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the burning spear-第13节

小说: the burning spear 字数: 每页4000字

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swallowed。  〃Look at me!〃 he cried to the three ;Germans; 〃look at me!

III'm going to be sick!〃 and putting down his plate; he rose and

staggered forward。  〃Joe;〃 he said in a dying voice; 〃feed these poor

men; feed them; make them drink; feed them!〃  And rushing headlong to the

edge of the grove; he returned what he had swallowedto the great

interest of Brink。  Then; waving away the approach of Joe; and consumed

with shame and remorse at his lack of heroism; he ran and hid himself in

a clump of hazel bushes; trying to slink into the earth。  〃No;〃 he

thought; 〃no; I am not for public life。  I have failed at the first test。

Was ever so squeamish an exhibition?  I have betrayed my country and the

honour of public life。  These Germans are now full of beer and pigeon…

pie。  What am I but a poltroon; unworthy to lace the shoes of the great

leaders of my land?  The sun has witnessed my disgrace。〃

How long he stayed there lying on his face he did not know before he

heard the voice of Joe saying; 〃Wot oh; sir!〃

〃Joe;〃 replied Mr。 Lavender faintly; 〃my body is here; but my spirit has


〃Ah!〃 said Joe; 〃a rum upsetthat there。  Swig this down; sir!〃 and he

held out to his master; a flask…cup filled with brandy。  Mr。 Lavender

swallowed it。

〃Have they gone?〃 he said; gasping。

〃They 'ave; sir;〃 replied Joe; 〃and not 'alf full neither。  Where did you

pick 'em up?〃

〃In a gravel…pit; 〃 said Mr。 Lavender。  〃I can never forgive myself for

this betrayal of my King and country。  I have fed three Germans。  Leave

me; for I am not fit to mingle with my fellows。〃

〃Well; I don't think;〃 said Joe。  〃Germans?〃

Gazing up into his face Mr。 Lavender read the unmistakable signs of

uncontrolled surprise。

〃Why do you look at me like that?〃 he said。

〃Germans?〃 repeated Joe; 〃what Germans?  Three blighters workin' on the

road; as English as you or me。  Wot are you talkin' about; sir?〃

〃What!〃 cried Mr。 Lavender do you tell me they were not Germans?〃

〃Well; their names was Tompkins; 'Obson; and Brown; and they 'adn't an

'aitch in their 'eads。〃

〃God be praised said Mr。 Lavender。  〃I am; then; still an English

gentleman。  Joe; I am very hungry; is there nothing left? 〃

〃Nothin' whatever; sir;〃 replied Joe。

〃Then take me home;〃 said Mr。 Lavender; I care not; for my spirit has

come back to me。〃

So saying; he rose; and supported by Joe; made his way towards the car;

praising God in his heart that he had not disgraced his country。



〃Yes;〃 said Mr。 Lavender; when they had proceeded some twenty miles along

the road for home; 〃my hunger is excessive。  If we come across an hotel;

Joe; pull up。〃

〃Right…o; sir;〃 returned Joe。  〃'Otels; ain't what they were; but we'll

find something。  I've got your coupons。〃

Mr。 Lavender; who was seated beside his chauffeur on the driving…seat;

while Blink occupied in solitude the body of the car; was silent for a

minute; revolving a philosophic thought。

〃Do you find;〃 he said suddenly; 〃that compulsory sacrifice is doing you

good; Joe?〃

〃It's good for my thirst; sir;〃 replied Joe。  〃Never was so powerful

thirsty in me life as I've been since they watered beer。  There's just

'enough in it to tickle you。  That bottle o' Bass you would 'ave 'ad at

lunch is the last of the old stock at 'ome; sir; an' the sight of it fair

gave me the wind up。  To think those blighters 'ad it!  Wish I'd known

they was GermansI wouldn't 'ave weakened on it。〃

〃Do not; I beg;〃 said Mr。 Lavender; 〃remind me of that episode。  I

sometimes think;〃 he went on as dreamily as his hunger would permit;

