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the burning spear-第12节

小说: the burning spear 字数: 每页4000字

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to the plough〃and; his imagination taking flight at those words; he

went on in a voice calculated to reach the great assembly of farmers

which he now saw before him with their backs turned〃and never shall we

take it away till we have reduced every acre in the country to an arable

condition。  In the future not only must we feed ourselves; but our dogs;

our horses; and our children; and restore the land to its pristine glory

in the front rank of the world's premier industry。  But me no buts;〃 he

went on with a winning smile; remembering that geniality is essential in

addressing a country audience; 〃and butter me no butter; for in future we

shall require to grow our margarine as well。  Let us; in a word; put

behind us all prejudice and pusillanimity till we see this country of

ours once more blooming like one great cornfield; covered with cows。

Sirs; I am no iconoclast; let us do all this without departing in any way

from those great principles of Free Trade; Industrialism; and Individual

Liberty which have made our towns the largest; most crowded; and

wealthiest under that sun which never sets over the British Empire。  We

do but need to see this great problem steadily and to see it whole; and

we shall achieve this revolution in our national life without the

sacrifice of a single principle or a single penny。  Believe me;

gentlemen; we shall yet eat our cake and have it。〃

Mr。 Lavender paused for breath; the headlines of his great speech in

tomorrow's paper dancing before his eyes: 〃THE CLIMACTERICEATS CAKE AND

HAS ITA GREAT CONCLUSION。〃  The wind; which had risen somewhat during

Mr。 Lavender's speech; fluttered the farmer's garments at this moment; so

that they emitted a sound like the stir which runs through an audience at

a moment of strong emotion。

〃Ah!〃 cried Mr。 Lavender; 〃I see that I move you; gentlemen。  Those have

traduced you who call you unimpressionable。  After all; are you not the

backbone of this country up which runs the marrow which feeds the brain;

and shall you not respond to an appeal at once so simple and so

fundamental?  I assure you; gentlemen; it needs no thought; indeed; the

less you think about it the better; for to do so will but weaken your

purpose and distract your attention。  Your duty is to go forward with

stout hearts; firm steps; and kindling eyes; in this way alone shall we

defeat our common enemies。  And at those words; which he had uttered at

the top of his voice; Mr。 Lavender stood like a clock which has run down;

rubbing his eyes。  For Blink; roaming the field during the speech; and

encountering quadruped called rabbit; which she had never seen before;

had backed away from it in dismay; brushed against the farmer's legs and

caused his breeches to fall down; revealing the sticks on which they had

been draped。  When Mr。 Lavender saw this he called out in a loud voice

Sir; you have deceived me。  I took you for a human being。  I now perceive

that you are but a selfish automaton; rooted to your own business;

without a particle of patriotic sense。  Farewell!〃



After parting with the scarecrow Mr。 Lavender who felt uncommonly hungry'

was about to despair of finding any German prisoners when he saw before

him a gravel…pit; and three men working therein。  Clad in dungaree; and

very dusty; they had a cast of countenance so unmistakably Teutonic that

Mr。 Lavender stood still。  They paid little or no attention to him;

however; but went on sadly and silently with their work; which was that

of sifting gravel。  Mr。 Lavender sat down on a milestone opposite; and

his heart contracted within him。  〃They look very thin and sad;〃 he

thought; 〃I should not like to be a prisoner myself far from my country;

in the midst of a hostile population; without a woman or a dog to throw

me a wag of the tail。  Poor men!  For though it is necessary to hate the

Germans; it seems impossible to forget that we are all human beings。

This is weakness;〃 he added to himself; 〃which no editor would tolerate

for a moment。  I must fight against it if I am to fulfil my duty of

rousing the population to the task of starving them。  How hungry they

look alreadytheir checks are hollow!  I must be firm。  Perhaps they

have wives and families at home; thinking of them at this moment。  But;

after all; they are Huns。  What did the great writer say?  'Vermin

creatures no more worthy of pity than the tiger or the rat。'  How true!

