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the garden of allah-第76节

小说: the garden of allah 字数: 每页4000字

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back to the aperture。 In the distance; standing alone at the edge of
the hill; she saw Androvsky; bathed in the sunset; looking out over
the hidden desert from which rose the wild sound of African music;
steadily growing louder。 It seemed to her as if he must be gazing at
the plains of heaven; so magically brilliant and tender; so pellucidly
clear and delicate was the atmosphere and the colour of the sky。 She
saw no other form; only his; in this poem of light; in this wide world
of the sinking sun。 And the music seemed to be about his feet; to rise
from the sand and throb in its breast。

At that moment the figure of Liberty; which she had seen in the
shadows of the dancing…house; came in at the tent door and laid; for
the first time; her lips on Domini's。 That kiss was surely the
consecration of the life of the sands。 But to…day there had been
another consecration。 Domini had a sudden impulse to link the two
consecrations together。

She drew from her breast the wooden crucifix Androvsky had thrown into
the stream at Sidi…Zerzour; and; softly going to one of the beds; she
pinned the crucifix above it on the canvas of the tent。 Then she
turned and went out into the glory of the sunset to meet the fierce
music that was rising from the desert。


Night had fallen over the desert; a clear purple night; starry but
without a moon。 Around the Bordj; and before a Cafe Maure built of
brown earth and palm…wood; opposite to it; the Arabs who were halting
to sleep at Arba on their journeys to and from Beni…Mora were huddled;
sipping coffee; playing dominoes by the faint light of an oil lamp;
smoking cigarettes and long pipes of keef。 Within the court of the
Bordj the mules were feeding tranquilly in rows。 The camels roamed the
plain among the tamarisk bushes; watched over by shrouded shadowy
guardians sleepless as they were。 The mountains; the palms of Beni…
Mora; were lost in the darkness that lay over the desert。

On the low hill; at some distance beyond the white tent of Domini and
Androvsky; the obscurity was lit up fiercely by the blaze of a huge
fire of brushwood; the flames of which towered up towards the stars;
flickering this way and that as the breeze took them; and casting a
wild illumination upon the wild faces of the rejoicing desert men who
were gathered about it; telling stories of the wastes; singing songs
that were melancholy and remote to Western ears; even though they
hymned past victories over the infidels; or passionate ecstasies of
love in the golden regions of the sun。 The steam from bowls of cous…
cous and stews of mutton and vegetables curled up to join the thin
smoke that made a light curtain about this fantasia; and from time to
time; with a shrill cry of exultation; a half…naked form; all gleaming
eyes and teeth and polished bronze…hued limbs; rushed out of the
blackness beyond the fire; leaped through the tongues of flame and
vanished like a spectre into the embrace of the night。

All the members of the caravan; presided over by Batouch in glory;
were celebrating the wedding night of their master and mistress。

Domini and Androvsky had already visited them by their bonfire; had
received their compliments; watched the sword dance and the dance of
the clubs; touched with their lips; or pretended to touch; the stem of
a keef; listened to a marriage song warbled by Ali to the
accompaniment of a flute and little drums; and applauded Ouardi's
agility in leaping through the flames。 Then; with many good…nights;
pressures of the hand; and auguries for the morrow; they had gone away
into the cool darkness; silently towards their tent。

They walked slowly; a little apart from each other。 Domini looked up
at the stars and saw among them the star of Liberty。 Androvsky looked
at her and saw all the stars in her face。 When they reached the tent
door they stopped on the warm earth。 A lamp was lit within; casting a
soft light on the simple furniture and on the whiteness of the two
beds; above one of which Domini imagined; though from without she
could not see; the wooden crucifix Androvsky had once worn in his

〃Shall we stay here a little?〃 Domini said in a low voice。 〃Out here?〃
There was a long pause。 Then Androvsky answered:

〃Yes。 Let us feel it allall。 Let us feel it to the full。〃

He caught hold of her hand with a sort of tender roughness and twined
his fingers between hers; pressing his palm against hers。

