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the burning spear-第11节

小说: the burning spear 字数: 每页4000字

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sinking his chin still further into his chest; resumed:

〃It might run another week; or it might fall down to…morrowyou never

can tell。  But I'm getting lots of letters。  Tremendous public interest。〃

〃Yes; yes;〃 assented Mr。 Lavender; 〃it's most important。〃

〃Of course; we might run yours with it;〃 said the editor。  〃But I don't

know; I think it'd kill the other。  Still〃

〃I shouldn't like〃 began Mr。 Lavender。

〃I don't believe in giving them more than they want; you know;〃 resumed

the editor。  〃I think I'll have my news editor in;〃 and he blew into a

tube。  〃Send me Mr。 Crackamup。  This thing of yours is very important;

sir。  Suppose we began to run it on Thursday。  Yes; I should think

they'll be tired of British prisoners by then。〃

〃Don't let me;〃 began Mr。 Lavender。

The editor's eye became unveiled for the Moment。  〃You'll be wanting to

take it somewhere else if weQuite!  Well; I think we could run them

together。  See here; Mr。 Crackamup〃Mr。 Lavender saw a small man like

Beethoven frowning from behind spectacles could we run this German

prisoner stunt alongside the British; or d'you think it would kill it?〃

Mr。 Lavender almost rose from his chair in surprise。  〃Are you〃 he

said; 〃is it〃

The small man hiccoughed; and said in a raw voice:

〃The letters are falling off。〃

〃Ah!〃 murmured the editor; 〃I thought we should be through by Thursday。

We'll start this new stunt Thursday。  Give it all prominence; Crackamup。

It'll focus fury。  All to the goodall to the good。  Opinion's ripe。〃

Then for a moment he seemed to hesitate; and his chin sank back on his

chest。  〃I don't know;〃 he murmured of course it may〃

〃Please;〃 began Mr。 Lavender; rising; while the small man hiccoughed

again。  The two motions seemed to determine the editor。

〃That's all right; sir; 〃 he said; rising also; 〃that's quite all right。

We'll say Thursday; and risk it。  Thursday; Crackamup。  〃And he held out

his hand to Mr。 Lavender。  〃Good morning; sir; good morning。  Delighted

to have seen you。  You wouldn't put your name to it?  Well; well; it

doesn't matter; only you could have written it。  The turn of phrase

immense!  They'll tumble all right!〃  And Mr。 Lavender found himself;

with Mr。 Crackamup; in the lobby。  〃It's bewildering;〃 he thought; 〃how

quickly he settled that。  And yet he had such repose。  But is there some

mistake?〃  He was about to ask his companion; but with a distant hiccough

the small man had vanished。  Thus deserted; Mr。 Lavender was in two minds

whether to ask to be readmitted; when the four gentlemen with notebooks

repassed him in single file into the editor's room。

〃My name is Lavender;〃 he said resolutely to the young woman。  〃Is that

all right?〃

〃Quite;〃 she answered; without looking up。

Mr。 Lavender went out slowly; thinking; 〃I may perhaps have said more in

that interview than I remember。  Next time I really will insist on having

a proof。  Or have they taken me for some other public man?〃 This notion

was so disagreeable; however; that he dismissed it; and passed into the


On Thursday; the day fixed for his fresh tour of public speaking; he

opened the great journal eagerly。  Above the third column was the

headline:  OUR VITAL DUTY: BY A GREAT PUBLIC MAN。  〃That must be it;〃 he

thought。  The article; which occupied just a column of precious space;

began with an appeal so moving that before he had read twenty lines Mr。

Lavender had identified himself completely with the writer; and if anyone

had told him that he had not uttered these sentiments; he would have

given him the lie direct。  Working from heat to heat the article finished

in a glorious outburst with a passionate appeal to the country to starve

all German prisoners。

Mr。 Lavender put it down in a glow of exultation。  〃I shall translate

words into action;〃 he thought; 〃I shall at once visit a rural district

where German prisoners are working on the land; and see that the farmers

do their duty。  〃And; forgetting in his excitement to eat his breakfast;

he put the journal in his pocket; wrapped himself in his dust…coat and

broad…brimmed hat; and went out to his car; which was drawn up; with

Blink; who had not forgotten her last experience; inside。

〃We will go to a rural district; Joe;〃 he said; getting in。

〃Very good; sir;〃 answered Joe ; and; unnoticed by the population; they

glided into the hazy heat of the June morning。

〃Well; what abaht it; sir?〃 said Joe; after they had proceeded for some

three hours。  〃Here we are。〃

Mr。 Lavender; who had been lost in the beauty of the scenes through which

he was passing; awoke from reverie; and said:

