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the garden of allah-第113节

小说: the garden of allah 字数: 每页4000字

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〃To meto me〃 he repeated。

Then he was silent。

〃Boris;〃 she said; 〃I want to give you one thing; the thing that you
have lost。 I want to give you back peace。〃

〃You never can。〃

〃I must try。 Even if I cannot I shall know that I have tried。〃

〃You are giving meyou are giving me not peace; but a sword;〃 he

She understood that he had seen the two tents。

〃Sometimes a sword can give peace。〃

〃The peace of death。〃

〃Borismy dear onethere are many kinds of deaths。 Try to trust me。
Leave me to act as I must act。 Let me try to be guidedonly let me

He did not say another word。

That night they slept apart for the first time since their marriage。

〃Domini; where are you taking me? Where are we going?〃

*   *   *   *   *   *

The camp was struck once more and they were riding through the desert。
Domini hesitated to answer his question。 It had been put with a sort
of terror。

〃I know nothing;〃 he continued。 〃I am in your hands like a child。 It
cannot be always so。 I must know; I must understand。 What is our life
to be? What is our future? A man cannot〃

He paused。 Then he said:

〃I feel that you have come to some resolve。 I feel it perpetually。 It
is as if you were in light and I in darkness; you in knowledge and I
in ignorance。 Youyou must tell me。 I have told you all now。 You must
tell me。〃

But she hesitated。

〃Not now;〃 she answered。 〃Not yet。〃

〃We are to journey on day by day like this; and I am not to know where
we are going! I cannot; DominiI will not。〃

〃Boris; I shall tell you。〃


〃Will you trust me; Boris; completely? Can you?〃


〃Boris; I have prayed so much for you that at last I feel that I can
act for you。 Don't think me presumptuous。 If you could see into my
heart you would see thatindeed; I don't think it would be possible
to feel more humble than I do in regard to you。〃

〃Humbleyou; Domini! You can feel humble when you think of me; when
you are with me。〃

〃Yes。 You have suffered so terribly。 God has led you。 I feel that He
has beenoh; I don't know how to say it quite naturally; quite as I
feel itthat He has been more intent on you than on anyone I have
ever known。 I feel that His meaning in regarding to you is intense;
Boris; as if He would not let you go。〃

〃He let me go when I left the monastery。〃

〃Does one never return?〃

Again a sensation almost of terror assailed him。 He felt as if he were
fighting in darkness something that he could not see。

〃Return!〃 he said。 〃What do you mean?〃

She saw the expression of almost angry fear in his face。 It warned her
not to give the reins to her natural impulse; which was always towards
a great frankness。

〃Boris; you fled from God; but do you not think it possible that you
could ever return to Him? Have you not taken the first step? Have you
not prayed?〃 His face changed; grew slightly calmer。

〃You told me I could pray;〃 he answered; almost like a child。
〃Otherwise II should not have dared to。 I should have felt that I
was insulting God。〃

〃If you trusted me in such a thing; can you not trust me now?〃

〃But〃he said uneasily〃but this is different; a worldly matter; a
matter of daily life。 I shall have to know。〃


〃Then why should I not know now? At any moment I could ask Batouch。〃

〃Batouch only knows from day to day。 I have a map of the desert。 I got
it before we left Beni…Mora。〃

Somethingperhaps a very slight hesitation in her voice just before
she said the last wordsstartled him。 He turned on his horse and
looked at her hard。

〃Domini;〃 he said; 〃are wewe are not going back to Beni…Mora?〃

〃I will tell you to…night;〃 she replied in a low voice。 〃Let me tell
you tonight。〃

He said no more; but he gazed at her for a long time as if striving
passionately to read her thoughts。 But he could not。 Her white face
was calm; and she rode looking straight before her; as one that looked
towards some distant goal to which all her soul was journeying with
her body。 There was something mystical in her face; in that straight;
far…seeing glance; that surely pierced beyond the blue horizon line
and reached a faroff world。 What world? He asked himself the question;
but no answer came; and he dropped his eyes。 A new and horrible
sadness came to him; a new sensation of separation from Domini。 She
had set their bodies apart; and he had yielded。 Now; was she not
setting something else apart? For; in spite of all; in spite of his
treacherous existence with her; he had so deeply and entirely loved
her that he had sometimes felt; dared to feel; that in their passion
in the desert their souls had been fused together。 His was blackhe
knew itand hers was white。 But had not the fire and the depth of
their love conquered all differences; made even their souls one as
their bodies had been one? And now was she not silently; subtly;
withdrawing her soul from his? A sensation of acute despair swept over
him; of utter impotence。

