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the burning spear-第14节

小说: the burning spear 字数: 每页4000字

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you my word it's one or the other; though I admit they've brought

camouflage to an 'igh art。  But; speaking soberly; sir; if that's

possible; public men are a good thing' and you can 'ave too much of it。

But you began it; sir;〃 he added soothingly; 〃and 'ere's your hotel。

You'll feel better with something inside you。〃

So saying; he brought the car to a standstill before a sign which bore

the words; 〃Royal Goat。〃

Mr。 Lavender; deep sunk in the whirlpool of feeling which had been

stirred in him by his chauffeur's cynicism; gazed at the square redbrick

building with bewildered eyes。

〃It's quite O。 K。;〃 said Joe; 〃I used to call here regular when I was

travellin' in breeches。  Where the commercials are gathered together the

tap is good;〃 he added; laying a finger against the side of his nose。

〃And they've a fine brand of pickles。  Here's your coupon。〃

Thus encouraged; Mr。 Lavender descended from the car; and; accompanied by

Blink; entered the hotel and sought the coffee…room。

A maid of robust and comely appearance; with a fine free eye; divested

him of his overcoat and the coupon; and pointed to a table and a pale and

intellectual…looking young man in spectacles who was eating。

〃Have you any more beef?〃 said the latter without looking up。

〃No; sir;〃 replied the maid。

〃Then bring me the ham and eggs;〃 he added。

〃Here's another couponand anything else you've got。〃

Mr。 Lavender; whose pangs had leaped in him at the word 〃beef;〃 gazed at

the bare bone of the beef…joint; and sighed。

〃I; too; will have some ham and a couple of poached eggs;〃 he said。

〃You can have ham; sir;〃 replied the maid; 〃but there are only eggs

enough for one。〃

〃And I am the one;〃 said the young man; looking up for the first time。

Mr。 Lavender at once conceived an aversion from him; his appearance was

unhealthy; and his eyes ravened from behind the spectacles beneath his

high forehead。

〃I have no wish to deprive you of your eggs; sir;〃 he said; 〃though I

have had nothing to eat all day。〃

〃I have had nothing to eat to speak of for six months;〃 replied the young

man and in a fortnight's time I shall have nothing to eat again for two


Mr。 Lavender; who habitually spoke; the truth; looked at him with a sort

of horror。  But the young man had again concentrated his attention on his

plate。  〃How deceptive are appearances;〃 thought Mr。 Lavender; 〃one would

say an intellectual; not to say a spiritual type; and yet he eats like a

savage; and lies like a trooper!〃  And the pinchings of his hunger again

attacking him; he said rather acidly:

May I ask you; sir; whether you consider it amusing to tell such untruths

to a stranger?

The young man; who had finished what was on his plate; paused; and with a

faint smile said:

〃I spoke figuratively。  You; sir; I expect; have never been in prison。〃

At the word 'prison' Mr。 Lavender's natural kindliness reasserted itself

at once。  〃Forgive me;〃 he said gently; 〃please eat all the ham。  I can

easily do with bread and cheese。  I am extremely sorry you have had that

misfortune; and would on no account do anything which might encourage you

to incur it again。  If it is a question of money or anything of that

sort;〃 he went on timidly; 〃please command me。  I abhor prisons; I

consider them inhuman; people should only be confined upon their honours。

The young man's eyes kindled behind his spectacles。

〃I have been confined;〃 he said; 〃not upon my honour; but because of my

honour; to break it in。〃

〃How is that?〃 cried Mr。 Lavender; aghast; 〃to break it in?〃

〃Yes;〃 said the young man; cutting a large slice of bread; 〃there's no

other way of putting it with truth。  They want me to go back on my word

to go back on my faith; and I won't。  In a fortnight's time they'll gaol

me again; so I MUST eatexcuse me。  I shall want all my strength。〃  And

he filled his mouth too full to go on speaking。

Mr。 Lavender stared at him; greatly perturbed。

How unjustly I judged him;〃 he thought; and seeing that the maid had

placed the end of a ham before him he began carving off what little there

was left on it; and; filling a plate; placed it before the young man。

The latter thanked him; and without looking up ate rapidly on。  Mr。

Lavender watched him with beaming eyes。  〃It's lovely to see him!〃 he

thought; 〃poor fellow!〃

〃Where are the eggs?〃 said the young man suddenly。

Mr。 Lavender got up and rang the bell。

〃Please  bring those eggs for him;〃 he said。

〃Yes; sir;〃 said the maid。  〃And what are you going to have?  There's

nothing in the house now。〃

Oh!〃 said Mr。 Lavender; startled。  〃A cup of coffee and a slice of bread;

