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the garden of allah-第11节

小说: the garden of allah 字数: 每页4000字

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the sea? What is the worship of anyone to the sunset among the hills;
or to the wind that lifts all the clouds from before the face of the

A chill stole over Domini。 She felt like a very poor woman; who can
never know the joy of giving; because she does not possess even a

The church bell chimed again among the palms。 Domini heard voices
quite clearly below her under the arcade。 A French cafe was installed
there; and two or three soldiers were taking their /aperitif/ before
dinner out in the air。 They were talking of France; as people in exile
talk of their country; with the deliberateness that would conceal
regret and the child's instinctive affection for the mother。 Their
voices made Domini think again of the recruits; and then; because of
them; of Notre Dame de la Garde; the mother of God; looking towards
Africa。 She remembered the tragedy of her last confession。 Would she
be able to confess here to the Father whom she had seen strolling in
the tunnel? Would she learn to know here what she really was?

How warm it was in the night; and how warmth; as it develops the
fecundity of the earth; develops also the possibilities in many men
and women。 Despite her lassitude of body; which kept her motionless as
an idol in her chair; with her arm lying along the parapet of the
verandah; Domini felt as if a confused crowd of things indefinable;
but violent; was already stirring within her nature; as if this new
climate was calling armed men into being。 Could she not hear the
murmur of their voices; the distant clashing of their weapons?

Without being aware of it she was dropping into sleep。 The sound of a
footstep on the wooden floor of the verandah recalled her。 It was at
some distance behind her。 It crossed the verandah and stopped。 She
felt quite certain that it was the step of her fellow…traveller; not
because she knew he was staying in the hotel; but rather because of
the curious; uneven heaviness of the tread。

What was he doing? Looking over the parapet into the fruit gardens;
where the white figures of the Arabs were flitting through the trees?

He was perfectly silent。 Domini was now wide awake。 The feeling of
calm serenity had left her。 She was nervously troubled by this
presence near her; and swiftly recalled the few trifling incidents of
the day which had begun to delineate a character for her。 They were;
she found; all unpleasant; all; at least; faintly disagreeable。 Yet;
in sum; what was their meaning? The sketch they traced was so slight;
so confused; that it told little。 The last incident was the strangest。
And again she saw the long and luminous pathway of the tunnel;
flickering with light and shade; carpeted with the pale reflections of
the leaves and narrow branches of the trees; the black figure of the
priest far down it; and the tall form of the stranger in an attitude
of painful hesitation。 Each time she had seen him; apparently desirous
of doing something definite; hesitation had overtaken him。 In his
indecision there was something horrible to her; something alarming。

She wished he was not standing behind her; and her discomfort
increased。 She could still hear the voices of the soldiers in the
cafe。 Perhaps he was listening to them。 They sounded louder。

The speakers were getting up from their seats。 There was a jingling of
spurs; a tramp of feet; and the voices died away。 The church bell
chimed again。 As it did so Domini heard heavy and uneven steps cross
the verandah hurriedly。 An instant later she heard a window shut

〃Suzanne!〃 she called。

Her maid appeared; yawning; with various parcels in her hands。

〃Yes; Mademoiselle。〃

〃I sha'n't go down to the /salle…a…manger/ to…night。 Tell them to give
me some dinner in my /salon/。〃

〃Yes; Mademoiselle。〃

〃You did not see who was on the verandah just now?〃

The maid looked surprised。

〃I was in Mademoiselle's room。〃

〃Yes。 How near the church is。〃

〃Mademoiselle will have no difficulty in getting to Mass。 She will not
be obliged to go among all the Arabs。〃

Domini smiled。

〃I have come here to be among the Arabs; Suzanne。〃

〃The porter of the omnibus tells me they are dirty and very dangerous。
They carry knives; and their clothes are full of fleas。〃

〃You will feel quite differently about them in the morning。 Don't
forget about dinner。〃

〃I will speak about it at once; Mademoiselle。〃

Suzanne disappeared; walking as one who suspects an ambush。

After dinner Domini went again to the verandah。 She found Batouch
there。 He had now folded a snow…white turban round his head; and
looked like a young high priest of some ornate religion。 He suggested
that Domini should come out with him to visit the Rue des Ouled Nails
and see the strange dances of the Sahara。 But she declined。

