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the yellow god-第38节

小说: the yellow god 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Jeekie;〃 said Alan next morning; 〃I tell you again that I have had
enough of this place; I want to get out。〃

〃Yes; Major; that just what mouse say when he finish cheese in trap;
but missus come along; call him 'Pretty; pretty;' and drown him all
the same;〃 and he nodded in the direction of the Asika's house。

〃Jeekie; it has got to be donedo you hear me? I had rather die
trying to get away than stop here till the next two months are up。 If
I am here on the night of the next full moon but one; I shall shoot
that Asika and then shoot myself; and you must take your chance。 Do
you understand?〃

〃Understand that foolish game and poor lookout for Jeekie; Major; but
can't think of any plan。〃 Then he rubbed his big nose reflectively and
added; 〃Fahni and his people your slaves now; 'spose we have talk with
him。 I tell priests to bring him along when they come with breakfast。
Leave it to me; Major。〃

Alan did leave it to him; with the result that after long argument the
priests consented or obtained permission to produce Fahni and his
followers; and a little while after the great men arrived looking very
dejected; and saluted Alan humbly。 Bidding the rest of them be seated;
he called Fahni to the end of the room and asked him through Jeekie if
he and his men did not wish to return home。

〃Indeed we do; white lord;〃 answered the old chief; 〃but how can we?
The Asika has a grudge against our tribe and but for you would have
killed every one of us last night。 We are snared and must stop here
till we die。〃

〃Would not your people help you if they knew; Fahni?〃

〃Yes; lord; I think so。 But how can I tell them who doubtless believe
us dead? Nor can I send a messenger; for this place is guarded and he
would be killed at once。 We came here for your sake because you had
Little Bonsa; a god that is known in the east and the west; in the
north and the south; and because you saved me from the lion; and here;
alas! we must perish。〃

〃Jeekie;〃 said Alan; 〃can you not find a messenger? Have you; who were
born of this people; no friend among them at all?〃

Jeekie shook his white head and rolled his eyes。 Then suddenly an idea
struck him。

〃Yes;〃 he said; 〃I think one; p'raps。 I mean my ma。〃

〃Your ma!〃 said Alan。 〃Oh! I remember。 Have you heard anything more
about her?〃

〃Yes; Major。 Very old girl now; but strong on leg; so they say。
Believe she glad go anywhere; because she public nuisance; they tired
of her in prison and there no workhouse here; so they want turn her
out starve; which of course break my heart。 Perhaps she take message。
Some use that way。 Only think she afraid go Ogula…land because they
nasty cannibal and eat old woman。〃

When all this was translated to Fahni he assured Jeekie with
earnestness that nothing would induce the Ogula people to eat his
mother; moreover; that for her sake they would never look
carnivorously on another old woman; fat or thin。

〃Well;〃 said Jeekie; 〃I try again to get hold of old lady and we see。
I pray priests; whom you save other day; let her out of chokey as I
sick to fall upon bosom; which quite true; only so much to think of
that no time to attend to domestic relation till now。〃

That very afternoon; on returning to his room from walking in the
dismal cedar garden; Alan's ears were greeted by a sound of shrill
quarrelling。 Looking up he saw an extraordinary sight。 A tall; gaunt;
withered female who might have been of any age between sixty and a
hundred; had got Jeekie's ear in one hand; and with the other was
slapping him in the face while she exclaimed:

〃O thief; whom by the curse of Bonsa I brought into the world; what
have you done with my blanket? Was it not enough that you; my only
son; should leave me to earn my own living? Must you also take my best
blanket with you; for which reason I have been cold ever since。 Where
is it; thief; where is it?〃

〃Worn out; my mother; worn out;〃 he answered; trying to free himself。
〃You forget; honourable mother; that I grow old and you should have
been dead years ago。 How can you expect a blanket to last so long?
Leave go of my ear; beloved mother; and I will give you another。 I
have travelled across the world to find you and I want to hear news of
your husband。〃

