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the burning spear-第19节

小说: the burning spear 字数: 每页4000字

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neighbour; and said:

〃Are we; Alf?  Are we doin' what the gentleman says?〃

〃I can answer that for you;〃 returned Mr。 Lavender brightly; 〃for I can

tell by your hospitalized faces that you are living in the present; a

habit which; according to our best writers; is peculiar to the British。

I assure you;〃 he went on with a winning look; 〃there is no future in

that。  If you do not at once begin to carve fresh niches for yourselves

in the temple of industrialism you will be engulfed by the returning

flood; and left high and dry upon the beach of fortune。〃

During these last few words the half of an irritated look on the faces of

the soldiers changed to fragments of an indulgent and protective


〃Right you are; guv'nor;〃 said the one in the middle。  Don't you worry;

we'll see you home all right。

〃It is you;〃 said Mr。 Lavender; 〃that I must see home。  For that is

largely the duty of us who have not had the great privilege of fighting

for our country。〃

These words; which completed the soldiers' conviction that Mr。 Lavender

was not quite all there; caused them to rise。

〃Come on; then;〃 said one; we'll see each other home。  We've got to be in

by five。  You don't have a string to your dog; I see。〃

〃Oh no!〃 said Mr。 Lavender puzzled 〃I am not blind。〃

〃Balmy;〃 said the soldier soothingly。  〃Come on; sir; an' we can talk

abaht it on the way。〃

Mr。 Lavender; delighted at the impression he had made; rose and walked

beside them; taking insensibly the direction for home。

〃What do you advise us to do; then; guv'nor?〃 said one of the soldiers。

〃Throw away all thought of the present;〃 returned Mr。 Lavender; with

intense earnestness; 〃forget the past entirely; wrap yourselves wholly in

the future。  Do nothing which will give you immediate satisfaction。  Do

not consider your families; or any of those transient considerations such

as pleasure; your homes; your condition of health; or your economic

position; but place yourselves unreservedly in the hands of those who by

hard thinking on this subject are alone in the condition to appreciate

the individual circumstances of each of you。  For only by becoming a

flock of sheep can you be conducted into those new pastures where the

grass of your future will be sweet and plentiful。  Above all; continue to

be the heroes which you were under the spur of your country's call; for

you must remember that your country is still calling you。〃

〃That's right;〃 said the soldier on Mr。 Lavender's left。  〃Puss; puss!

Does your dog swot cats?〃

At so irrelevant a remark Mr。 Lavender looked suspiciously from left to

right; but what there was of the soldiers' faces told him nothing。

〃Which is your hospital?〃 he asked。

〃Down the 'ill; on the right;〃 returned the soldier。  〃Which is yours?〃

〃Alas! it is not in a hospital that I〃

〃I know;〃 said the soldier delicately; 〃don't give it a name; no need。

We're all friends 'ere。  Do you get out much?〃

〃I always take an afternoon stroll;〃 said Mr。 Lavender; 〃when my public

life permits。  If you think your comrades would like me to come and

lecture to them on their future I should be only too happy。〃

〃D'you 'ear; Alf?〃 said the soldier。  〃D'you think they would?〃

The soldier; addressed put a finger to the sound side of his mouth and

uttered a catcall。

〃I might effect a radical change in their views; continued Mr。 Lavender;

a little puzzled。  〃Let me leave you this periodical。  Read it; and you

will see how extremely vital all that I have been saying is。  And then;

perhaps; if you would send me a round robin; such as is usual in a

democratic country; I could pop over almost any day after five。  I

sometimes feel〃and here Mr。 Lavender stopped in the middle of the road;

overcome by sudden emotion〃 that I have really no right to be alive

when I see what you have suffered for me。〃

〃That's all right; old bean;〃; said the soldier on his left; 〃you'd 'a

done the same for us but for your disabilities。  We don't grudge it


〃Boys;〃 said Mr。 Lavender; 〃you are men。  I cannot tell you how much I

admire and love you。〃

〃Well; give it a rest; then; t'ain't good for yer。  And; look 'ere!  Any

time they don't treat you fair in there; tip us the wink; and we'll come

over and do in your 'ousekeeper。〃

Mr。 Lavender smiled。

〃My poor housekeeper!〃 he said。  〃I thank you all the same for your

charming goodwill。  This is where I live;〃 he added; stopping at the gate

of the little house smothered in lilac and laburnum。  〃Can I offer you

some tea?〃

The three soldiers looked at each other; and Mr。 Lavender; noticing their

surprise; attributed it to the word tea。

〃I regret exceedingly that I am a total abstainer;〃 he said。

The remark; completing the soldiers' judgment of his case; increased

their surprise at the nature of his residence; it remained unanswered;

