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the burning spear-第2节

小说: the burning spear 字数: 每页4000字

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in。  A dark; dusty; deserted corridor led him nowhere; till he came on a

little girl in a brown frock; with her hair down her back。

〃Can you tell me; little one〃 he said; laying his hand on her head。

〃Chuck it!〃 said the little girl。

〃No; no!〃 responded Mr。 Lavender; deeply hurt。  〃Can you tell me where I

can find the Minister?〃

〃'Ave you an appointment?

〃No; but I wrote to him。  He should expect me。〃

〃Wot nyme?〃

〃John Lavender。  Here is my card。〃

〃I'll tyke it in。  Wyte 'ere!〃

〃Wonderful!〃 mused Mr。 Lavender; 〃the patriotic impulse already stirring

in these little hearts!  What was the stanza of that patriotic poet?

         〃'Lives not a babe who shall not feel the pulse

          Of Britain's need beat wild in Britain's wrist。

          And; sacrificial; in the world's convulse

          Put up its lips to be by Britain kissed。'

So young to bring their lives to the service of the country!〃

〃Come on;〃 said the little girl; reappearing suddenly; 〃e'll see you。〃

Mr。 Lavender entered a room which had a considerable resemblance to the

office of a lawyer save for the absence of tomes。  It seemed furnished

almost exclusively by the Minister; who sat with knees crossed; in a pair

of large round tortoiseshell spectacles; which did not; however; veil the

keenness of his eyes。  He was a man with close

cropped grey hair; a broad; yellow; clean…shaven face; and thrusting grey


〃Mr。 Lavender;〃 he said; in a raw; forcible voice; 〃sit down; will you?〃

〃I wrote to you;〃 began our hero; 〃expressing the wish to offer myself as

a speaker。〃

〃Ah!〃 said the Minister。  〃Let's seeLavender; Lavender。  Here's your

letter。〃  And extracting a letter from a file he read it; avoiding with

difficulty his tortoiseshell spectacles。  〃You want to stump the country?

M。A。; Barrister; and Fellow of the Zoological。  Are you a good speaker?〃

〃If zeal… 〃 began Mr。 Lavender。

〃That's it; spark!  We're out to win this war; sir。〃

〃Quite so;〃 began Mr。 Lavender。  〃If devotion〃

〃You'll have to use gas;〃 said the Minister; and we don't pay。〃

〃Pay!〃 cried Mr。 Lavender with horror; 〃no; indeed!〃

The Minister bent on him a shrewd glance。

〃What's your line?  Anything particular; or just general patriotism?

I recommend that; but you'll have to put some punch into it; you


〃I have studied all the great orators of the war; sir;〃 said Mr。

Lavender; 〃and am familiar with all the great writers on; it。  I should

form myself on them; and if enthusiasm〃

〃Quite!〃 said the Minister。  〃If you want any atrocities we can give you

them。  No facts and no figures; just general pat。〃

〃I shall endeavour〃 began Mr。 Lavender。

〃Well; good…bye;〃 said the Minister; rising。  〃When do you start?〃

Mr。 Lavender rose too。  〃To…morrow;〃 he said; 〃if I can get inflated。〃

The Minister rang a bell。

〃You're on your own; mind;〃 he said。  〃No facts; what they want is

ginger。  Yes; Mr。 Japes? 〃

And seeing that the Minister was looking over his tortoiseshell。

spectacles at somebody behind him; Mr。 Lavender turned and went out。  In

the corridor he thought; 〃What terseness!  How different from the days

when Dickens wrote his 'Circumlocution Office'!  Punch!〃  And opening the

wrong door; he found himself in the presence of six little girls in brown

frocks; sitting against the walls with their thumbs in their mouths。

〃Oh!〃 he said; 〃I'm afraid I've lost my way。〃

The eldest of the little girls withdrew a thumb。

〃What d'yer want?〃

〃The door;〃 said Mr。 Lavender。

〃Second on the right。〃

〃Goodbye;〃 said Mr。 Lavender。

The little girls did not answer。  And he went out thinking; 〃These

children are really wonderful!  What devotion one sees!  And yet the

country is not yet fully roused!〃



Joe Petty stood contemplating the car which; purchased some fifteen years

before had not been used since the war began。  Birds had nested in its

hair。  It smelled of mould inside; it creaked from rust。  〃The Guv'nor

must be cracked;〃 he thought; 〃to think we can get anywhere in this old

geyser。  Well; well; it's summer; if we break down it won't break my

'eart。  Government jobbetter than diggin' or drillin'。  Good old Guv。!〃

So musing; he lit his pipe and examined the recesses beneath the driver's

seat。  〃A bottle or three;〃 he thought; 〃in case our patriotism should

get us stuck a bit off the beaten; a loaf or two; some 'oney in a pot;

