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child of storm-第18节

小说: child of storm 字数: 每页4000字

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gate; saying as he passed me:

〃Inkoosi; I have words for you when you are at liberty。〃

〃You shall pay for this;〃 roared Umbezi after him; turning almost green
with rage; for Masapo still lay upon his broad back; speechless; 〃you
who dare to insult my guest in my own house。〃

〃Somebody must pay;〃 cried back Saduko from the gate; 〃but who it is
only the unborn moons will see。〃

〃Mameena;〃 I said as I followed him; 〃you have set fire to the grass;
and men will be burned in it。〃

〃I meant to; Macumazahn;〃 she answered calmly。  〃Did I not tell you that
there was a flame in me; and it will break out sometimes?  But;
Macumazahn; it is you who have set fire to the grass; not I。  Remember
that when half Zululand is in ashes。  Farewell; O Macumazana; till we
meet again; and;〃 she added softly; 〃whoever else must burn; may the
spirits have _you_ in their keeping。〃

At the gate; remembering my manners; I turned to bid that company a
polite farewell。  By now Masapo had gained his feet; and was roaring out
like a bull:

〃Kill him!  Kill the hyena!  Umbezi; will you sit still and see me; your
guestme; Masapostruck and insulted under the shadow of your own hut?
 Go forth and kill him; I say!〃

〃Why not kill him yourself; Masapo;〃 asked the agitated Umbezi; 〃or bid
your headmen kill him?  Who am I that I should take precedence of so
great a chief in a matter of the spear?〃  Then he turned towards me;
saying: 〃Oh; Macumazahn the crafty; if I have dealt well by you; come
here and give me your counsel。〃

〃I come; Eater…up…of…Elephants;〃 I answered; and I did。

〃What shall I dowhat shall I do?〃 went on Umbezi; brushing the
perspiration off his brow with one hand; while he wrung the other in his
agitation。  〃There stands a friend of mine〃he pointed to the
infuriated Masapo〃who wishes me to kill another friend of mine;〃 and
he jerked his thumb towards the kraal gate。  〃If I refuse I offend one
friend; and if I consent I bring blood upon my hands which will call for
blood; since; although Saduko is poor; without doubt he has those who
love him。〃

〃Yes;〃 I answered; 〃and perhaps you will bring blood upon other parts of
yourself besides your hands; since Saduko is not one to sit still like a
sheep while his throat is cut。  Also did he not say that he is not quite
alone?  Umbezi; if you will take my advice; you will leave Masapo to do
his own killing。〃

〃It is good; it is wise!〃 exclaimed Umbezi。  〃Masapo;〃 he called to that
warrior; 〃if you wish to fight; pray do not think of me。  I see nothing;
I hear nothing; and I promise proper burial to any who fall。  Only you
had best be swift; for Saduko is walking away all this time。  Come; you
and your people have spears; and the gate stands open。〃

〃Am I to go without my meat in order to knock that hyena on the head?〃
asked Masapo in a brave voice。  〃No; he can wait my leisure。  Sit still;
my people。  I tell you; sit still。  Tell him; you Macumazahn; that I am
coming for him presently; and be warned to keep yourself away from him;
lest you should tumble into his hole。〃

〃I will tell him;〃 I answered; 〃though I know not who made me your
messenger。  But listen to me; you Speaker of big words and Doer of small
deeds; if you dare to lift a finger against me I will teach you
something about holes; for there shall be one or more through that great
carcass of yours。〃

Then; walking up to him; I looked him in the face; and at the same time
tapped the handle of the big double…barrelled pistol I carried。

He shrank back muttering something。

〃Oh; don't apologise;〃 I said; 〃only be more careful in future。  And now
I wish you a good dinner; Chief Masapo; and peace upon your kraal;
friend Umbezi。〃

After this speech I marched off; followed by the clamour of Masapo's
furious attendants and the sound of Mameena's light and mocking

〃I wonder which of them she will marry?〃 I thought to myself; as I set
out for the wagons。

As I approached my camp I saw that the oxen were being inspanned; as I
supposed by the order of Scowl; who must have heard that there was a row
up at the kraal; and thought it well to be ready to bolt。  In this I was
mistaken; however; for just then Saduko strolled out of a patch of bush
and said:

〃I ordered your boys to yoke up the oxen; Inkoosi。〃

〃Have you?  That's cool!〃 I answered。  〃Perhaps you will tell me why。〃

〃Because we must make a good trek to the northward before night;

