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the burning spear-第21节

小说: the burning spear 字数: 每页4000字

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At that word the two young people shrank together till they were standing

side by side; staring at Mr Lavender with eyes full of anxiety and

wonder。  Their hands; which still held the implements of dentistry;

insensibly sought each other。

Be under no apprehension;〃 cried Mr。 Lavender; much moved; 〃I can see

that you are greatly attached; and even though your husband is a German;

he is still a man; and I could never bring myself to separate him from


〃Who are you?〃 said the young woman in a frightened voice; putting her

arm round her husband's waist。

〃Just a public man;〃 answered Mr。 Lavender。

〃I came here from a sense of duty; nothing more; assure you。〃

〃Who put you up to it?

〃That;〃 said Mr。 Lavender; bowing as best he could from the angle he was

in; 〃I am not at liberty to disclose。  But; believe me; you have nothing

to fear from this visit; I shall never do anything to distress a woman。

And please charge me as if the tooth had been extracted。〃

The young German smiled; and shook his head。

〃Sir;〃 he said; 〃I am grateful to you for coming; for it shows us what

danger we are in。  The hardest ting to bear has been the uncertainty of

our bosition; and the feeling that our friends were working behind our

backs。  Now we know that this is so we shall vordify our souls to bear

the worst。  But; tell me;〃 he went on; 〃when you came here; surely you

must have subbosed that to tear me away from my wife would be very

bainful to her and to myself。  You say now you never could do that; how

was it; then; you came?〃

〃Ah; sir!〃 cried Mr。 Lavender; running his hands through his hair and

staring at the ceiling; 〃I feared this might seem inconsistent to your

logical German mind。  But there are many things we public men would never

do if we could see them being done。  Fortunately; as a rule we cannot。

Believe me; when I leave you I shall do my best to save you from a fate

which I perceive to be unnecessary。〃

So saying; he rose from the chair; and; picking up his hat; backed

towards the door。

〃I will not offer you my hand;〃 he said; 〃for I am acutely conscious that

my position is neither dignified nor decent。  I owe you a tooth that I

shall not readily forget。  Good…bye!〃

And backing through the doorway he made his way down the stairs and out

into the street; still emotionalized by the picture of the two young

people holding each other by the waist。  He had not; however; gone far

before reason resumed its sway; and he began to see that the red velvet

chair in which he had been sitting was in reality a wireless apparatus

reaching to Berlin; or at least concealed a charge of dynamite to blow up

some King or Prime Minister; and that the looking…glasses; of which he

had noticed two at least; were surely used for signalling to Gothas or

Zeppelins。  This plunged him into a confusion so poignant that; rather by

accident than design; he found himself again at Hampstead instead of at

Scotland Yard。  〃In the society of Aurora alone;〃 he thought; 〃can I free

myself from the goadings of conscience; for it was she who sent me on

that errand。〃  And; instead of going in; he took up a position on his

lawn whence he could attract her attention by waving his arms。  He had

been doing this for some time; to the delight of Blink; who thought it a

new game; before he saw her in her nurse's dress coming out of a French…

window with her yellow book in her hand。  Redoubling his efforts till he

had arrested her attention; he went up to the privet hedge; and said; in

a deep and melancholy voice:

〃Aurora; I have failed in my duty; and the errand on which you sent me is

unfulfilled。  Mrs。 Pullbody's sister's husband's sister's husband is

still; largely speaking; at large。〃

〃I knew he would be;〃 replied the young lady; with her joyous smile

that's why I put her on to youthe cat!〃

At a loss to understand her meaning; Mr。 Lavender; who had bent forward

above the hedge in his eagerness to explain; lost his balance; and;

endeavouring to save the hedge; fell over into some geranium pots。

〃Dear Don Pickwixote;〃 cried the young lady; assisting him to rise; 〃have

you hurt your nose?〃

〃It is not that;〃 said Mr。 Lavender; removing some mould from his hair;