save by a shuffling of the feet。

Mr。 Lavender took off his hat。

〃I consider it a great privilege;〃 he said; 〃to have been allowed to

converse with you。  Goodbye; and God bless you!〃

So saying; he opened the gate and entered his little garden carrying his

hat in his hand; and followed by Blink。

The soldiers watched him disappear within; then continued on their way

down the hill in silence。

〃Blimy;〃 said one suddenly; 〃some of these old civilians 'ave come it

balmy on the crumpet since the war began。  Give me the trenches!〃



Aglow with satisfaction at what he had been able to do for the wounded

soldiers; Mr。 Lavender sat down in his study to drink the tea which he

found there。  〃There is nothing in life;〃 he thought; 〃which gives one

such satisfaction as friendliness and being able to do something for

others。  Moon…cat!〃

The moon…cat; who; since Mr。 Lavender had given her milk; abode in his

castle; awaiting her confinement; purred loudly; regarding him with

burning eyes; as was her fashion when she wanted milk; Mr。 Lavender put

down the saucer and continued his meditations。  〃Everything is vain; the

world is full of ghosts and shadows; but in friendliness and the purring

of a little cat there is solidity。〃

〃A lady has called; sir。〃

Looking up; Mr。 Lavender became aware of Mrs。 Petty。

〃How very agreeable!

〃I don't know; sir;〃 returned his housekeeper in her decisive voice; 〃but

she wants to see you。  Name of Pullbody。〃

〃Pullbody;〃 repeated Mr。 Lavender dreamily; 〃I don't seem Ask her in;

Mrs。 Petty; ask her in。〃

〃It's on your head; sir;〃 said Mrs。 Petty; and went out。

Mr。 Lavender was immediately conscious of a presence in dark green silk;

with a long upper lip; a loose lower lip; and a fixed and faintly raddled

air; moving stealthily towards him。

〃Sit down; madam; I beg。  Will you have some tea?〃

The lady sat down。  〃Thank you; I have had tea。  It was on the

recommendation of your next…door neighbour; Miss Isabel Scarlet〃

〃Indeed;〃 replied Mr。 Lavender; whose heart began to beat; 〃command me;

for I am entirely at her service。〃

〃I have come to see you;〃 began the lady with a peculiar sinuous smile;

〃as a public man and a patriot。〃

Mr。 Lavender bowed; and the lady went on: I am in very great trouble。

The fact is; my sister's husband's sister is married to a German。〃

〃Is it possible; madam?〃 murmured Mr。 Lavender; crossing his knees; and

joining the tips of his fingers。

〃Yes;〃 resumed the lady; 〃and what's more; he is still at large。〃

Mr。 Lavender; into whose mind there had instantly rushed a flood of

public utterances; stood gazing at her haggard face in silent sympathy。

〃You may imagine my distress; sir; and the condition of my conscience;〃

pursued the lady; 〃when I tell you that my sister's husband's sister is a

very old friend of mineand; indeed; so was this German。  The two are a

very attached young couple; and; being childless; are quite wrapped up in

each other。  I have come to you; feeling it my duty to secure his


Mr。 Lavender; moved by the human element in her words; was about to say;

〃But why; madam?〃 when the lady continued:

〃I have not myself precisely heard him speak well of his country。  But

the sister of a friend of mine who was having tea in their house

distinctly heard him say that there were two sides to every question; and

that he could not believe all that was said in the English papers。

〃Dear me!〃 said Mr。 Lavender; troubled; 〃that is serious。〃

〃Yes;〃 went on the lady; 〃and on another occasion my sister's husband

himself heard him remark that a man could not help loving his country and

hoping that it would win。〃

〃But that is natural;〃 began Mr。 Lavender。

〃What!〃 said the lady; nearly rising; 〃when that country is Germany?〃

The word revived Mr。 Lavender's sense of proportion。

〃True;〃 he said; 〃true。  I

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