〃that being forced to deprive oneself awakens one's worst passions; that

is; of course; speaking rather as a man than a public man。  What do you

think will happen; Joe; when we are no longer obliged to sacrifice


〃Do wot we've been doin all along sacrifice someone else;〃 said Joe


〃Be serious; Joe;〃 said Mr。 Lavender。

〃Well;〃 returned Joe; 〃I don't know what'll 'appen to you; sir; but I

shall go on the bust permanent。〃

Mr。 Lavender sighed。  〃I do so wonder whether I shall; too;〃 he said。

Joe looked round at him; and a gleam of compassion twinkled in his

greenish eyes。  〃Don't you worry; sir;〃 he said; 〃it's a question of

constitootion。  A week'd sew you up。〃

〃A week!〃 said Mr。 Lavender with watering lips; 〃I trust I may not forget

myself so long as that。  Public men do not go 'on the bust;' Joe; as you

put it。〃

〃Be careful; sir!  I can't drive with one eye。〃

〃How can they; indeed?〃 went on Mr。 Lavender; 〃they are like athletes;

ever in training for their unending conflict with the national life。〃

〃Well;〃 answered Joe indulgently; 〃they 'as their own kind of

intoxication; toothat's true; and the fumes is permanent; they're

gassed all the time; and chloroformed the rest。

〃I don't know to what you allude; Joe;〃 said Mr。 Lavender severely。

〃'Aven't you never noticed; sir; that there's two worldsthe world as it

is; and the world as it seems to the public man?〃

〃That may be;〃 said Mr。 Lavender with some excitement。  〃But which is the

greater; which is the nobler; Joe?  And what does the other matter?

Surely that which flourishes in great minds; and by their utterances is

made plain。  Is it not better to live in a world where nobody shrinks

from being starved or killed so long as they can die for their kings and

countries; rather than in a world where people merely wish to live?〃

〃Ah!〃 said Joe; 〃we're all ready to die for our countries if we've got

to。  But we don't look on it; like the public speakers; as a picnic。

They're a bit too light…'earted。〃

〃Joe;〃 said Mr。 Lavender; covering his ears; and instantly uncovering

them again; 〃this is the most horrible blasphemy I have ever listened


〃I can do better than that; sir;〃 answered Joe。  〃Shall I get on with


〃Yes;〃 said Mr。 Lavender; clenching his hands; 〃a public man shrinks from

nothingnot even from the gibes of his enemies。〃

〃Well; wot abaht it; sir?  Look at the things they say; and at what

really is。  Mind you; I'm not speakin' particular of the public men in

this countryor any other country; I'm speakin' of the lot of 'em in

every country。  They're a sort of secret society; brought up on gas。  And

every now and then someone sets a match to it; and we get it in the neck。

Look 'ere; sir。  Dahn squats one on his backside an' writes something in

'igh words。  Up pops another and says something in 'igher; an' so they go

on poppin' up an' squattin' dahn till you get an atmosphere where you

can't breathe; and all the time all we want is to be let alone; and 'uman

kindness do the rest。  All these fellers 'ave got two weaknessesone's

ideas; and the other's their own importance。  They've got to be

conspicuous; and without ideas they can't; so it's a vicious circle。

When I see a man bein' conspicuous; I says to meself: 'Gawd 'elp us; we

shall want it!'  And sooner or later we always do。  I'll tell you what's

the curse of the world; sir; it's the gift of expressin' what ain't your

real feeling。  AndLord! what a lot of us 'ave got it!〃

〃Joe;〃 said Mr。 Lavender; whose eyes were almost starting from his head;

〃your words are the knell of poetry; philosophy; and proseespecially of

prose。  They are the grave of history; which; as you know; is made up of

the wars and intrigues which have originated in the brains of public men。

If your sordid views were true; how do you suppose for one minute that in

this great epic struggle we could be consoled by the thought that we are

'making history'?  Has there been a single utterance of any note which

has not poured the balm of those words into our ears?  Think how they

have sustained the widow and the orphan; and the wounded lying out in

agony under the stars。  'To make history;' 'to act out the great drama'

that thought; ever kept before us; has been our comfort and their stay。

And you would take it from us?  Shameshame!〃 repeated Mr。 Lavender。

You would destroy all glamour; and be the death of every principle。〃

〃Give me facts;〃 said Joe stubbornly; 〃an' you may 'ave my principles。

As to the other thing; I don't know what it is; but you may 'ave it; too。

And 'ere's another thing; sir: haven't you never noticed that when a

public man blows off and says something; it does 'im in?  No matter what

'appens afterwards; he's got to stick to it or look a fool。〃

〃I certainly have not;〃 said Mr。 Lavender。  I have never; or very seldom;

noticed that narrowness in public men; nor have I ever seen them 'looking

fools' as you rudely put it。〃

〃Where are your eyes; sir?〃 answered Joe; 〃where are your eyes?  I give

you my word it's one or the other; though I admit they've brought

camouflage to an 'igh art。  But; speaking soberly; sir; if that's


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