And yetBlink!〃  For his dog; seated on her haunches; was looking at him

with that peculiarly steady gaze which betokened in her the desire for

food。  〃Yes;〃 mused Mr。 Lavender; 〃pity is the mark of the weak man。  It

is a vice which was at one time rampant in this country; the war has made

one beneficial change at leastwe are moving more and more towards the

manly and unforgiving vigour of the tiger and the rat。  To be brutal!

This is the one lesson that the Germans can teach us; for we had almost

forgotten the art。  What danger we were in!  Thank God; we have past

masters again among us now!〃  A frown became fixed between his brows。

〃Yes; indeed; past masters。  How I venerate those good journalists and

all the great crowd of witnesses who have dominated the mortal weakness;

pity。  'The Hun must and shall be destroyedroot and branchhip and

thighbag and baggage man; woman; and babethis is the sole duty of the

great and humane British people。  Roll up; ladies and gentlemen; roll up!

Great thoughtgreat language!  And yet〃

Here Mr。 Lavender broke into a gentle sweat; while the Germans went on

sifting gravel in front of him; and Blink continued to look up into his

face with her fixed; lustrous eyes。  〃What an awful thing;〃 he thought;

〃to be a man。  If only I were just a public man and could; as they do;

leave out the human and individual side of everything; how simple it

would be!  It is the being a man as well which is so troublesome。  A man

has feelings; it is wrongwrong!  There should be no connection whatever

between public duty and the feelings of a man。  One ought to be able to

starve one's enemy without a quiver; to watch him drown without a wink。

In fact; one ought to be a German。  We ought all to be Germans。  Blink;

we ought all to be Germans; dear!  I must steel myself!〃  And Mr。

Lavender wiped his forehead; for; though a great idea had come to him; he

still lacked the heroic savagery to put it into execution。  〃It is my

duty;〃 he thought; 〃to cause those hungry; sad…looking men to follow me

and watch me eat my lunch。  It is my duty。  God give me strength!  For

unless I make this sacrifice of my gentler nature I shall be unworthy to

call myself a public man; or to be reported in the newspapers。  'En

avant; de Bracy!'〃 So musing; he rose; and Blink with him。  Crossing the

road; he clenched his fists; and said in a voice which anguish made

somewhat shrill:

〃Are you hungry; my friends?

The Germans stopped sifting gravel; looked up at him; and one of them


〃And thirsty?〃

This time they all three nodded。

〃Come on; then;〃 said Mr。 Lavender。

And he led the way back along the road; followed by Blink and the three

Germans。  Arriving at the beech clump whose great trees were already

throwing shadows; denoting that it was long past noon; Mr。 Lavender saw

that Joe had spread food on the smooth ground; and was; indeed; just

finishing his own repast。

〃What is there to eat?〃 thought Mr。 Lavender; with a soft of horror。

〃For I feel as if I were about to devour a meal of human flesh。〃  And he

looked round at the three Germans slouching up shamefacedly behind him。

〃Sit down; please;〃 he said。  The three men sat down。

〃Joe;〃 said Mr。 Lavender to his surprised chauffeur; 〃serve my lunch。

Give me a large helping; and a glass of ale。  〃And; paler than his

holland dust…coat; he sat resolutely down on the bole of a beech; with

Blink on her haunches beside him。  While Joe was filling a plate with

pigeon…pie and pouring out a glass of foaming Bass; Mr。 Lavender stared

at the three Germans and suffered the tortures of the damned。  〃I will

not flinch;〃 he thought; 〃God helping me; I certainly will not flinch。

Nothing shall prevent my going through with it。〃  And his eyes; more

prominent than a hunted rabbit's; watched the approach of Joe with the

plate and glass。  The three men also followed the movements of the

chauffeur; and it seemed to Mr。 Lavender that their eyes were watering。

〃Courage!〃 he murmured to himself; transfixing a succulent morsel with

his fork and conveying it to his lips。  For fully a minute he revolved

the tasty mouthful; which he could not swallow; while the three men's

eyes watched him with a sort of lugubrious surprise。  〃If;〃 he thought

with anguish; 〃if I were a prisoner in Germany!  Come; come!  One effort;

it's only the first mouthful!〃 and with a superhuman effort; he

swallowed。  〃Look at me!〃 he cried to the three ;Germans; 〃look at me!

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