〃I am looking for German prisoners; Joe; if you see a farmer; you might


〃Any sort of farmer?〃 asked Joe。

〃Is there more than one sort?〃 returned Mr。 Lavender; smiling。

Joe cocked his eye。  〃Ain't you never lived in the country; sir?〃

〃Not for more than a few weeks at a time; Joe; unless Rochester counts。

Of course; I know Eastbourne very well。〃

〃I know Eastbourne from the inside;〃 said Joe discursively。  〃I was a

waiter there once。〃

〃An interesting life; a waiter's; Joe; I should think。〃

〃Ah!  Everything comes to 'im who waits; they say。  But abaht farmers

you've got a lot to learn; sir。〃

〃I am always conscious of that; Joe; the ramifications of public life are


〃I could give you some rummikins abaht farmers。  I once travelled in


〃You seem to have done a great many things Joe。〃

〃That's right; sir。  I've been a sailor; a 'traveller;' a waiter; a

scene…shifter; and a shover; and I don't know which was the cushiest job。

But; talking of farmers: there's the old English type that wears

Bedfordsdon't you go near 'im; 'e bites。  There's the modern scientific

farmer; but it'll take us a week to find 'im。  And there's the small…

'older; wearin' trahsers; likely as not; I don't think 'e'd be any use to


〃What am I to do then?〃 asked Mr Lavender。

〃Ah!〃 said Joe; 'ave lunch。〃

Mr。 Lavender sighed; his hunger quarelling with his sense of duty。  〃I

should like to have found a farmer first;〃 he said。

〃Well; sir; I'll drive up to that clump o'beeches; and you can have a

look round for one while I get lunch ready。

〃That will do admirably。〃

There's just one thing; sir;〃 said Joe; when his master was about to

start; 〃don't you take any house you come across for a farm。  They're

mostly cottages o' gentility nowadays; in'abited by lunatics。〃

〃I shall be very careful;〃 said Mr。 Lavender。

〃This glorious land!〃 he thought; walking away from the beech clump; with

Blink at his heels; 〃how wonderful to see it being restored to its former

fertility under pressure of the war!  The farmer must be a happy man;

indeed; working so nobly for his country; without thought of his own

prosperity。  How flowery those beans look already!〃  he mused; glancing

at a field of potatoes。  〃Now that I am here I shall be able to combine

my work on German prisoners with an effort to stimulate food production。

Blink!〃  For Blink was lingering in a gateway。  Moving back to her; Mr。

Lavender saw that the sagacious animal was staring through the gate at a

farmer who was standing in a field perfectly still; with his back turned;

about thirty yards away。

〃Have you〃 Mr。 Lavender began eagerly; 〃is itare you employing any

German prisoners; sir?〃

The farmer did not seem to hear。  〃He must;〃 thought Mr。 Lavender; 〃be of

the old stolid English variety。〃

The farmer; who was indeed attired in a bowler hat and Bedford cords;

continued to gaze over his land; unconscious of Mr。 Lavender's presence。

〃I am asking you a question; sir;〃 resumed the latter in a louder voice。〃

And however patriotically absorbed you may be in cultivating your soil;

there is no necessity for rudeness。〃

The farmer did not move a muscle。

〃Sir;〃 began Mr。 Lavender again; very patiently; 〃though I have always

heard that the British farmer is of all men least amenable to influence

and new ideas; I have never believed it; and I am persuaded that if you

will but listen I shall be able to alter your whole outlook about the

agricultural future of this country。〃  For it had suddenly occurred to

him that it might be a long time before he had again such an opportunity

of addressing a rural audience on the growth of food; and he was loth to

throw away the chance。  The farmer; however; continued to stand with his

hack to the speaker; paying no more heed to his voice than to the buzzing

of a fly。

〃You SHALL hear me;〃 cried Mr。 Lavender; unconsciously miming a voice

from the past; and catching; as he thought; the sound of a titter; he

flung his hand out; and exclaimed:

〃Grass; gentlemen; grass is the hub of the matter。  We have put our hand

to the plough〃and; his imagination taking flight at those words; he


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