thank you。  I can always eat at any time。〃

The maid went away muttering to herself; and bringing the eggs; plumped

them down before the young man; who ate them more hastily than words

could tell。

〃I mean;〃 he said; 〃to do all I can in this fort…night to build up my

strength。  I shall eat almost continuously。  They shall never break me。〃

And; reaching out; he took the remainder of the loaf。

Mr。 Lavender watched it disappear with a certain irritation which he

subdued at once。  〃How selfish of me;〃 he thought; 〃even to think of

eating while this young hero is still hungry。〃

〃Are you; then;〃 he said; 〃the victim of some religious or political


〃Both;〃 replied the young man; leaning back with a sigh of repletion; and

wiping his mouth。  〃I was released to…day; and; as I said; I shall be

court…martialled again to…day fortnight。  It'll be two years this time。

But they can't break me。〃

Mr。 Lavender gasped; for at the word 〃courtmartialled〃 a dreadful doubt

had assailed him。

〃Are you;〃 he stammered〃you are notyou cannot be a Conscientious


〃I can;〃 said the young man。

Mr。 Lavender half rose in horror。

〃I don't approve;〃 he ejaculated; 〃I do not approve of you。〃

〃Of course not;〃 said the young man with a little smile at once proud and

sad who does?  If you did I shouldn't have to eat like this; nor should I

have the consciousness of spiritual loneliness to sustain me。  You look

on me as a moral outcast; as a leper。  That is my comfort and my

strength。  For though I have a genuine abhorrence of war; I know full

well that I could not stick this if it were not for the feeling that I

must not and will not lower myself to the level of mere opportunists like

you; and sink myself in the herd of men in the street。〃

At hearing himself thus described Mr。 Lavender flushed。

〃I yield to no one; he said; 〃in my admiration of principle。  It is

because of my principles that I regard you as a〃

〃Shirker;〃 put in the young man calmly。  〃Go on; don't mince words; we're

used to them。〃

〃Yes;〃 said Mr。 Lavender; kindling; 〃a shirker。  Excuse me!  A renegade

from the camp of Liberty; a deserter from the ranks of Humanity; if you

will pardon me。〃

〃Say a Christian; and have done with it;〃 said the young man。

〃No;〃 said Mr。 Lavender; who had risen to his feet; 〃I will not go so far

as that。  You are not a Christian; you are a Pharisee。  I abhor you。〃

〃And I abhor you;〃 said the young man suddenly。  〃I am a Christian

Socialist; but I refuse to consider you my brother。  And I can tell you

this: Some day when through our struggle the triumph of Christian

Socialism and of Peace is assured; we shall see that you firebrands and

jingoes get no chance to put up your noxious heads and disturb the

brotherhood of the world。  We shall stamp you out。  We shall do you in。

We who believe in love will take jolly good care that you apostles of

hate get all we've had and moreif you provoke us enough that is。〃

He stopped; for Mr。 Lavender's figure had rigidified on the other side of

the table into the semblance of one who is about to address the House of


〃I can find here;〃 he cried; 〃no analogy with religious persecution。

This is a simple matter。  The burden of defending his country falls

equally on every citizen。  I know not; and I care not; what promises were

made to you; or in what spirit the laws of compulsory service were

passed。  You will either serve or go to prison till you do。  I am a plain

Englishman; expressing the view of my plain countrymen。〃

The young man; tilting back in his chair; rapped on the table with the

handle of his dinner…knife。

〃Hear; hear!〃 he murmured。

〃And let me tell you this;〃 continued Mr。 Lavender; 〃you have no right to

put a mouthful of food between your lips so long as you are not prepared

to die for it。  And if the Huns came here tomorrow I would not lift a

finger to save you from the fate you would undoubtedly receive。〃

During this colloquy their voices had grown so loud that the maid;

entering in dismay; had gone into the bar and informed the company that a

Conscientious Objector had eaten all the food an

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