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rivers to the sea-第3节

小说: rivers to the sea 字数: 每页4000字

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Love in my heart is a cry forever

   Lost as the swallow's flight;

Seeking for you and never; never

   Stilled by the stars at night。


HERE in the velvet stillness

The wide sown fields fall to the faint horizon;

Sleeping in starlight。 。 。 。

A year ago we walked in the jangling city

Together 。 。 。 。 forgetful。

One by one we crossed the avenues;

Rivers of light; roaring in tumult;

And came to the narrow; knotted streets。

Thru the tense crowd

We went aloof; ecstatic; walking in wonder;

Unconscious of our motion。

Forever the foreign people with dark; deep…seeing eyes

Passed us and passed。

Lights and foreign words and foreign faces;

I forgot them all;


I only felt alive; defiant of all death and sorrow;

Sure and elated。

That was the gift you gave me。 。 。 。

The streets grew still more tangled;

And led at last to water black and glossy;

Flecked here and there with lights; faint and far off。

There on a shabby building was a sign

〃The India Wharf 〃 。 。 。 and we turned back。

I always felt we could have taken ship

And crossed the bright green seas

To dreaming cities set on sacred streams

And palaces

Of ivory and scarlet。


WHEN I am dead and over me bright April

   Shakes out her rain…drenched hair;

Tho' you should lean above me broken…hearted;

   I shall not care。

I shall have peace; as leafy trees are peaceful

   When rain bends down the bough;

And I shall be more silent and cold…hearted

   Than you are now。


I LOVE too much; I am a river

   Surging with spring that seeks the sea;

I am too generous a giver;

   Love will not stoop to drink of me。

His feet will turn to desert places

   Shadowless; reft of rain and dew;

Where stars stare down with sharpened faces

   From heavens pitilessly blue。

And there at midnight sick with faring;

   He will stoop down in his desire

To slake the thirst grown past all bearing

   In stagnant water keen as fire。


I AM not sorry for my soul

   That it must go unsatisfied;

For it can live a thousand times;

   Eternity is deep and wide。

I am not sorry for my soul;

   But oh; my body that must go

Back to a little drift of dust

   Without the joy it longed to know。


THEY never saw my lover's face;

   They only know our love was brief;

Wearing awhile a windy grace

   And passing like an autumn leaf。

They wonder why I do not weep;

   They think it strange that I can sing;

They say; 〃Her love was scarcely deep

   Since it has left so slight a sting。〃

They never saw my love; nor knew

   That in my heart's most secret place

I pity them as angels do

   Men who have never seen God's face。


OH I have sown my love so wide

   That he will find it everywhere;

It will awake him in the night;

   It will enfold him in the air。

I set my shadow in his sight

   And I have winged it with desire;

That it may be a cloud by day

   And in the night a shaft of fire。


IT is enough for me by day

   To walk the same bright earth with him;

Enough that over us by night

   The same great roof of stars is dim。

I have no care to bind the wind

   Or set a fetter on the sea

It is enough to feel his love

   Blow by like music over me。


I LIFT my heart as spring lifts up

   A yellow daisy to the rain;

My heart will be a lovely cup

   Altho' it holds but pain。

For I shall learn from flower and leaf

   That color every drop they hold;

To change the lifeless wine of grief

   To living gold。


THEY spoke of him I love

   With cruel words and gay;

My lips kept silent guard

   On all I could not say。

I heard; and down the street

   The lonely trees in the square

Stood in the winter wind

   Patient and bare。

I heard 。 。 。 oh voiceless trees

   Under the wind; I knew

The eager terrible spring

   Hidden in you。


I WENT out on an April morning

   All alone; for my heart was high;

I was a child of the shining meadow;

   I was a sister of the sky。

There in the windy flood of morning

   Longing lifted its weight from me;

Lost as a sob in the midst of cheering;

   Swept as a sea…bird out to sea。


THE spring is fresh and fearless

   And every leaf is new;

The world is brimmed with moonlight;

   The lilac brimmed with dew。

Here in the moving shadows

   I catch my breath and sing

My heart is fresh and fearless

   And over…brimmed with spring。


EVENING; and all the birds

   In a chorus of shimmering sound

Are easing their hearts of joy

   For miles around。

The air is blue and sweet;

   The few first stars are white;

Oh let me like the birds

   Sing before night。


I AM free of love as a bird flying south in the autumn;

Swift and intent; asking no joy from another;

Glad to forget all of the passion of April

     Ere it was love…free。

I am free of love; and I listen to music lightly;

But if he returned; if he should look at me deeply;

I should awake; I should awake and remember

     I am my lover's。


IN the wild soft summer darkness

How many and many a night we two together

Sat in the park and watched the Hudson

Wearing her lights like golden spangles

Glinting on black satin。

The rail along the curving pathway

Was low in a happy place to let us cross;

And down the hill a tree that dripped with bloom

Sheltered us

While your kisses and the flowers;

Falling; falling;

Tangled my hair。 。 。 。

The frail white stars moved slowly over the sky。

And now; far off

In the fragrant darkness

The tree is tremulous again with bloom

For June comes back。


To…night what girl

When she goes home;

Dreamily before her mirror shakes from her hair

This year's blossoms; clinging in its coils ?


AFTER a year I came again to the place;

The tireless lights and the reverberation;

The angry thunder of trains that burrow the ground;

The hunted; hurrying people were still the same

But oh; another man beside me and not you!

Another voice and other eyes in mine!

And suddenly I turned and saw again

The gleaming curve of tracks; the bridge above

They were burned deep into my heart before;

The night I watched them to avoid your eyes;

When you were saying; 〃Oh; look up at me!〃

When you were saying; 〃Will you never love me?〃

And when I answered with a lie。 Oh then

You dropped your eyes。 I felt your utter pain。

I would have died to say the truth to you。

   *   *   *   *   *   *

After a year I came again to the place

The hunted hurrying people were still the same。。。。


THERE is no magic when we meet;

   We speak as other people do;

You work no miracle for me

   Nor I for you。

You were the wind and I the sea

   There is no splendor any more;

I have grown listless as the pool

   Beside the shore。

But tho' the pool is safe from storm

   And from the tide has found surcease;

It grows more bitter than the sea;

   For all its peace。


I HAVE come the selfsame path

   To the selfsame door;

Years have left the roses there

   Burning as before。

While I watch them in the wind

   Quick the hot tears start

Strange so frail a flame outlasts

   Fire in the heart。


UNTIL I lose my soul and lie

   Blind to the beauty of the earth;

Deaf tho' a lyric wind goes by;

   Dumb in a storm of mirth;

Until my heart is quenched at length

   And I have left the land of men;

Oh let me love with all my strength

   Careless if I am loved again。



LYRIC night of the lingering Indian Summer;

Shadowy fields that are scentless but full of singing;

Never a bird; but the passionless chant of insects;

     Ceaseless; insistent。

The grasshopper's horn; and far off; high in the maples

The wheel of a locust leisurely grinding the silence;

Under a moon waning and worn and broken;

     Tired with summer。

Let me remember you; voices of little insects;

Weeds in the moonlight; fields that are tangled with asters;

Let me remember you; soon will the winter be on us;

     Snow…hushed and heartless。


Over my soul murmur your mute benediction

While I gaze; oh fields that rest after harvest;

As those who part look long in the eyes 

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