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the yellow god-第37节

小说: the yellow god 字数: 每页4000字

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Then he took it and drank; passing it to a companion in misfortune;
who in turn drank also and gave it to the third priest; he who would
have snatched the mask had not the Asika lifted it out of his reach。

This man drained it to the dregs; and with an exclamation of rage
dashed the empty vessel into the face of the chosen priest with such
fury that the man rolled upon the ground and for a while lay there
stunned。 Now he who had drunk first began to spring about in a
ludicrous fashion; and presently was joined in his dance by the other
two。 So absurd were their motions and tumblings and clownlike
grimaces; for they had dragged off their masks; that roars of brutal
laughter rose from the audience; in which the Asika joined。

At first Alan thought that the thing was a joke; and that the men had
merely been made mad drunk; till catching sight of their eyes in the
moonlight; he perceived that they were in great pain and turned
indignantly to remonstrate with the Asika。

〃Be silent; Vernoon;〃 she said savagely; 〃blood is your /orunda/ and I
respect it。 Therefore by decree of the god these die of poison;〃 and
again she fell to laughing at the contortions of the victims。

Alan shut his eyes; and when at length; drawn by some fearful
fascination; he opened them once more; it was to see that the three
poor creatures had thrown themselves into the water; where they rolled
over and over like wounded porpoises; till presently they sank and
vanished there。

This farce; for so they considered it; being ended and the stage; so
to speak; cleared; the audience having laughed itself hoarse; set
itself to watch the proceedings of the newly chosen high…priest of
Little Bonsa; who by now had recovered from the blow dealt to him by
one of the murdered men。 With the help of some other priests he was
engaged in binding the fetish on to a little raft of reeds。 This done
he laid himself flat upon a broad plank which had been made ready for
him at the edge of the water; placing the mask in front of him and
with a few strokes of his feet that hung over the sides of the plank;
paddled himself out to the centre of the canal where the god called
Big Bonsa floated; or was anchored。 Having reached it he pushed the
little raft off the plank into the water; and in some way that Alan
could not see; made it fast to Big Bonsa; so that now the two of them
floated one behind the other。 Then while the people cheered; shouting
out that husband and wife had come together again at last; he paddled
his plank back to the water's edge; sat down and waited。

Meanwhile; at a sign from the Asika; all the scores of priests and
priestesses who were dressed as devils had filed off to right and
left; and vanished; presumably to cross the water by bridges or boats
that were out of sight。 At any rate now they began to appear upon its
further side and to wind their way singly among the thousands of the
Asiki people who were gathered upon the rocky slope beyond in order to
witness this fearsome entertainment。 Alan observed that the spectators
did not appear to appreciate the arrival amongst them of these
priests; from whom they seemed to edge away。 Indeed many of them rose
and tried to depart altogether; only to be driven back to their places
by a double line of soldiers armed with spears; who now for the first
time became visible; ringing in the audience。 Also other soldiers and
with them bodies of men who looked like executioners; showed
themselves upon the further brink of the water and then marched off;
disappearing to left and right。

〃What's the matter now?〃 Alan asked of Jeekie over his shoulder。

〃All in blue funk;〃 whispered Jeekie back; 〃joke done。 Get to business
now。 Silly fools forget that when they laugh so much。 Both Bonsas very
hungry and Asika want wipe out old scores。 Presently you see。〃

Presently Alan did see; for at some preconcerted signal the devil
priests; each of them; jumped with a yell at a person near to them;
gripping him or her by the hair; whereon assistants rushed in and
dragged them down to the bank of the canal。 Here to the number of a
hundred or more; a wailing; struggling mass; they were confined in a
pen like sheep。 Then a bar was lifted and one of them allowed to
escape; only to find himself in a kind of gangway which ran down into
shallow water。 Being forced along this he came to an open space of
water exactly opposite to the floating fetishes; and there was kept a
while by men armed with spears。 As nothing happened they lifted their
spears and the man bolted up an incline and was lost among the
thousands of spectators。

