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child of storm-第56节

小说: child of storm 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Dying!  What of; Tshoza?〃

〃I don't know;〃 he answered mysteriously; 〃but I think he must be
bewitched。  For a long while; a year or more; he has eaten little and
cannot bear to be alone in the dark; indeed; ever since he left Zululand
he has been very strange and moody。〃

Now I remembered what old Zikali had said to me years before to the
effect that Saduko was living with a ghost which would kill him。

〃Does he think much about Umbelazi; Tshoza?〃 I asked。

〃O Macumazana; he thinks of nothing else; the Spirit of Umbelazi is in
him day and night。〃

〃Indeed;〃 I said。  〃Can I see him?〃

〃I don't know; Macumazahn。  I will go and ask the lady Nandie at once;
for; if you can; I believe there is no time to lose。〃 And he left the

Ten minutes later he returned with a woman; Nandie the Sweet herself;
the same quiet; dignified Nandie whom I used to know; only now somewhat
worn with trouble and looking older than her years。

〃Greeting; Macumazahn;〃 she said。  〃I am pleased to see you; although it
is strange; very strange; that you should come here just at this time。 
Saduko is leaving uson a long journey; Macumazahn。〃

I answered that I had heard so with grief; and wondered whether he would
like to see me。

〃Yes; very much; Macumazahn; only be prepared to find him different from
the Saduko whom you knew。  Be pleased to follow me。〃

So we went out of Tshoza's hut; across a courtyard to another large hut;
which we entered。  It was lit with a good lamp of European make; also a
bright fire burned upon the hearth; so that the place was as light as
day。  At the side of the hut a man lay upon some blankets; watched by a
woman。  His eyes were covered with his hand; and he was moaning:

〃Drive him away!  Drive him away!  Cannot he suffer me to die in peace?〃

〃Would you drive away your old friend; Macumazahn; Saduko?〃 asked Nandie
very gently; 〃Macumazahn; who has come from far to see you?〃

He sat up; and; the blankets falling off him; showed me that he was
nothing but a living skeleton。  Oh! how changed from that lithe and
handsome chief whom I used to know。  Moreover; his lips quivered and his
eyes were full of terrors。

〃Is it really you; Macumazahn?〃 he said in a weak voice。  〃Come; then;
and stand quite close to me; so that he may not get between us;〃 and he
stretched out his bony hand。

I took the hand; it was icy cold。

〃Yes; yes; it is I; Saduko;〃 I said in a cheerful voice; 〃and there is
no man to get between us; only the lady Nandie; your wife; and myself
are in the hut; she who watched you has gone。〃

〃Oh; no; Macumazahn; there is another in the hut whom you cannot see。 
There he stands;〃 and he pointed towards the hearth。  〃Look! The spear
is through him and his plume lies on the ground!〃

〃Through whom; Saduko?〃

〃Whom?  Why; the Prince Umbelazi; whom I betrayed for Mameena's sake。〃

〃Why do you talk wind; Saduko?〃 I asked。  〃Years ago I saw
Indhlovu…ene…Sihlonti die。〃

〃Die; Macumazahn!  We do not die; it is only our flesh that dies。  Yes;
yes; I have learned that since we parted。  Do you not remember his last
words: 'I will haunt you while you live; and when you cease to live; ah!
then we shall meet again'?  Oh! from that hour to this he _has_ haunted
me; Macumazahnhe and the others; and now; now we are about to meet as
he promised。〃

Then once more he hid his eyes and groaned。

〃He is mad;〃 I whispered to Nandie。

〃Perhaps。  Who knows?〃 she answered; shaking her head。

Saduko uncovered his eyes。

〃Make 'the…thing…that…burns' brighter;〃 he gasped; 〃for I do not
perceive him so clearly when it is bright。  Oh! Macumazahn; he is
looking at you and whispering。  To whom is he whispering?  I see! to
Mameena; who also looks at you and smiles。  They are talking。  Be
silent。  I must listen。〃

Now; I began to wish that I were out of that hut; for really a little of
this uncanny business went a long way。  Indeed; I suggested going; but
Nandie would not allow it。

〃Stay with me till the end;〃 she muttered。  So I had to stay; wondering
what Saduko heard Umbelazi whispering to Mameena; and on which side of
me he saw her standing。

He began to wander in his mind。

〃That was a clever pit you dug for Bangu; Macumazahn; but you would not
take your share of the cattle; so the blood of the Amakoba is not on
your head。  Ah! what a fight was that which the Amawombe made at
Endondakusuka。  You were with them; you remember; Macumazahn; and why
was I not at your side?  Oh! then we would have swept away the Usutu as
the wind sweeps ashes。  Why was I not at your side to share the glory? 
I remember nowbecause of the Daughter of Storm。  She betrayed me for
Umbelazi; and I betrayed Umbelazi for her; and now he haunts me; whose
greatness I brought to the dust; and the Usutu wolf; Cetewayo; curls
himself up in his form and grows fat on his food。  Andand; Macumazahn;
it has all been done in vain; for Mameena hates me。  Yes; I can read it
in her eyes。  She mocks and hates me worse in death than she did in
life; and she says thatthat it was not all her faultbecause she
lovesbecause she loves〃

A look of bewilderment came upon his facehis poor; tormented face;
then suddenly Saduko threw his arms wide; and sobbed in an
ever…weakening voice:

〃Allall done in vain!  Oh!  _Mameena; Mameena; Mameena!_〃 and
fell back dead。

〃Saduko has gone away;〃 said Nandie; as she drew a blanket over his
face。  〃But I wonder;〃 she added with a little hysterical smile; 〃oh!
how I wonder who it was the Spirit of Mameena told him that she
lovedMameena; who was born without a heart?〃

I made no answer; for at that moment I heard a very curious sound; which
seemed to me to proceed from somewhere above the hut。  Of what did it
remind me?  Ah! I knew。  It was like the sound of the dreadful laughter
of Zikali; Opener…of…RoadsZikali; the

Doubtless; however; it was only the cry of some storm…driven night bird。
Or perhaps it was an hyena that laughedan hyena that scented death。


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