〃Don't let us miss anything to…night;〃 he said。 〃All my life is
to…night。 I've had no life yet。 To…morrowwho knows whether we shall
be dead to…morrow? Who knows? But we're alive to…night; flesh and
blood; heart and soul。 And there's nothing here; there can be nothing
here to take our life from us; the life of our love to…night。 For
we're out in the desert; we're right away from anyone; everything。
We're in the great freedom。 Aren't we; Domini? Aren't we?〃

〃Yes;〃 she said。 〃Yes。〃

He took her other hand in the same way。 He was facing her; and he held
his hands against his heart with hers in them; then pressed her hands
against her heart; then drew them back again to his。

〃Then let us realise it。 Let us forget our prison。 Let us forget
everything; everything that we ever knew before Beni…Mora; Domini。
It's dead; absolutely dead; unless we make it live by thinking。 And
that's mad; crazy。 Thought's the great madness。 Domini; have you
forgotten everything before we knew each other?〃

〃Yes;〃 she said。 〃Nowbut only now。 You've made me forget it all。〃

There was a deep breathing under her voice。 He held up her hands to
his shoulders and looked closely into her eyes; as if he were trying
to send all himself into her through those doors of the soul opened to
seeing him。 And now; in this moment; she felt that her fierce desire
was realised; that he was rising above her on eagle's wings。 And as on
the night before the wedding she had blessed all the sorrows of her
life; now she blessed silently all the long silence of Androvsky; all
his strange reticence; his uncouthness; his avoidance of her in the
beginning of their acquaintance。 That which had made her pain by
being; now made her joy by having been and being no more。 The hidden
man was rushing forth to her at last in his love。 She seemed to hear
in the night the crash of a great obstacle; and the voice of the flood
of waters that had broken it down at length and were escaping into
liberty。 His silence of the past now made his speech intensely
beautiful and wonderful to her。 She wanted to hear the waters more
intensely; more intensely。

〃Speak to me;〃 she said。 〃You've spoken so little。 Do you know how
little? Tell me all you are。 Till now I've only felt all you are。 And
that's so much; but not enough for a womannot enough。 I've taken
you; but nowgive me all I've taken。 Givekeep on giving and giving。
From to…night to receive will be my life。 Long ago I've given all I
had to you。 Give to me; give me everything。 You know I've given all。〃

〃All?〃 he said; and there was a throb in his deep voice; as if some
intense feeling rose from the depths of him and shook it。

〃Yes; all;〃 she whispered。 〃Alreadyand long agothat day in the
garden。 When Iwhen I put my hands against your foreheaddo you
remember? I gave you all; for ever。〃

And as she spoke she bent down her face with a sort of proud
submission and put her forehead against his heart。

The purity in her voice and in her quiet; simple action dazzled him
like a flame shining suddenly in his eyes out of blackness。 And he;
too; in that moment saw far up above him the beating of an eagle's
wings。 To each one the other seemed to be on high; and as both looked
up that was their true marriage。

〃I felt it;〃 he said; touching her hair with his lips。 〃I felt it in
your hands。 When you touched me that day it was as if you were giving
me the world and the stars。 It frightened me to receive so much。 I
felt as if I had no place to put my gift in。〃

〃Did your heart seem so small?〃 she said。

〃You make everything I have and am seem smalland yet great。 What
does it mean?〃

〃That you are great; as I am; because we love。 No one is small who
loves。 No one is poor; no one is bad; who loves。 Love burns up evil。
It's the angel that destroys。〃

Her words seemed to send through his whole body a quivering joy。 He
took her face between his hands and lifted it from his heart。

〃Is that true? Is that true?〃 he said。 〃I'veI've tried to think
that。 If you know how I've tried。〃

〃And don't you know it is true?〃

〃I don't feel as if I knew anything that you do not tell me to…night。
I don't feel as if I have; or am; anything but what you give me; make
me to…night。 Can you understand that? Can you understand what you are
to me? That you are everything; that I have nothing else; that I have
never had anything else in all these years that I have lived and that
I have forgotten? Can you understand it? You said just now 'Speak to
me; tell me all you are。' That's what I am; all I am; a man you have
made a man。 You; Dominiyou have made me a man; you have created me。〃

She was silent。 The intensity with which he spoke; the intensity of
his eyes while he was speaking; made her hear those

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