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jane eyre(简·爱)-第18节

小说: jane eyre(简·爱) 字数: 每页4000字

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she proceeded to cut slices with a generous hand。 
   We feasted that evening as on nectar and ambrosia; and not the 
least delight of the entertainment was the smile of gratification with 
which our hostess regarded us; as we satisfied our famished 
appetites on the delicate fare she liberally supplied。 
   Tea over and the tray removed; she again summoned us to the fire; 
we sat one on each side of her; and now a conversation followed 
between her and Helen; which it was indeed a privilege to be 
admitted to hear。 
   Miss Temple had always something of serenity in her air; of state 
in her mien; of refined propriety in her language; which precluded 
deviation into the ardent; the excited; the eager: something which 
chastened the pleasure of those who looked on her and listened to her; 
by a controlling sense of awe; and such was my feeling now: but as 
to Helen Burns; I was struck with wonder。 
   The refreshing meal; the brilliant fire; the presence and 
kindness of her beloved instructress; or; perhaps; more than all 
these; something in her own unique mind; had roused her powers 
within her。 They woke; they kindled: first; they glowed in the 
bright tint of her cheek; which till this hour I had never seen but 
pale and bloodless; then they shone in the liquid lustre of her 
eyes; which had suddenly acquired a beauty more singular than that 
of Miss Temple's… a beauty neither of fine colour nor long eyelash; 
nor pencilled brow; but of meaning; of movement; of radiance。 Then her 
soul sat on her lips; and language flowed; from what source I cannot 
tell。 Has a girl of fourteen a heart large enough; vigorous enough; to 
hold the swelling spring of pure; full; fervid eloquence? Such was the 
characteristic of Helen's discourse on that; to me; memorable evening; 
her spirit seemed hastening to live within a very brief span as much 
as many live during a protracted existence。 
   They conversed of things I had never heard of; of nations and times 
past; of countries far away; of secrets of nature discovered or 
guessed at: they spoke of books: how many they had read! What stores 
of knowledge they possessed! Then they seemed so familiar with 
French names and French authors: but my amazement reached its climax 
when Miss Temple asked Helen if she sometimes snatched a moment to 
recall the Latin her father had taught her; and taking a book from a 
shelf; bade her read and construe a page of Virgil; and Helen 
obeyed; my organ of veneration expanding at every sounding line。 She 
had scarcely finished ere the bell announced bedtime! no delay could 
be admitted; Miss Temple embraced us both; saying; as she drew us to 
her heart… 
   'God bless you; my children!' 
   Helen she held a little longer than me: she let her go more 
reluctantly; it was Helen her eye followed to the door; it was for her 
she a second time breathed a sad sigh; for her she wiped a tear from 
her cheek。 
   On reaching the bedroom; we heard the voice of Miss Scatcherd: 
she was examining drawers; she had just pulled out Helen Burns's; 
and when we entered Helen was greeted with a sharp reprimand; and told 
that to…morrow she should have half a dozen of untidily folded 
articles pinned to her shoulder。 
   'My things were indeed in shameful disorder;' murmured Helen to me; 
in a low voice: 'I intended to have arranged them; but I forgot。' 
   Next morning; Miss Scatcherd wrote in conspicuous characters on a 
piece of pasteboard the word 'Slattern;' and bound it like a 
phylactery round Helen's large; mild; intelligent; and 
benign…looking forehead。 She wore it till evening; patient; 
unresentful; regarding it as a deserved punishment。 The moment Miss 
Scatcherd withdrew after afternoon school; I ran to Helen; tore it 
off; and thrust it into the fire: the fury of which she was 
incapable had been burning in my soul all day; and tears; hot and 
large; had continually been scalding my cheek; for the spectacle of 
her sad resignation gave me an intolerable pain at the heart。 
   About a week subsequently to the incidents above narrated; Miss 
Temple; who had written to Mr。 Lloyd; received his answer: it appeared 
that what he said went to corroborate my account。 Miss Temple; 
having assembled the whole school; announced that inquiry had been 
made into the charges alleged against Jane Eyre; and that she was most 
happy to be able to pronounce her completely cleared from every 
imputation。 The teachers then shook hands with me and kissed me; and a 
murmur of pleasure ran through the ranks of my companions。 
   Thus relieved of a grievous load; I from that hour set to work 
afresh; resolved to pioneer my way through every difficulty: I 
toiled hard; and my success was proportionate to my efforts; my 
memory; not naturally tenacious; improved with practice; exercise 
sharpened my wits; in a few weeks I was promoted to a higher class; in 
less than two months I was allowed to commence French and drawing。 I 
learned the first two tenses of the verb Etre; and sketched my first 
cottage (whose walls; by the bye; outrivalled in slope those of the 
leaning tower of Pisa); on the same day。 That night; on going to 
bed; I forgot to prepare in imagination the Barmecide supper of hot 
roast potatoes; or white bread and new milk; with which I was wont 
to amuse my inward cravings: I feasted instead on the spectacle of 
ideal drawings; which I saw in the dark; all the work of my own hands: 
freely pencilled houses and trees; picturesque rocks and ruins; 
Cuyp…like groups of cattle; sweet paintings of butterflies hovering 
over unblown roses; of birds picking at ripe cherries; of wrens' nests 
enclosing pearl…like eggs; wreathed about with young ivy sprays。 I 
examined; too; in thought; the possibility of my ever being able to 
translate currently a certain little French story which Madame Pierrot 
had that day shown me; nor was that problem solved to my 
satisfaction ere I fell sweetly asleep。 
   Well has Solomon said… 'Better is a dinner of herbs where love 
is; than a stalled ox and hatred therewith。' 
   I would not now have exchanged Lowood with all its privations for 
Gateshead and its daily luxuries。 

