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the yellow god-第44节

小说: the yellow god 字数: 每页4000字

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sister。 Which of them is buried?〃

〃Neither; O Asika。 It was another lady who loved him very much and
wanted to marry him; and that was why he ran away to Africa。 But now
she is dead and buried。〃

〃Are all women in England called Barbara; Jeekie?〃

〃Yes; O Asika; Barbara means woman。〃

〃If your lord loved this Barbara; why then did he run away from her?
Well; it matters not since she is dead and buried; for whatever their
spirits may feel; no man cares for a woman that is dead until she
clothes herself in flesh again。 That was a good vision and I will
reward you for it。〃

〃I have earned nothing; O Asika;〃 answered Jeekie modestly; 〃who only
tell you what I see as I must。 Yet; O Asika;〃 he added with a note of
anxiety in his voice; 〃why do you not read these magic writings for

〃Because I dare not; or rather because I can not;〃 she answered
fiercely。 〃Be silent; slave; for now the power of the good broods upon
my soul。〃

The dream went on。 A great forest appeared; such a forest as they had
passed before they met the cannibals; and set beneath one of the
trees; a tent and in that tent Barbara; Barbara weeping。 Someone began
to lift the flap of the tent。 She sprang up; snatching at a pistol
that lay beside her; turning its muzzle towards her breast。 A man
entered the tent。 Alan saw his face; it was his own。 Barbara let fall
the pistol and fell backwards as though a bullet from it had pierced
her heart。 He leapt towards her; but before he came to where she lay
everything had vanished and he heard Jeekie droning out his lies to
the Asika; telling her that the vision he had seen was one of her and
his master seated with their arms about each other in a chamber of the
Golden House。

A third time the dream descended on Alan like a cloud。 It seemed to
him that he was borne beyond the flaming borders of the world。
Everything around was new and unfamiliar; vast; changing; lovely;
terrible。 He stood alone upon a pearly plain and the sky above him was
lit with red moons; many and many of them that hung there like lamps。
Spirits began to pass him。 He could catch something of their splendour
as they sped by with incredible swiftness; he could hear the music of
their laughter。 One rose up at his side。 It was the Asika; only a
thousand times more splendid; clothed in all the glory of hell。
Majestically she bent towards him; her glowing eyes held his; the
deadly perfume of her breath beat upon his brow and made him drunken。

She spoke to him and her voice sounded like distant bells。

〃Through many a life; through many a life;〃 she said; 〃bought with
much blood; paid for with a million tears; but mine at last; the soul
that I have won to comfort my soul in the eternal day。 Come to the
place I have made ready for you; the hell that shall turn to heaven at
your step; come; you by whom I am redeemed; and drive away those gods
that torture me because I was their servant that I might win you。〃

So she spoke; and though all his soul revolted; yet the fearful
strength that was in her seemed to draw him onward whither she would
go。 Then a light shone and that light was the face of Barbara and with
a suddenness that was almost awful; the wild dream came to an end。

Alan was in his own room again; though how he got there he did not

〃Jeekie;〃 he said; 〃what has happened? I seem to have had a very
curious dream; there in the Treasure…place; and to have heard you
telling the Asika a string of incredible falsehoods。〃

〃Oh! no; Major; Jeekie can't lie; too good Christian; he tell her what
/he/ see; or what he think she see if she look; 'cause though p'raps
he see nothing; she never believe that。 And;〃 he added with a burst of
confidence; 〃what the dickens it matter what he tell her; so long as
she swallow same and keep quiet? Nasty things always make women like
Asika quite outrageous。 Give them sweet to suck; say Jeekie; and if
they ill afterwards; that no fault of his。 They had sweet。〃

〃Quite so; Jeekie; quite so; only I should advise you not to play too
many tricks upon the Asika; lest she should happen to find you out。
How did I get back here?〃

〃Like man that walk in his sleep; Major。 She go first; you follow;
just as little lamb after Mary in hymn。〃

〃Jeekie; did you really see anything at all?〃

〃No; Major; nothing partic'lar; except ghost of Mrs。 Jeekie and of
your reverend uncle; both of them very angry。 That magic all stuff;
Major。 Asika put something in your grub make you drunk; so that you
think her very wise。 Don't think of it no more; Major; or you go off
your chump。 If Jeekie see nothing; depend on it there nothing to see。〃