〃Domini!〃 he said; 〃Domini!〃

〃Yes;〃 she answered。

And this time she withdrew her eyes from the blue distance and looked
at him。

〃Domini; you must trust me。〃

He was thinking of the two tents set the one apart from the other。

〃Domini; I've borne something in silence。 I haven't spoken。 I wanted
to speak。 I triedbut I did not。 I bore my punishmentyou don't
know; you'll never know what I felt lastlast nightwhenI've borne
that。 But there's one thing I can't bear。 I've lived a lie with you。
My love for you overcame me。 I fell。 I have told you that I fell。
Don'tdon't because of thatdon't take away your heart from me
entirely。 DominiDominidon't do that。〃

She heard a sound of despair in his voice。

〃Oh; Boris;〃 she said; 〃if you knew! There was only one moment when I
fancied my heart was leaving you。 It passed almost before it came; and

〃But;〃 he interrupted; 〃do you knowdo you know that sincesince I
spoke; since I told you; you'veyou've never touched me?〃

〃Yes; I know it;〃 she replied quietly。

Something told him to be silent then。 Something told him to wait till
the night came and the camp was pitched once more。

They rested at noon for several hours; as it was impossible to travel
in the heat of the day。 The camp started an hour before they did。 Only
Batouch remained behind to show them the way to Ain…la…Hammam; where
they would pass the following night。 When Batouch brought the horses
he said:

〃Does Madame know the meaning of Ain…la…Hammam?〃

〃No;〃 said Domini。 〃What is it?〃

〃Source des tourterelles;〃 replied Batouch。 〃I was there once with an
English traveller。〃

〃Source des tourterelles;〃 repeated Domini。 〃Is it beautiful; Batouch?
It sounds as if it ought to be beautiful。〃

She scarcely knew why; but she had a longing that Ain…la…Hammam might
be tender; calm; a place to soothe the spirit; a place in which
Androvsky might be influenced to listen to what she had to tell him
without revolt; without despair。 Once he had spoken about the
influence of place; about rising superior to it。 But she believed in
it; and she waited; almost anxiously; for the reply of Batouch。 As
usual it was enigmatic。

〃Madame will see;〃 he answered。 〃Madame will see。 But the


〃The Englishman was ravished。 'This;' he said to me; 'this; Batouch;
is a little Paradise!' And there was no moon then。 To…night there will
be a moon。〃

〃Paradise!〃 exclaimed Androvsky。

He sprang upon his horse and pulled up the reins。 Domini said no more。
They had started late。 It was night when they reached Ain…la…Hammam。
As they drew near Domini looked before her eagerly through the pale
gloom that hung over the sand。 She saw no village; only a very small
grove of palms and near it the outline of a bordj。 The place was set
in a cup of the Sahara。 All around it rose low hummocks of sand。 On
two or three of them were isolated clumps of palms。 Here the eyes
roamed over no vast distances。 There was little suggestion of space。
She drew up her horse on one of the hummocks and gazed down。 She heard
doves murmuring in their soft voices among the trees。 The tents were
pitched near the bordj。

〃What does Madame think?〃 asked Batouch。 〃Does Madame agree with the

〃It is a strange little place;〃 she answered。

She listened to the voices of the doves。 A dog barked by the bordj。

〃It is almost like a hiding…place;〃 she added。

Androvsky said nothing; but he; too; was gazing intently at the trees
below them; he; too; was listening to the voices of the doves。 After a
moment he looked at her。

〃Domini;〃 he whispered。 〃Herewon't youwon't you let me touch your
hand again here?〃

〃Come; Boris;〃 she answered。 〃It is late。〃

They rode down into Ain…la…Hammam。

The tents had all been pitched near together on the south of the
bordj; and separated by it from the tiny oasis。 Opposite to them was a
Cafe Maure of the humblest kind; a hovel of baked earth and brushwood;
with earthen divans and a coffee niche。 Before this was squatting a
group of five dirty desert men; the sole inhabitants of Ain…la…Hammam。
Just before dinner Domini gave an order to Batouch; and; while they
were dining; Androvsky noticed that their people were busy unpegging
the two sleep

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