and a good old 'am。

A life on the rollin' road'  'Ow they can give 'im the job I can't

think!〃  His soliloquy was here interrupted by the approach of his wife;

bearing a valise。

〃Don't you wish you was comin'; old girl?〃 he remarked to her lightly。

〃I do not; I'm glad to be shut of you。  Keep his feet dry。  What have you

got under there?〃

Joe Petty winked。

〃What a lumbering great thing it looks!〃 said Mrs。 Petty; gazing upwards。

〃Ah!〃 returned her husband thoughtfully; we'll 'ave the population round

us without advertisement。  And taking the heads of two small boys who had

come up; he knocked them together in an absent…minded fashion。

〃Well;〃 said Mrs。 Petty; 〃I can't waste time。  Here's his extra set of

teeth。  Don't lose them。  Have you got your own toothbrush?  Use it; and

behave yourself。  Let me have a line。  And don't let him get excited。〃

She tapped her forehead。

〃Go away; you boys; shoo!〃

The boys; now six in number; raised a slight cheer ; for at that moment

Mr。 Lavender; in a broad…brimmed grey felt hat and a holland dust…coat;

came out through his garden…gate carrying a pile of newspapers and

pamphlets so large that his feet; legs; and hat alone were visible。

〃Open the door; Joe!〃 he said; and stumbled into the body of the vehicle。

A shrill cheer rose from the eight boys; who could see him through the

further window。  Taking this for an augury Of success; Mr。 Lavender

removed his hat; and putting his head through the window; thus addressed

the ten boys:

I thank you。  The occasion is one which I shall ever remember。  The

Government has charged me with the great task of rousing our country in

days which demand of each of us the utmost exertions。  I am proud to feel

that I have here; on the very threshold of my task; an audience of bright

young spirits; each one of whom in this democratic country has in him

perhaps the makings of a General or even of a Prime Minister。  Let it be

your earnest endeavour; boys〃

At this moment a piece of indiarubber rebounded from Mr。 Lavender's

forehead; and he recoiled into the body of the car。

〃Are you right; sir?〃 said Joe; looking in; and without waiting for reply

he started the engine。  The car moved out amid a volley of stones; balls;

cheers; and other missiles from the fifteen boys who pursued it with

frenzy。  Swaying slightly from side to side; with billowing bag; it

gathered speed; and; turning a corner; took road for the country。  Mr。

Lavender; somewhat dazed; for the indiarubber had been hard; sat gazing

through the little back window at the great city he was leaving。  His

lips moved; expressing unconsciously the sentiments of innumerable Lord

Mayors: 〃Greatest City in the world; Queen of Commerce; whose full heart

I can still hear beating behind me; in mingled pride and regret I leave

you。  With the most sacred gratitude I lay down my office。  I go to other

work; whose Joe!〃


〃Do you see that?〃

〃I see your 'ead; that's all; sir。〃

〃We seem to be followed by a little column of dust; which keeps ever at

the same distance in the middle of the road。  Do you think it can be an


〃No; I should think it's a dog。〃

〃In that case; hold hard!〃 said Mr。 Lavender; who had a weakness for

dog's。  Joe slackened the car's pace; and leaned his head round the

comer。  The column of dust approached rapidly。

〃It is a dog;〃 said Mr。 Lavender it's Blink。〃

The female sheep…dog; almost flat with the ground from speed; emerged

from the dust; wild with hair and anxiety; white on the cheeks and

chest and top of the head; and grey in the body and the very little tail;

and passed them like a streak of lightning。

〃Get on!〃  cried Mr。 Lavender; excited; 〃follow her she's trying to catch

us up!〃

Joe urged on the car; which responded gallantly; swaying from side to

side; while the gas…bag bellied and shook; but the faster it went the

faster the sheep…dog flew in front of it。

〃This is dreadful!〃 said Mr。 Lavender in anguish; leaning far out。

〃Blink!  Blink!

His cries were drowned in the roar of the car。

〃Damn the brute!〃 muttered Joe at this rate she'll be over the edge in

'alf a mo'。  Wherever does she think we are?〃

〃Blink!  Blink!〃 wailed Mr。 Lavender。  〃Get on; Joe; get on!  She's

gaining on us!〃

〃Well I never see anything like this;

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