〃Not to…night; Batouch。 I must go to bed。 I haven't slept for two

〃But I do not sleep; Madame。 In the night I compose verses。 My brain
is alive。 My heart is on fire。〃

〃Yes; but I am not a poet。 Besides; I may be here for a long time。 I
shall have many evenings to see the dances。〃

The poet looked displeased。

〃The gentleman is going;〃 he said。 〃Hadj is at the door waiting for
him now。 But Hadj is afraid when he enters the street of the dancers。〃


〃There is a girl there who wishes to kill him。 Her name is Aishoush。
She was sent away from Beni…Mora for six months; but she has come
back; and after all this time she still wishes to kill Hadj。〃

〃What has he done to her?〃

〃He has not loved her。 Yes; Hadj is afraid; but he will go with the
gentleman because he must earn money to buy a costume for the /fete/
of Ramadan。 I also wish to buy a new costume。〃

He looked at Domini with a dignified plaintiveness。 His pose against
the pillar of the verandah was superb。 Over his blue cloth jacket he
had thrown a thin white burnous; which hung round him in classic
folds。 Domini could scarcely believe that so magnificent a creature
was touting for a franc。 The idea certainly did occur to her; but she
banished it。 For she was a novice in Africa。

〃I am too tired to go out to…night;〃 she said decisively。

〃Good…night; Madame。 I shall be here to…morrow morning at seven
o'clock。 The dawn in the garden of the gazelles is like the flames of
Paradise; and you can see the Spahis galloping upon horses that are
beautiful as〃

〃I shall not get up early to…morrow。〃

Batouch assumed an expression that was tragically submissive and
turned to go。 Just then Suzanne appeared at the French window of her
bedroom。 She started as she perceived the poet; who walked slowly past
her to the staircase; throwing his burnous back from his big
shoulders; and stood looking after him。 Her eyes fixed themselves upon
the section of bare leg that was visible above his stockings white as
the driven snow; and a faintly sentimental expression mingled with
their defiance and alarm。

Domini got up from her chair and leaned over the parapet。 A streak of
yellow light from the doorway of the hotel lay upon the white road
below; and in a moment she saw two figures come out from beneath the
verandah and pause there。 Hadj was one; the stranger was the other。
The stranger struck a match and tried to light a cigar; but failed。 He
struck another match; and then another; but still the cigar would not
draw。 Hadj looked at him with mischievous astonishment。

〃If Monsieur will permit me〃 he began。

But the stranger took the cigar hastily from his mouth and flung it

〃I don't want to smoke;〃 Domini heard him say in French。

Then he walked away with Hadj into the darkness。

As they disappeared Domini heard a faint shrieking in the distance。 It
was the music of the African hautboy。

The night was marvellously dry and warm。 The thickly growing trees in
the garden scarcely moved。 It was very still and very dark。 Suzanne;
standing at her window; looked like a shadow in her black dress。 Her
attitude was romantic。 Perhaps the subtle influence of this Sahara
village was beginning to steal even over her obdurate spirit。

The hautboy went on crying。 Its notes; though faint; were sharp and
piercing。 Once more the church bell chimed among the date palms; and
the two musics; with their violently differing associations; clashing
together smote upon Domini's heart with a sense of trouble; almost of
tragedy。 The pulses in her temples throbbed; and she clasped her hands
tightly together。 That brief moment; in which she heard the duet of
those two voices; was one of the most interesting; yet also one of the
most painful she had ever known。 The church bell was silent now; but
the hautboy did not cease。 It was barbarous and provocative; shrill
with a persistent triumph。

Domini went to bed early; but she could not sleep。 Just before
midnight she heard someone walking up and down on the verandah。 The
step was heavy and shuffling。 It came and went; came and went; without
pause till she was in a fever of uneasiness。 Only when two chimed from
the church did it cease at last。

She whispered a prayer to Notre Dame de la Garde; The Blessed Virgin;
looking towards Africa。 For the first time she felt the loneliness of
her situation and that she was far away。

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