〃My husband; thief; which husband? Do you mean your father; the one
with the broken nose; who was sacrificed because you ran away with the
white man whom Bonsa loved? Well; you look out for him when you get
into the world of ghosts; for he said that he was going to wait for
you there with the biggest stick that he could find。 Why I haven't
thought of him for years; but then I have had three other husbands
since his time; bad enough; but better than he was; so who would? And
now Bonsa has got the lot; and I have no children alive; and they say
I am to be driven out of the prison to starve next week as they won't
feed me any longer; I who can still work against any one of them; and
you've got my blanket; you ugly old rascal;〃 and collapsing beneath
the weight of her recited woes; the hag burst into a melancholy howl。

〃Peace; my mother;〃 said Jeekie; patting her on the head。 〃Do what I
tell you and you shall have more blankets than you can wear and; as
you are still so handsome; another husband too if you like; and a
garden and slaves to work for you and plenty to eat。〃

〃How shall I get all these things; my son?〃 asked the old woman;
looking up。 〃Will you take me to your home and support me; or will
that white lord marry me? They told me that the Asika had named him as
the Mungana; and she is very jealous; the most jealous Asika that I
have ever known。〃

〃No; mother; he would like to; but he dare not; and I cannot support
you as I should wish; as here I have no house or property。 You will
get all this by taking a walk and holding your tongue。 You see this
man here; he is Fahni; king of a great tribe; the Ogula。 He wants you
to carry a message for him; and by and by he will marry you; won't
you; Fahni?〃

〃Oh! yes; yes;〃 said Fahni; 〃I will do anything she likes。 No one
shall be so rich and honoured in my country; and for her sake we will
never eat another old woman; whereas if she stays here she will be
driven to the mountains to starve in a week。〃

〃Set out the matter;〃 said the mother of Jeekie; who was by no means
so foolish as she seemed。

So they told her what she must do; namely; travel down to the Ogula
and tell them of the plight of their chief; bidding them muster all
their fighting men and when the swamps were dry enough; advance as
near as they dared to the Asiki country and; if they could not attack
it; wait till they had further news。

The end of it was that the mother of Jeekie; who knew her case to be
desperate at home; where she was in no good repute; promised to
attempt the journey in consideration of advantages to be received。
Since she was to be turned adrift to meet her fate with as much food
as she could carry; this she could do without exciting any suspicion;
for who would trouble about the movements of a useless old thief?
Meanwhile Jeekie gave her one of the robes which the Asika had
provided for Alan; also various articles which she desired and; having
learned Fahni's message by heart and announced that she considered
herself his affianced bride; the gaunt old creature departed happy
enough after exchanging embraces with her long lost son。

〃She will tell somebody all about it and we shall only get our throats
cut;〃 said Alan wearily; for the whole thing seemed to him a foolish

〃No; no; Major。 I make her swear not split on ghosts of all her
husbands and by Big Bonsa hisself。 She sit tight as wax; because she
think they haunt her if she don't and I too by and by when I dead。
P'raps she get to Ogula country and p'raps not。 If she don't; can't
help it and no harm done。 Break my heart; but only one old woman less。
Anyhow she hold tongue; that main point; and I really very glad find
my ma; who never hoped to see again。 Heaven very kind to Jeekie; give
him back to family bosom;〃 he added; unctuously。

That day there were no excitements; and to Alan's intense relief he
saw nothing of the Asika。 After its orgy of witchcraft and bloodshed
on the previous night; weariness and silence seemed to have fallen
upon the town。 At any rate no sound came from it that could be heard
above the low; constant thunder of the great waterfall rushing down
its precipice; and in the cedar…shadowed garden where Alan walked till
he was weary; attended by Jeekie and the Ogula savages; not a soul was
to be seen。

On the following morning; when he was sitting moodily in his room; two
priests came to conduct him to the Asika。 Having no choice; followed
by Jeekie; he accompanied them to her house; masked as usual; for
without this hateful disguise he was not allowed to stir。 He found her
lying upon a pile of cushions in a small room that he had never seen
before; which was better lighted than most in that melancholy abode;
and seemed to serve as her private chamber。 In front of her lay the
skin of the lion that he had sent as a present; and about her throat
hung a necklace made of its claws; heavily set in gold; with w

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