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the garden of allah-第56节

小说: the garden of allah 字数: 每页4000字

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May yours be as serene; as beautiful; as a string of pearls。〃

〃But I have never cared to wear pearls;〃 she answered。

〃No? What are your stones?〃


〃Blood! No others?〃


〃The sky at night。〃

〃And opals。〃

〃Fires gleaming across the white of moonlit dunes。 Do you remember?〃

〃I remember。〃

〃And you do not ask me for the end of the Diviner's vision even now?〃


She hesitated for an instant。 Then she added:

〃I will tell you why。 It seemed to me that there was another's fate in
it as well as my own; and that to hear would be to intrude; perhaps;
upon another's secrets。〃

〃That was your reason?〃

〃My only reason。〃 And then she added; repeating consciously
Androvsky's words: 〃I think there are things that should be let

〃Perhaps you are right。〃

A stronger breath of the cool wind came over the flats; and all the
palm trees rustled。 Through the garden there was a delicate stir of

〃My children are murmuring farewell;〃 said the Count。 〃I hear them。 It
is time! Good…bye; Miss Enfildenmy friend; if I may call you so。 May
Allah have you in his keeping; and when your summons comes; obey it

As he said the last word his grating voice dropped to a deep note of
earnest; almost solemn; gravity。 Then he lifted his hat; touched his
horse with his heel; and galloped away into the sun。

Domini watched the three riders till they were only specks on the
surface of the desert。 Then they became one with it; and were lost in
the dreamlike radiance of the morning。 But she did not move。 She sat
with her eyes fixed up on the blue horizon。 A great loneliness had
entered into her spirit。 Till Count Anteoni had gone she did not
realise how much she had become accustomed to his friendship; how near
their sympathies had been。 But directly those tiny; moving specks
became one with the desert she knew that a gap had opened in her life。
It might be small; but it seemed dark and deep。 For the first time the
desert; which she had hitherto regarded as a giver; had taken
something from her。 And now; as she sat looking at it; while the sun
grew stronger and the light more brilliant; while the mountains
gradually assumed a harsher aspect; and the details of things; in the
dawn so delicately clear; became; as it were; more piercing in their
sharpness; she realised a new and terrible aspect of it。 That which
has the power to bestow has another power。 She had seen the great
procession of those who had received gifts of the desert's hands。
Would she some day; or in the night when the sky was like a sapphire;
see the procession of those from whom the desert had taken away
perhaps their dreams; perhaps their hopes; perhaps even all that they
passionately loved and had desperately clung to?

And in which of the two processions would she walk?

She got up with a sigh。 The garden had become tragic to her for the
moment; full of a brooding melancholy。 As she turned to leave it she
resolved to go to the priest。 She had never yet entered his house。
Just then she wanted to speak to someone with whom she could be as a
little child; to whom she could liberate some part of her spirit
simply; certain of a simple; yet not foolish; reception of it by one
to whom she could look up。 She desired to be not with the friend so
much as with the spiritual director。 Something was alive within her;
something of distress; almost of apprehension; which needed the
soothing hand; not of human love; but of religion。

When she reached the priest's house Beni…Mora was astir with a
pleasant bustle of life。 The military note pealed through its
symphony。 Spahis were galloping along the white roads。 Tirailleurs
went by bearing despatches。 Zouaves stood under the palms; staring
calmly at the morning; their sunburned hands loosely clasped upon
muskets whose butts rested in the sand。 But Domini scarcely noticed
the brilliant gaiety of the life about her。 She was preoccupied; even
sad。 Yet; as she entered the little garden of the priest; and tapped
gently at his door; a sensation of hope sprang up in her heart; born
of the sustaining power of her religion。

An Arab boy answered her knock; said that the Father was in and led
her at once to a small; plainly…furnished room; with whitewashed
walls; and a window opening on to an enclosure at the back; where
several large palm trees reared their tufted heads above the smoothly…
raked sand。 In a moment the priest came in; smiling with pleasure and
holding out his hands in welcome。

〃Father;〃 she said at once; 〃I am come to have a little talk with you。
Have you a few moments to give me?〃