The next one; evidently a person of rank; was not so fortunate。
Jumping into the pool off the gangway; he stood there like a sheep
about to be washed; the water reaching up to his middle。 Then Alan saw
a terrifying thing; for suddenly the horrid; golden head of Big Bonsa;
towing Little Bonsa behind it; began to swim with a deliberate motion
across the stream until; reaching the man; it seemed to rear itself up
and poke him with its snout in the chest as a turtle might do。 Then it
sank again into the water and slowly floated back to its station;
directed by some agency or power that Alan could not discover。

At the touch of the fetish the man screamed like a horse in pain or
terror; and soldiers leaping on him with a savage shout; dragged him
up another gangway opposite to that by which he had descended;
whereon; to all appearances more dead than alive; he departed into the
shadows。 The horns and drums set up a bray of triumph; the Asika
clapped her hands approvingly; the spectators cheered; and another
victim was bundled down the gangway and submitted to the judgment of
the Bonsas; which came at him like a hungry pike at a frog。 Then
followed more and more; some being chosen and some let go; till at
last; growing weary; the priests directed the soldiers to drive the
prisoners down in batches until the pen in the water was full as
though with huddled sheep。 If the horrible golden masks swam at them
and touched one of their number; they were all dragged away; if these
remained quiescent they were let go。

So the thing went on until at length Alan could bear no more of it。

〃Lady;〃 he said to the Asika when she paused for a moment from her
hand…clapping; 〃I am weary; I would sleep。〃

〃What!〃 she exclaimed; 〃do you wish to sleep on such a glorious night
when so many evil doers are coming to their just doom? Well; well; go
if you will; for then my promise is off me and I can hasten this
business and deal with the wicked before the people according to our
custom。 Good…night to you; Vernoon; to…morrow we will meet;〃 and she
called to some priests to lead him away; and with him the Ogula
cannibals whom she had given to him as servants。

Alan went thankfully enough。 As he plunged into one of the passages
the sound of frightful yelling reached his ears; followed by loud;
triumphant shouts。

〃Now you gone they kill those who Bonsa smell out;〃 said Jeekie。 〃Why
you no wait and see? Very interesting sight。〃

〃Hold your tongue;〃 answered Alan savagely。 〃Did you think so years
ago when you were put into that pen to be butchered?〃

〃No; Major;〃 replied the unabashed Jeekie; 〃not think at all then; too
far gone。 But see other people in there and know it not /you/; quite
different matter。〃

They reached their room。 At the door of it Fahni and his followers
were led off to some quarters near by; blessing Alan as they went
because he had saved their lives。

〃Jeekie;〃 he said when they were alone; 〃tell me; what makes that
hellish idol swim about in the water picking out some people and
leaving others alone?〃

〃Major; I not know; no one know except top priest and Asika。 Perhaps
there man underneath; perhaps they pull string; or perhaps fetish
alive and he do what he like。 Please don't call him names; Major; or
he remember and come after us one time; and that bad job;〃 and Jeekie
shivered visibly。

〃Bosh!〃 answered Alan; but all the same he shivered also。 〃Jeekie;〃 he
asked again; 〃what happens to those people whom the Bonsas smell out?〃

〃Case of good…bye; Major。 Sometimes they chop off nut; sometimes they
spiflicate in gold tub; sometimes priest…man make hole in what white
doctor call /diagram/and shake hands with heart。All matter of
taste; Major; just as Asika please。 If she like victim or they old
friends; chop off head; if she not like himdo worse things。〃

More than satisfied with his information Alan went to bed。 For hour
after hour that night he lay tossing and turning; haunted by the
recollections of the dreadful sights that he had seen and of the
horrible Asika; horrible and half…naked; glaring at him amorously
through the crystal eyes of Little Bonsa。 When at last he fell asleep
it was to dream that he was alone in the water with the god which
pursued him as a shark pursues a shipwrecked sailor。 Never did he
experience a nightmare that was half so awful。 Only one thing could be
more awful; the reality itself。



〃Jeekie;〃 said Alan next morning; 〃I tell you again that I have had
enough of this place; I want to get out。〃

〃Yes; Major; that just wh

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