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child of storm-第28节

小说: child of storm 字数: 每页4000字

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many…hued; suggesting; but not revealing; the strength and splendour
that it veils。  Nandie had none of these attractions; which; after all;
anywhere upon the earth belong only to a few women in each generation。 
She was a simple; honest…natured; kindly; affectionate young woman of
high birth; no more; that is; as these qualities are understood and
expressed among her people。

Umbelazi led her forward into the presence of the King; to whom she
bowed gracefully enough。  Then; after casting a swift; sidelong glance
at Saduko; which I found it difficult to interpret; and another of
inquiry at me; she folded her hands upon her breast and stood silent;
with bent head; waiting to be addressed。

The address was brief enough; for Panda was still sleepy。

〃My daughter;〃 he said; with a yawn; 〃there stands your husband;〃 and he
jerked his thumb towards Saduko。  〃He is a young man and a brave; and
unmarried; also one who should grow great in the shadow of our House;
especially as he is a friend of your brother; Umbelazi。  I understand
also that you have seen him and like him。  Unless you have anything to
say against it; for as; not being a common father; the King receives no
cattleat least in this caseI am not prejudiced; but will listen to
your words;〃 and he chuckled in a drowsy fashion。  〃I propose that the
marriage should take place to…morrow。  Now; my daughter; have you
anything to say?  For if so; please say it at once; as I am tired。  The
eternal wranglings between your brethren; Cetewayo and Umbelazi; have
worn me out。〃

Now Nandie looked about her in her open; honest fashion; her gaze
resting first on Saduko; then on Umbelazi; and lastly upon me。

〃My Father;〃 she said at length; in her soft; steady voice; 〃tell me; I
beseech you; who proposes this marriage?  Is it the Chief Saduko; is it
the Prince Umbelazi; or is it the white lord whose true name I do not
know; but who is called Macumazahn; Watcher…by…Night?〃

〃I can't remember which of them proposed it;〃 yawned Panda。  〃Who can
keep on talking about things from night till morning?  At any rate; I
propose it; and I will make your husband a big man among our people。 
Have you anything to say against it?〃

〃I have nothing to say; my Father。  I have met Saduko; and like him
wellfor the rest; you are the judge。  But;〃 she added slowly; 〃does
Saduko like me?  When he speaks my name; does he feel it here?〃 and she
pointed to her throat。

〃I am sure I do not know what he feels in his throat;〃 Panda replied
testily; 〃but I feel that mine is dry。  Well; as no one says anything;
the matter is settled。  To…morrow Saduko shall give the umqoliso 'the Ox
of the Girl'; that makes marriageif he has not got one here I will
lend it to him; and you can take the new; big hut that I have built in
the outer kraal to dwell in for the present。  There will be a dance; if
you wish it; if not; I do not care; for I have no wish for ceremony just
now; who am too troubled with great matters。  Now I am going to sleep。〃

Then sinking from his stool on to his knees; Panda crawled through the
doorway of his great hut; which was close to him; and vanished。

Umbelazi and I departed also through the gateway of the fence; leaving
Saduko and the Princess Nandie alone together; for there were no
attendants present。  What happened between them I am sure I do not know;
but I gather that; in one way or another; Saduko made himself
sufficiently agreeable to the princess to persuade her to take him to
husband。  Perhaps; being already enamoured of him; she was not difficult
to persuade。  At any rate; on the morrow; without any great feasting or
fuss; except the customary dance; the umqoliso; the 〃Ox of the Girl;〃
was slaughtered; and Saduko became the husband of a royal maiden of the
House of Senzangakona。

Certainly; as I remember reflecting; it was a remarkable rise in life
for one who; but a few months before; had been without possessions or a

I may add that; after our brief talk in the King's kraal; while Panda
was dozing; I had no further words with Saduko on this matter of his
marriage; for between its proposal and the event he avoided me; nor did
I seek him out。  On the day of the marriage also; I trekked for Natal;
and for a whole year heard no more of Saduko; Nandie; and Mameena;
although; to be frank; I must admit I thought of the last of these
persons more often; perhaps; than I should have done。

The truth is that Mameena was one of those women who sticks in a man's
mind even more closely than a 〃Wait…a…bit〃 thorn does in his coat。



