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the garden of allah-第86节

小说: the garden of allah 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Do you want anyone to be with us; to break in upon our lives? Aren't
we happier alone?〃

〃Boris!〃 she said; 〃youdid you let him see that you wanted him to

It occurred to her suddenly that Androvsky; in his lack of worldly
knowledge; might perhaps have shown their guest that he secretly
resented the intrusion of a stranger upon them even for one evening;
and that De Trevignac; being a sensitive man; had been hurt and had
abruptly gone away。 Her social sense revolted at this idea。

〃You didn't let him see that; Boris!〃 she exclaimed。 〃After his escape
from death! It would have been inhuman。〃

〃Perhaps my love for you might even make me that; Domini。 And if it
didif you knew why I was inhumanwould you blame me for it? Would
you hate me for it?〃

There was a strong excitement dawning in him。 It recalled to her the
first night in the desert when they sat together on the ground and
watched the waning of the fire。

〃Could youcould you hate me for anything; Domini?〃 he said。 〃Tell me
could you?〃

His face was close to hers。 She looked at him with her long; steady
eyes; that had truth written in their dark fire。

〃No;〃 she answered。 〃I could never hate younow。〃

〃Not ifnot if I had done you harm? Not if I had done you a wrong?〃

〃Could you ever do me a wrong?〃 she asked。

She sat; looking at him as if in deep thought; for a moment。

〃I could almost as easily believe that God could;〃 she said at last

〃Then youyou have perfect trust in me?〃

〃Buthave you ever thought I had not?〃 she asked。 There was wonder in
her voice。

〃But I have given my life to you;〃 she added still with wonder。 〃I am
here in the desert with you。 What more can I give? What more can I

He put his arms about her and drew her head down on his shoulder。

〃Nothing; nothing。 You have given; you have done everythingtoo much;
too much。 I feel myself below you; I know myself below youfar; far

〃How can you say that? I couldn't have loved you if it were so。〃 She
spoke with complete conviction。

〃Perhaps;〃 he said; in a low voice; 〃perhaps women never realise what
their love can do。 It mightit might〃

〃What; Boris?〃

〃It might do what Christ didgo down into hell to preach to theto
the spirits in prison。〃

His voice had dropped almost to a murmur。 With one hand on her cheek
he kept her face pressed down upon his shoulder so that she could not
see his face。

〃It might do that; Domini。〃

〃Boris;〃 she said; almost whispering too; for his words and manner
filled her with a sort of awe; 〃I want you to tell me something。〃

〃What is it?〃

〃Are you quite happy with me here in the desert? If you are I want you
to tell me that you are。 RememberI shall believe you。〃

〃No other human being could ever give me the happiness you give me。〃


He interrupted her。

〃No other human being ever has。 Till I met you I had no conception of
the happiness there is in the world for man and woman who love each

〃Then you are happy?〃

〃Don't I seem so?〃

She did not reply。 She was searching her heart for the answer
searching it with an almost terrible sincerity。 He waited for her
answer; sitting quite still。 His hand was always against her face。
After what seemed to him an eternity she said:



〃Why did you say that about a woman's love being able even to go down
into hell to preach to the spirits in prison?〃

He did not answer。 His hand seemed to her to lie more heavily on her

〃II am not sure that you are quite happy with me;〃 she said。

She spoke like one who reverenced truth; even though it slew her。
There was a note of agony in her voice。

〃Hush!〃 he said。 〃Hush; Domini!〃

They were both silent。 Beyond the canvas of the tent that shut out
from them the camp they heard a sound of music。 Drums were being
beaten。 The African pipe was wailing。 Then the voice of Ali rose in
the song of the 〃Freed Negroes〃:

 〃No one but God and I
  Knows what is in my heart。〃

At that moment Domini felt that the words were truehorribly true。

〃Boris;〃 she said。 〃Do you hear?〃

〃Hush; Domini。〃

〃I think there is something in your heart that sometimes makes you sad
even with me。 I think perhaps I partly guess what it is。〃

He took his hand away from her face; his arm from her shoulder; but
she caught hold of him; and her arm was strong like a man's。

〃Boris; you are with me; you are close to me; but do you sometimes
feel far away from God?〃