                          CHAPTER IX 

   BUT the privations; or rather the hardships; of Lowood lessened。 
Spring drew on: she was indeed already come; the frosts of winter 
had ceased; its snows were melted; its cutting winds ameliorated。 My 
wretched feet; flayed and swollen to lameness by the sharp air of 
January; began to heal and subside under the gentler breathings of 
April; the nights and mornings no longer by their Canadian temperature 
froze the very blood in our veins; we could now endure the play…hour 
passed in the garden: sometimes on a sunny day it began even to be 
pleasant and genial; and a greenness grew over those brown beds; 
which; freshening daily; suggested the thought that Hope traversed 
them at night; and left each morning brighter traces of her steps。 
Flowers peeped out amongst the leaves; snowdrops; crocuses; purple 
auriculas; and golden…eyed pansies。 On Thursday afternoons 
(half…holidays) we now took walks; and found still sweeter flowers 
opening by the wayside; under the hedges。 
   I discovered; too; that a great pleasure; an enjoyment which the 
horizon only bounded; lay all outside the high and spike…guarded walls 
of our garden: this pleasure consisted in prospect of noble summits 
girdling a great hill…hollow; rich in verdure and shadow; in a 
bright beck; full of dark stones and sparkling eddies。 How different 
had this scene looked when I viewed it laid out beneath the iron sky 
of winter; stiffened in frost; shrouded with snow!… when mists as 
chill as death wandered to the impulse of east winds along those 
purple peaks; and rolled down 'ing' and holm till they blended with 
the frozen fog of the beck! That beck itself was then a torrent; 
turbid and curbless: it tore asunder the wood; and sent a raving sound 
through the air; often thickened with wild rain or whirling sleet; and 
for the forest on its banks; that showed only ranks of skeletons。 
   April advanced to May: a bright; serene May it was; days of blue 
sky; placid sunshine; and soft western or southern gales filled up its 
duration。 And now vegetation matured with vigour; Lowood shook loose 
its tresses; it became all green; all flowery; its great elm; ash; and 
oak skeletons were restored to majestic life; woodland plants sprang 
up profusely in its recesses; unnumbered varieties of moss filled 
its hollows; and it made a strange ground…sunshine out of the wealth 
of its wild primrose plants: I have seen their pale gold gleam in 
overshadowed spots like scatterings of the sweetest lustre。 All this I 
enjoyed often and fully; free; unwatched; and almost alone: for this 
unwonted liberty and pleasure there was a cause; to which it now 
becomes my task to advert。 
   Have I not described a pleasant site for a dwelling; when I speak 
of it as bosomed in hill and wood; and rising from the verge of a 
stream? Assuredly; pleasant enough: but whether healthy or not is 
another question。 
   That forest…dell; where Lowood lay; was the cra

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