〃 and; really half…

delirious now; he cried aloud: 〃This incident will for ever inspire those

who have any sense of beauty to the fulfilment of our common task。

Believe me; we shall never sheathe the sword until the cause of humanity

and chivalry is safe once more。〃

Blink; ever uneasy about sounds which seemed to her to have no meaning;

stood up on her hind legs and endeavoured to stay them by licking his

face; and Mr。 Lavender; who had become so stiff that he could not stir

without great pain; had to content himself by moving his head feebly from

side to side until his dog; having taken her fill; resumed the

examination of her bone。  Perceiving presently that whenever he began to…

talk she began to lick his face; he remained silent; with his mouth open

and his eyes shut; in an almost unconscious condition; from which he was

roused by a voice saying:

〃He is suffering from alcoholic poisoning。〃

The monstrous injustice of these words restored his faculties; and seeing

before him what he took to be a large concourse of people composed in

reality of Joe Petty; Mrs。 Petty; and the doctorhe thus addressed them

in a faint; feverish voice:

〃The pressure of these times; ladies and gentlemen; brings to the fore

the most pushing and obstreperous blackguards。  We have amongst us

persons who; under the thin disguise of patriotism; do not scruple to

bring hideous charges against public men。  Such but serve the blood…

stained cause of our common enemies。  Consc

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