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the yellow god-第13节

小说: the yellow god 字数: 每页4000字

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〃I am not all right; Aylward;〃 he answered; 〃I am not all right at
all。 Never had such an upset in my life; thought I was going to die
when that accursed savage told his beastly tale。 Aylward; you are a
man of the world; tell me; what is the meaning of the thing? You
remember what we thought we saw in the office; and thenthat story。〃

〃I don't know;〃 he answered; 〃frankly I don't know。 I am a man who has
never believed in anything I cannot see and test; one who utterly
lacks faith。 In my leisure I have examined into the various religious
systems and found them to be rubbish。 I am convinced that we are but
highly…developed mammals born by chance; and when our day is done;
departing into the black nothingness out of which we came。 Everything
else; that is; what is called the higher and spiritual part; I
attribute to the superstitions incident to the terror of the hideous
position in which we find ourselves; that of gods of a sort hemmed in
by a few years of fearful and tormented life。 But you know the old
arguments; so why should I enter on them? And now I am confronted with
an experience which I cannot explain。 I certainly thought that in the
office on Friday evening I saw that gold mask to which I had taken so
strange a fancy that I offered to give Vernon £17;000 for it because I
thought that it brought us luck; swim across the floor of our room and
look first into your face and then into mine。 Well; the next night
that negro tells his story。 What am I to make of it?〃

〃Can't tell you;〃 answered Mr。 Champers…Haswell with a groan。 〃All I
know is that it nearly made a corpse of me。 I am not like you;
Aylward; I was brought up as an Evangelical; and although I haven't
given much thought to these matters of late yearswell; we don't
shake them off in a hurry。 I daresay there is something somewhere; and
when the black man was speaking; that something seemed uncommonly
near。 It got up and gripped me by the throat; shaking the mortal
breath out of me; and upon my word; Aylward; I have been wishing all
the morning that I had led a different kind of life; as my old parents
and my brother John; Barbara's father; who was a very religious kind
of man; did before me。〃

〃It is rather late to think of all that now; Haswell;〃 said Sir
Robert; shrugging his shoulders。 〃One takes one's line and there's an
end。 Personally I believe that we are overstrained with the fearful
and anxious work of this flotation; and have been the victims of an
hallucination and a coincidence。 Although I confess that I came to
look upon the thing as a kind of mascot; I put no trust in any fetish。
How can a bit of gold move; and how can it know the future? Well; I
have written to them to clear it out of the office to…morrow; so it
won't trouble us any more。 And now I have come to speak to you on
another matter。〃

〃Not business;〃 said Mr。 Haswell with a sigh。 〃We have that all the
week and there will be enough of it on Monday。〃

〃No;〃 he answered; 〃something more important。 About your niece

Mr。 Haswell glanced at him with those little eyes of his which were so
sharp that they seemed to bore like gimlets。

〃Barbara?〃 he said。 〃What of Barbara?〃

〃Can't you guess; Haswell? You are pretty good at it; generally。 Well;
it is no use beating about the bush; I want to marry her。〃

At this sudden announcement his partner became exceedingly interested。
Leaning back in the chair he stared at the decorated ceiling; and
uttered his favourite wind…in…the…wires whistle。

〃Indeed;〃 he said。 〃I never knew that matrimony was in your line;
Aylward; any more than it has been in mine; especially as you are
always preaching against it。 Well; has the young lady given her

〃No; I have not spoken to her。 I meant to do so this morning; but she
has slipped off somewhere; with Vernon; I suppose。〃

Mr。 Haswell whistled again; but on a new note。

〃Pray do stop that noise;〃 said Sir Robert; 〃it gets upon my nerves;
which are shaky this morning。 Listen: It is a curious thing; one less
to be understood even than the coincidence of the Yellow God; but at
my present age of forty…four; for the first time in my life I have
committed the folly of what is called falling in love。 It is not the
case of a successful; middle…aged man wishing to /ranger/ himself and
settle down with a desirable /partie/; but of sheer; stark
infatuation。 I adore Barbara; the worse she treats me the more I adore
her。 I had rather that the Sahara flotation should fail than that she
should refuse me。 I would rather lose three…quarters of my fortune
than lose her。 Do you understand?〃