and stifling the attentions of Blink; 〃but rather my honour; for I have

allowed my duty to my country to be overridden by the common emotion of


〃Hurrah!〃 cried the young lady。  〃It'll do you ever so much good。〃

〃Aurora!〃 cried Mr。 Lavender aghast; walking at her side。  But the young

lady only uttered her enchanting laugh。

〃Come and lie down in the hammock!〃 she said you're looking like a ghost。

I'll cover you up with a rug; and smoke a cigarette to keep the midges

off you。 Tuck up your legs; that's right!〃

〃No!〃 said Mr。 Lavender from the recesses of the hammock; feeling his

nose; 〃let the bidges bide me。  I deserve they should devour me alive。

〃All right;〃 said the young lady。  〃But have a nap; anyway!  〃And sitting

down in a low chair; she opened her book and lit a cigarette。

Mr。 Lavender remained silent; watching her with the eyes of an acolyte;

and wondering whether he was in his senses to have alighted on so rare a

fortune。  Nor was it long before he fell into a hypnotic doze。

How long Mr。 Lavender had been asleep he could not of course tell before

he dreamed that he was caught in a net; the meshes of which were formed

of the cries of newspaper boys announcing atrocities by land and sea。  He

awoke looking into the eyes of Aurora; who; to still his struggles; had

taken hold of his ankles。

〃My goodness!  You are thin were the first words he heard。  〃No wonder

you're lightheaded。〃

Mr。 Lavender; whose returning chivalry struggled with unconscious

delight; murmured with difficulty:

〃Let me go; let me go; it is too heavenly!

〃Well; have you finished kicking?〃 asked the young lady。

〃Yes;〃 returned Mr。 Lavender in a fainting voice〃 alas!〃

The young lady let go of his ankles; and; aiding him to rise from the

hammock; said: 〃 I know what's the matter with you nowyou're starving

yourself。  You ought to be kept on your back for three months at least;

and fed on butter。〃

Mr。 Lavender; soothing the feelings of Blink; who; at his struggles; had

begun to pant deeply; answered with watering lips:

〃Everyone in these days must do twice as much as he ought; and I eat

half; for only in this way can we compass the defeat of our common

enemies。〃  The young lady's answer; which sounded like 〃Bosh!〃 was lost

in Mr。 Lavender's admiration of her magnificent proportions as she bent

to pick up her yellow book。

〃Aurora;〃 he said; 〃I know not what secret you share with the goddesses;

suffer me to go in and give thanks for this hour spent in your company。〃

And he was about to recross the privet hedge when she caught him by the

coat…tag; saying:

〃No; Don Pickwixote; you must dine with us。  I want you to meet my

father。  Come along!〃  And; linking her arm in his; she led him towards

her castle。  Mr。 Lavender; who had indeed no; option but to obey; such

was the vigour of her arm; went with a sense of joy not unmingled with

consternation lest the personage she spoke of should have viewed him in

the recent extravagance of his dreaming moments。

〃I don't believe;〃 said the young lady; gazing down at him; 〃that you

weigh an ounce more than seven stone。  It's appalling!

〃Not;〃 returned Mr。 Lavender; 〃by physical weight and force shall we win

this war; for it is at bottom a question of morale。  Right is; ever

victorious in the end; and though we have infinitely greater material

resources than our foes; we should still triumph were we reduced to the

last ounce; because of the inherent nobility of our cause。〃

〃You'll be reduced to the last ounce if we don't feed; you up somehow;〃

said the young lady。

〃Would you like to wash your hands?〃

Mr。 Lavender having signified his assent; she left him alone in a place

covered with linoleum。  When; at length; followed by Blink; he emerged

from dreamy ablutions; Mr。 Lavender; saw that she had changed her dress

to a flowing blue garment of diaphanous character; which made her appear;

like an emanation of the sky。  He was about to say so when he noticed a

gentleman in khaki scrutinizing him with lively eyes slightly injected

with blood。

〃Don Pickwixote;〃 said the young lady; 〃my father; Major Scarlet。〃

Mr。 Lavender's hand was grasped by one which seemed to him made of iron。

〃I am honoured; sir;〃 he said painfully; 〃to meet the father of my

charming young neighbour。〃

The Major answered in a voice as clipped as his grey bottle…brush

moustache; 〃Delighted!  Dinner's ready。  Come along!〃

Mr。 Lavender saw that he had a mouth which seemed to have a bitt in it;

several hairs on a finely rounded head; and an air of efficient and

truculent bonhomie t

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