He did not answer。

〃I don't know; I oughtn't to ask; perhaps。 I don't askno; I don't。
But; if it's that; don't be too sad。 It may all come righthere in
the desert。 For the desert is the Garden of Allah。 And; Borisput out
the light。〃

He extinguished the candle with his hand。

〃You feel; perhaps; that you can't pray honestly now; but some day you
may be able to。 You will be able to。 I know it。 Before I knew I loved
you I saw youpraying in the desert。〃

〃I!〃 he whispered。 〃You saw me praying in the desert!〃

It seemed to her that he was afraid。 She pressed him more closely with
her arms。

〃It was that night in the dancing…house。 I seemed to see a crowd of
people to whom the desert had given gifts; and to you it had given the
gift of prayer。 I saw you far out in the desert praying。〃

She heard his hard breathing; felt it against her cheek。

〃Ifif it is that; Boris; don't despair。 It may come。 Keep the
crucifix。 I am sure you have it。 And I always pray for you。〃

They sat for a long while in the dark; but they did not speak again
that night。

Domini did not sleep; and very early in the morning; just as dawn was
beginning; she stole out of the tent; shutting down the canvas flap
behind her。

It was cold outsidecold almost as in a northern winter。 The wind of
the morning; that blew to her across the wavelike dunes and the white
plains; seemed impregnated with ice。 The sky was a pallid grey。 The
camp was sleeping。 What had been a fire; all red and gold and leaping
beauty; was now a circle of ashes; grey as the sky。 She stood on the
edge of the hill and looked towards the tower。

As she did so; from the house behind it came a string of mules;
picking their way among the stones over the hard earth。 De Trevignac
and his men were already departing from Mogar。

They came towards her slowly。 They had to pass her to reach the track
by which they were going on to the north and civilisation。 She stood
to see them pass。

When they were quite near De Trevignac; who was riding; with his head
bent down on his chest; muffled in a heavy cloak; looked up and saw
her。 She nodded to him。 He sat up and saluted。 For a moment she
thought that he was going on without stopping to speak to her。 She saw
that he hesitated what to do。 Then he pulled up his mule and prepared
to get off。

〃No; don't; Monsieur;〃 she said。

She held out her hand。

〃Good…bye;〃 she added。

He took her hand; then signed to his men to ride on。 When they had
passed; saluting her; he let her hand go。 He had not spoken a word。
His face; burned scarlet by the sun; had a look of exhaustion on it;
but also another lookof horror; she thought; as if in his soul he
was recoiling from her。 His inflamed blue eyes watched her; as if in a
search that was intense。 She stood beside the mule in amazement。 She
could hardly believe that this was the man who had thanked her; with
tears in his eyes; for her hospitality the night before。 〃Good…bye;〃
he said; speaking at last; coldly。 She saw him glance at the tent from
which she had come。 The horror in his face surely deepened。 〃Goodbye;
Madame;〃 he repeated。 〃Thank you for your hospitality。〃 He pulled up
the rein to ride on。 The mule moved a step or two。 Then suddenly he
checked it and turned in the saddle。 〃Madame!〃 he said。 〃Madame!〃

She came up to him。 It seemed to her that he was going to say
something of tremendous importance to her。 His lips; blistered by the
sun; opened to speak。 But he only looked again towards the tent in
which Androvsky was still sleeping; then at her。

A long moment passed。

Then De Trevignac; as if moved by an irresistable impulse; leaned from
the saddle and made over Domini the sign of the cross。 His hand
dropped down against the mule's side; and without another word; or
look; he rode away to the north; following his men。


That same day; to the surprise of Batouch; they left Mogar。 To both
Domini and Androvsky it seemed a tragic place; a place where the
desert showed them a countenance that was menacing。

They moved on towards the south; wandering aimlessly through the warm
regions of the sun。 Then; as the spring drew into summer; and the heat
became daily more intense; they turned again northwards; and on an
evening in May pitched their camp on the outskirts of the Sahara city
of Amara。

This city; although situated in the northern part of the desert; was
called by the Arabs 〃The belly of the Sahara;〃 and also 〃The City of
Scorpions。〃 It lay in the midst of a vast region of soft and shifting
sand that suggested a white sea; in which the oasis of date palms; at
the edge of which the city stood; was a green island。 From the south;
whence the wanderers came; the desert sloped 

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