〃Sit down; my child;〃 he said。

He drew forward a straw chair for her and took one opposite。

〃You are not in trouble?〃

〃I don't know why I should be; but〃

She was silent for a moment。 Then she said:

〃I want to tell you a little about my life。〃

He looked at her kindly without a word。

His eyes were an invitation for her to speak; and; without further
invitation; in as few and simple words as possible; she told him why
she had come to Beni…Mora; and something of her parents' tragedy and
its effect upon her。

〃I wanted to renew my heart; to find myself;〃 she said。 〃My life has
been cold; careless。 I never lost my faith; but I almost forgot that I
had it。 I made little use of it。 I let it rust。〃

〃Many do that; but a time comes when they feel that the great weapon
with which alone we can fight the sorrows and dangers of the world
must be kept bright; or it may fail us in the hour of need。〃


〃And this is an hour of need for you。 But; indeed; is there ever an
hour that is not?〃

〃I feel to…day; I〃

She stopped; suddenly conscious of the vagueness of her apprehension。
It made her position difficult; speech hard for her。 She felt that she
wanted something; yet scarcely knew what; or exactly why she had come。

〃I have been saying good…bye to Count Anteoni;〃 she resumed。 〃He has
gone on a desert journey。〃

〃For long?〃

〃I don't know; but I feel that it will be。〃

〃He comes and goes very suddenly。 Often he is here and I do not even
know it。〃

〃He is a strange man; but I think he is a good man。〃

As she spoke about him she began to realise that something in him had
roused the desire in her to come to the priest。

〃And he sees far;〃 she added。

She looked steadily at the priest; who was waiting quietly to hear
more。 She was glad he did not trouble her mind just then by trying to
help her to go on; to be explicit。

〃I came here to find peace;〃 she continued。 〃And I thought I had found
it。 I thought so till to…day。〃

〃We only find peace in one place; and only there by our own will
according with God's。〃

〃You mean within ourselves。〃

〃Is it not so?〃

〃Yes。 Then I was foolish to travel in search of it。〃

〃I would not say that。 Place assists the heart; I think; and the way
of life。 I thought so once。〃

〃When you wished to be a monk?〃

A deep sadness came into his eyes。

〃Yes;〃 he said。 〃And even now I find it very difficult to say; 'It was
not thy will; and so it is not mine。' But would you care to tell me if
anything has occurred recently to trouble you?〃

〃Something has occurred; Father。〃

More excitement came into her face and manner。

〃Do you think;〃 she went on; 〃that it is right to try to avoid what
life seems to be bringing to one; to seek shelter fromfrom the
storm? Don't monks do that? Please forgive me if〃

〃Sincerity will not hurt me;〃 he interrupted quietly。 〃If it did I
should indeed be unworthy of my calling。 Perhaps it is not right for
all。 Perhaps that is why I am here instead of〃

〃Ah; but I remember; you wanted to be one of the /freres armes/。〃

〃That was my first hope。 But you〃very simply he turned from his
troubles to hers〃you are hesitating; are you not; between two

〃I scarcely know。 But I want you to tell me。 Ought we not always to
think of others more than of ourselves?〃

〃So long as we take care not to put ourselves in too great danger。 The
soul should be brave; but not foolhardy。〃

His voice had changed; had become stronger; even a little stern。

〃There are risks that no good Christian ought to run: it is not
cowardice; it is wisdom that avoids the Evil One。 I have known people
who seemed almost to think it was their mission to convert the fallen
angels。 They confused their powers with the powers that belong to God

〃Yes; butit is so difficult toif a human being were possessed by
the devil; would not you trywould you not go near to that person?〃

〃If I had prayed; and been told that any power was given me to do what
Christ did。〃

〃To cast outyes; I know。 But sometimes that power is giveneven to

〃Perhaps especially to them。 I think the devil has more fear of a good
mother than of many saints。〃

Domini realised almost with agony in that moment how her own soul had
been stripped of a precious armour。 A feeling of bitter helplessness
took possession of her; and of contempt for what she now suddenly
looked upon as foolish pride。 The priest saw that his words had hurt
her; yet he did not just then try to pour balm upon the wound。

〃You came to me to…day as to a spiritu

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