His partner looked at him; pursed up his lips to whistle; then
remembered and shook his head instead。

〃No;〃 he answered。 〃Barbara is a nice girl; but I should not have
imagined her capable of inspiring such sentiments in a man almost old
enough to be her father。 I think that you are the victim of a kind of
mania; which I have heard of but never experienced。 Venusor is it
Cupid?has netted you; my dear Aylward。〃

〃Oh! pray leave gods and goddesses out of it; we have had enough of
them already;〃 he answered; exasperated。 〃That is my case at any rate;
and what I want to know now is if I have your support in my suit。
Remember; I have something to offer; Haswell; for instance; a large
fortune of which I will settle halfit is a good thing to do in our
business;and a baronetcy that will be a peerage before long。〃

〃A peerage! Have you squared that?〃

〃I think so。 There will be a General Election within the next three
months; and on such occasions a couple of hundred thousand in cool
cash come in useful to a Party that is short of ready money。 I think I
may say that it is settled。 She will be the Lady Aylward; or any other
name she may fancy; and one of the richest women in England。 Now have
I your support?〃

〃Yes; my dear friend; why not; though Barbara does not want money; for
she has plenty of her own; in first…class securities that I could
never persuade her to vary; for she is shrewd in that way and steadily
refuses to sign anything。 Also she will probably be my heiressand;
Aylward;〃 here a sickly look of alarm spread itself over his face; 〃I
don't know how long I have to live。 That infernal doctor examined my
heart this morning and told me that it was weak。 Weak was his word;
but from the tone in which he said it; I believe that he meant more。
Aylward; I gather that I may die any day。〃

〃Nonsense; Haswell; so may we all;〃 he replied; with an affectation of
cheerfulness which failed to carry conviction。

Presently Mr。 Haswell; who had hidden his face in his hand; looked up
with a sigh and said:

〃Oh! yes; of course you have my support; for after all she is my only
relation and I should be glad to see her safely married。 Also; as it
happens; she can't marry anyone without my consent; at any rate until
she is five and twenty; for if she does; under her father's will all
her property goes away; most of it to charities; except a beggarly
£200 a year。 You see my brother John had a great horror of imprudent
marriages and a still greater belief in me; which as it chances; is a
good thing for you。〃

〃Had he?〃 said Sir Robert。 〃And pray why is it a good thing for me?〃

〃Because; my dear Aylward; unless my observation is at fault; there is
another Richard in the field; our late partner; Vernon; of whom; by
the way; Barbara is extremely fond; though it may only be in a
friendly fashion。 At any rate she pays more attention to his wishes
and opinions than to mine and yours put together。〃

At the mention of Alan's name Aylward started violently。

〃I feared it;〃 he said; 〃and he is more than ten years my junior and a
soldier; not a man of business。 Also there is no use disguising the
truth; although I am a baronet and shall be a peer and he is nothing
but a beggarly country gentleman with a D。S。O。 tacked on to his name;
he belongs to a different class to us; as she does too on her mother's
side。 Well; I can smash him up; for you remember I took over that
mortgage on Yarleys; and I'll do it if necessary。 Practically our
friend has not a shilling that he can call his own。 Therefore;
Haswell; unless you play me false; which I don't think you will; for I
can be a nasty enemy;〃 he added with a threat in his voice; 〃Alan
Vernon hasn't much chance in that direction。〃

〃I don't know; Aylward; I don't know;〃 replied Haswell; shaking his
white head。 〃Barbara is a strong…willed woman and she might choose to
take the man and let the money go; and thenwho can stop her? Also I
don't like your idea of smashing Vernon。 It isn't right; and it may
come back on our own heads; especially yours。 I am sorry that he has
left us; as you were on Friday night; for somehow he was a good;
honest stick to lean on; and we want such a stick。 But I am tired now;
I really can't talk any more。 The doctor warned me against excitement。
Get the girl's consent; Aylward; and we'll see。 Ah! here comes my
soup。 Good…bye for the present。〃

When Sir Robert came down to luncheon he found Barbara looking
particularly radiant and charming; already presiding at that meal and
conversing in her best French to the foreign gentlemen; who we

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