〃Perhaps so; Jeekie; but I wish I could be sure you had seen nothing。
Listen to me; we must get out of this place somehow; or as you say; I
shall go off my chump。 It's haunted; Jeekie; its haunted; and I think
that Asika is a devil; not a woman。〃

〃That what priests say; Major; very old devilpart of Bonsa;〃 he
answered; looking at his master anxiously。 〃Well; don't you fret;
Jeekie not afraid of devils; Jeekie get you out in good time。 Go to
bed and leave it all to Jeekie。〃

Fifteen more days had gone by; and it was the eve of the night of the
second full moon when Alan was destined to become the husband of the
Asika。 She had sent for him that morning and he found her radiant with
happiness。 Whether or no she believed Jeekie's interpretation of the
visions she had called up; it seemed quite certain that her mind was
void of fears and doubts。 She was sure that Alan was about to become
her husband; and had summoned all the people of the Asiki to be
present at the ceremony of their marriage; and incidentally of the
death of the Mungana who; poor wretch; was to be forced to kill
himself upon that occasion。

Before they parted she had spoken to Alan sweetly enough。

〃Vernoon;〃 she said; 〃I know that you do not love me as I love you;
but the love will come; since for your sake I will change myself。 I
will grow gentle; I will shed no more blood; that of the Mungana shall
be the last; and even him I would spare if I could; only while he
lives I may not marry you; it is the one law that is stronger than I
am; and if I broke it I and you would die at once。 You shall even
teach me your faith; if you will; for what is good to you is
henceforth good to me。 Ask what you wish of me; and as an earnest I
will do it if I can。〃

Now Alan looked at her。 There was one thing that he wished above all
othersthat she would let him go。 But this he did not dare to ask;
moreover; it would have been utterly useless。 After all; if the
Asika's love was terrible; what would be the appearance of her
outraged hate? What could he ask? More gold? He hated the very name of
the stuff; for it had brought him here。 He remembered the old cannibal
chief; Fahni; who; like himself; languished a prisoner; daily
expecting death。 Only that morning he had implored him to obtain his

〃I thank you; Asika;〃 he said。 〃Now; if your words are true; set Fahni
free and let him return to his own country; for if he stays here he
will die。〃

〃Surely; Vernoon; that is a small thing;〃 she answered; smiling;
〃though it is true that when he gets there he will probably make war
upon us。 Well; let him; let him。〃 Then she clapped her hands and
summoned priests; whom she bade go at once and conduct Fahni out of
Bonsa…Town。 Also she bade them loose certain slaves who were of the
Ogula tribe; that they might accompany him laden with provisions; and
send on orders to the outposts that Fahni and his party should pass
unmolested from the land。

This done; she began to talk to Alan about many matters; however
little he might answer her。 Indeed it seemed almost as though she
feared to let him leave her side; as though some presentiment of loss
oppressed her。

At length; to Alan's great relief; the time came when they must part;
since it was necessary for her to attend a secret ceremony of
preparation or purification that was called 〃Putting…off…the…Past。〃
Although she had been thrice summoned; still she would not let him go。

〃They call you; Asika;〃 said Alan。

〃Yes; yes; they call me;〃 she replied; springing up。 〃Leave me;
Vernoon; till we meet to…morrow to part no more。 Oh! why is my heart
so heavy in me? That black dog of yours read the visions that I
summoned but might not look on; and they were good visions。 They
showed that the woman who loved you is dead; they showed us wedded;
and other deeper things。 Surely he would not dare to lie to me;
knowing that if he did I would flay him living and throw him to the
vultures。 Why; then; is my heart so heavy in me? Would you escape me;
Vernoon? Nay; you are not so cruel; nor could you do it except by
death。 Moreover; man; know that even in death you cannot escape me;
for there be sure I shall follow you and claim you; to whose side my
spirit has toiled for ages; and what is there so strong that it can
snatch you from my hand?〃

She looked at him a moment; and seizing his hand burst into a flood of
tears; and seizing his hand threw herself upon her knees and kissed it
again and again。

〃Go now;〃 she said; 〃go; and let my love go with you; through 

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