〃Indeed!  I thought that I was heading south…east。〃

〃Bangu does not live in the south or the east;〃 he replied slowly。

〃Oh; I had almost forgotten about Bangu;〃 I said; with a rather feeble
attempt at evasion。

〃Is it so?〃 he answered in his haughty voice。  〃I never knew before that
Macumazahn was a man who broke a promise to his friend。〃

〃Would you be so kind as to explain your meaning; Saduko?〃

〃Is it needful?〃 he answered; shrugging his shoulders。  〃Unless my ears
played me tricks; you agreed to go up with me against Bangu。  Well; I
have gathered the necessary menwith the king's leavethey await us
yonder;〃 and he pointed with his spear towards a dense patch of bush
that lay some miles beneath us。  〃But;〃 he added; 〃if you desire to
change your mind I will go alone。  Only then; I think; we had better bid
each other good…bye; since I love not friends who change their minds
when the assegais begin to shake。〃

Now; whether Saduko spoke thus by design I do not know。  Certainly;
however; he could have found no better way to ensure my companionship
for what it was worth; since; although I had made no actual promise in
this case; I have always prided myself on keeping even a half…bargain
with a native。

〃I will go with you;〃 I said quietly; 〃and I hope that; when it comes to
the pinch; your spear will be as sharp as your tongue; Saduko。  Only do
not speak to me again like that; lest we should quarrel。〃

As I said this I saw a look of relief appear on his face; of very great

〃I pray your pardon; my lord Macumazahn;〃 he said; seizing my hand;
〃but; oh! there is a hole in my heart。  I think that Mameena means to
play me false; and now that has happened with yonder dog; Masapo; which
will make her father hate me。〃

〃If you will take my advice; Saduko;〃 I replied earnestly; 〃you will let
this Mameena fall out of the hole in your heart; you will forget her
name; you will have done with her。  Ask me not why。〃

〃Perhaps there is no need; O Macumazana。  Perhaps she has been making
love to you; and you have turned her away; as; being what you are; and
my friend; of course you would do。〃  (It is rather inconvenient to be
set upon such a pedestal at times; but I did not attempt to assent or to
deny anything; much less to enter into explanations。)

〃Perhaps all this has happened;〃 he continued; 〃or perhaps it is she who
has sent for Masapo the Hog。  I do not ask; because if you know you will
not tell me。  Moreover; it matters nothing。  While I have a heart;
Mameena will never drop out of it; while I can remember names; hers will
never be forgotten by me。  Moreover; I mean that she shall be my wife。 
Now; I am minded to take a few men and spear this hog; Masapo; before we
go up against Bangu; for then he; at any rate; will be out of my road。〃

〃If you do anything of the sort; Saduko; you will go up against Bangu
alone; for I trek east at once; who will not be mixed up with murder。〃

〃Then let it be; Inkoosi; unless he attacks me; as my Snake send that he
may; the Hog can wait。  After all; he will only be growing a little
fatter。  Now; if it pleases you order the wagons to trek。  I will show
the road; for we must camp in that bush to…night where my people wait
me; and there I will tell you my plans; also you will find one with a
message for you。〃



We had reached the bush after six hours' downhill trek over a pretty bad
track made by cattleof course; there were no roads in Zululand at this
date。  I remember the place well。  It was a kind of spreading woodland
on a flat bottom; where trees of no great size grew sparsely。  Some were
mimosa thorns; others had deep green leaves and bore a kind of plum with
an acid taste and a huge stone; and others silver…coloured leaves in
their season。  A river; too; low at this time of the year; wound through
it; and in the scrub upon its banks were many guinea…fowl and other
birds。  It was a pleasing; lonely place; with lots of game in it; that
came here in the winter to eat the grass; which was lacking on the
higher veld。  Also it gave the idea of vastness; since wherever one
looked there was nothing to be seen except a sea of trees。

Well; we outspanned by the river; of which I forget the name; at a spot
that Saduko showed us; and set to work to cook our food; that consisted
of venison from a blue wildebeest; one of a herd of these wild…looking
animals which I had been fortunate enough to shoot as they whisked past
us; gambolling in and out between the trees。

While we were eating I observed that armed Zulus arrived continually in
parties of from six to a score of men; and as they arrived lifted their
spears; though whether in salutation to Saduko or to mysel

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