A whole year had gone by; in which I did; or tried to do; various things
that have no connection with this story; when once more I found myself
in Zululandat Umbezi's kraal indeed。  Hither I had trekked in
fulfilment of a certain bargain; already alluded to; that was concerned
with ivory and guns; which I had made with the old fellow; or; rather;
with Masapo; his son…in…law; whom he represented in this matter。  Into
the exact circumstances of that bargain I do not enter; since at the
moment I cannot recall whether I ever obtained the necessary permit to
import those guns into Zululand; although now that I am older I
earnestly hope that I did so; since it is wrong to sell weapons to
natives that may be put to all sorts of unforeseen uses。

At any rate; there I was; sitting alone with the Headman in his hut
discussing a dram of 〃squareface〃 that I had given to him; for the
〃trade〃 was finished to our mutual satisfaction; and Scowl; my body
servant; with the hunters; had just carried off the ivorya fine lot of
tusksto my wagons。

〃Well; Umbezi;〃 I said; 〃and how has it fared with you since we parted a
year ago?  Have you seen anything of Saduko; who; you may remember; left
you in some wrath?〃

〃Thanks be to my Spirit; I have seen nothing of that wild man;
Macumazahn;〃 answered Umbezi; shaking his fat old head in a fashion
which showed great anxiety。  〃Yet I have heard of him; for he sent me a
message the other day to tell me that he had not forgotten what he owed

〃Did he mean the sticks with which he promised to bray you like a green
hide?〃 I inquired innocently。

〃I think so; MacumazahnI think so; for certainly he owes me nothing
else。  And the worst of it is that; there at Panda's kraal; he has grown
like a pumpkin on a dung heapgreat; great!〃

〃And therefore is now one who can pay any debt that he owes; Umbezi;〃 I
said; taking a pull at the 〃squareface〃 and looking at him over the top
of the pannikin。

〃Doubtless he can; Macumazahn; and; between you and me; that is the real
reason why Ior rather Masapowas so anxious to get those guns。  They
were not for hunting; as he told you by the messenger; or for war; but
to protect us against Saduko; in case he should attack。  Well; now I
hope we shall be able to hold our own。〃

〃You and Masapo must teach your people to use them first; Umbezi。  But I
expect Saduko has forgotten all about both of you now that he is the
husband of a princess of the royal blood。  Tell me; how goes it with

〃Oh; well; well; Macumazahn。  For is she not the head lady of the
Amasomi?  There is nothing wrong with hernothing at all; except that
as yet she has no child; also that;〃 and he paused。

〃That what?〃 I asked。

〃That she hates the very sight of her husband; Masapo; and says that she
would rather be married to a baboonyes; to a baboonthan to him;
which gives him offence; after he has paid so many cattle for her。  But
what of this; Macumazahn?  There is always a grain missing upon the
finest head of corn。  Nothing is _quite_ perfect in the world;
Macumazahn; and if Mameena does not chance to love her husband〃 and he
shrugged his shoulders and drank some 〃squareface。〃

〃Of course it does not matter in the least; Umbezi; except to Mameena
and her husband; who no doubt will settle down in time; now that Saduko
is married to a princess of the Zulu House。〃

〃I hope so; Macumazahn; but; to tell the truth; I wish you had brought
more guns; for I live amongst a terrible lot of people。  Masapo; who is
furious with Mameena because she will have none of him; and therefore
with me; as though I could control Mameena; Mameena; who is mad with
Masapo; and therefore with me; because I gave her in marriage to him;
Saduko; who foams at the mouth at the name of Masapo; because he has
married Mameena; whom; it is said; he still loves; and therefore at me;
because I am her father and did my best to settle her in the world。  Oh;
give me some more of that fire…water; Macumazahn; for it makes me forget
all these things; and especially that my guardian spirit made me the
father of Mameena; with whom you would not run away when you might have
done so。  Oh; Macumazahn; why did you not run away with Mameena; and
turn her into a quiet white woman who ties herself up in sacks; sings
songs to the 'Great…Great' in the sky'that is; hymns to the Power
above us'and never thinks of any man who is not her husband?〃

〃Because if I had done so; Umbezi; I should have ceased to be a quiet
white man。  Yes; yes; my friend; I should have been in some such place
as you

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