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小说: wildfire 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Yes;〃 sighed Lucy。

〃What's wrong? Don't you want Wildfire to win?〃

〃Yes and no。 But I'm going to beat the King; anyway。 。 。 。 Bring on your

Lucy unsaddled Sarchedon and turned him loose to graze while Slone went out
after Wildfire。 And presently it appeared that Lucy might have some little
time to wait。 Wildfire had lately been trusted to hobbles; which fact made it
likely that he had strayed。

Lucy gazed about her at the great looming red walls and out through the
avenues to the gray desert beyond。 This adventure of hers would soon have an
end; for the day of the races was not far distant; and after that it was
obvious she would not have occasion to meet Slone。 To think of never coming to
the pass again gave Lucy a pang。 Unconsciously she meant that she would never
ride up here again; because Slone would not be here。 A wind always blew
through the pass; and that was why the sand was so clean and hard。 To…day it
was a pleasant wind; not hot; nor laden with dust; and somehow musical in the
cedars。 The blue smoke from Slone's fire curled away and floated out of sight。
It was lonely; with the haunting presence of the broken walls ever manifest。
But the loneliness seemed full of content。 She no longer wondered at Slone's
desert life。 That might be well for a young man; during those years when
adventure and daring called him; but she doubted that it would be well for all
of a man's life。 And only a little of it ought to be known by a woman。 She saw
how the wildness and loneliness and brooding of such a life would prevent a
woman's development。 Yet she loved it all and wanted to live near it; so that
when the need pressed her she could ride out into the great open stretches and
see the dark monuments grow nearer and nearer; till she was under them; in the
silent and colored shadows。

Slone returned presently with Wildfire。 The stallion shone like a flame in the
sunlight。 His fear and hatred of Slone showed in the way he obeyed。 Slone had
mastered him; and must always keep the upper hand of him。 It had from the
first been a fight between man and beast; and Lucy believed it would always be

But Wildfire was a different horse when he saw Lucy。 Day by day evidently
Slone loved him more and tried harder to win a little of what Wildfire showed
at sight of Lucy。 Still Slone was proud of Lucy's control over the stallion。
He was just as much heart and soul bent on winning the great race as Lucy was。
She had ridden Wildfire bareback at first; and then they had broken him to the

It was serious business; that training of Wildfire; and Slone had peculiar
ideas regarding it。 Lucy rode him up and down the pass until he was warm。 Then
Slone got on Sarchedon。 Wildfire always snorted and showed fight at sight of
Sage King or Nagger; and the stallion Sarchedon infuriated him because
Sarchedon showed fight; too。 Slone started out ahead of Lucy; and then they
raced down the long pass。 The course was hard…packed sand。 Fast as Sarchedon
was; and matchless as a horseman as was Slone; the race was over almost as
soon as it began。 Wildfire ran indeed like fire before the wind。 He wanted to
run; and the other horse made him fierce。 Like a burr Lucy stuck low over his
neck; a part of the horse; and so light he would not have known he was
carrying her but for the repeated calls in his ears。 Lucy never spurred him。
She absolutely refused to use spurs on him。 This day she ran away from Slone;
and; turning at the end of the two…mile course they had marked out; she loped
Wildfire back。 Slone turned with her; and they were soon in camp。 Lucy did not
jump off。 She was in a transport。 Every race kindled a mounting fire in her。
She was scarlet of face; out of breath; her hair flying。 And she lay on
Wildfire's neck and hugged him and caressed him and talked to him in low tones
of love。

Slone dismounted and got Sarchedon out of the way; then crossed to where Lucy
still fondled Wildfire。 He paused a moment to look at her; but when she saw
him he started again; and came close up to her as she sat the saddle。

〃You went past me like a bullet;〃 he said。

〃Oh; can't he run!〃 murmured Lucy。

〃Could he beat the King to…day?〃

Slone had asked that question every day; more than once。

〃Yes; he couldto…day。 I know it;〃 replied Lucy。 〃OhI get so…so excited。
II make a fool of myselfover him。 But to ride him going like thatLin!
it's just glorious!〃

〃You sure can ride him;〃 replied Slone。 〃I can't see a fault anywhere in
himor in your handling him。 He never breaks。 He goes hard; but he saves
something。 He gets madfierceall the time; yet he WANTS to go your way。
Lucy; I never saw the like of it。 Somehow you an' Wildfire make a combination。
You can't be beat。〃

〃Do I ride himwell?〃 she asked; softly。

〃I could never ride him so well。〃

〃Oh; Linyou just want to please me。 Why; Van couldn't ride with you。〃

〃I don't care; Lucy;〃 replied Slone; stoutly。 〃You rode this horse perfect。
I've found fault with you on the King; on your mustangs; an' on this black
horse Sarch。 But on Wildfire! You grow there。〃

〃What will Dad say; and Farlane; and Holley; and Van? Oh; I'll crow over Van;〃
said Lucy。 〃I'm crazy to ride Wildfire out before all the Indians and ranchers
and riders; before the races; just to show him off; to make them stare。〃

〃No; Lucy。 The best plan is to surprise them all。 Enter your horse for the
race; but don't show up till all the riders are at the start。〃

〃Yes; that'll be best。 。 。 。 And; Lin; only five days morefive days!〃

Her words made Slone thoughtful; and Lucy; seeing that; straightway grew
thoughtful; too。

〃Sureonly five days more;〃 repeated Slone; slowly。

His tone convinced Lucy that he meant to speak again as he had spoken once
before; precipitating the only quarrel they had ever had。

〃Does ANY ONE at Bostil's Ford know you meet me out here?〃 he asked; suddenly。

〃Only Auntie。 I told her the other day。 She had been watching me。 She thought
things。 So I told her。〃

〃What did she say?〃 went on Slone; curiously。

〃She was mad;〃 replied Lucy。 〃She scolded me。 She said。 。 。 。 But; anyway; I
coaxed her not to tell on me。〃

〃I want to know what she said;〃 spoke up the rider; deliberately。

Lucy blushed; and it was a consciousness of confusion as well as Slone's tone
that made her half…angry。

〃She said when I was found out there'd be aa great fuss at the Ford。 There
would be talk。 Auntie said I'm now a grown…up girl。 。 。 。 Oh; she carried on!
。 。 。 Bostil would likely shoot you。 And if he didn't some of the riders
would。 。 。 。 Oh; Lin; it was perfectly ridiculous the way Auntie talked。〃

〃I reckon not;〃 replied Slone。 〃I'm afraid I've done wrong to let you come out
here。 。 。 。 But I never thought。 I'm not used to girls。 I'llI'll deserve
what I get for lettin' you came。〃

〃It's my own business;〃 declared Lucy; spiritedly。 〃And I guess they'd better
let you alone。〃

Slone shook his head mournfully。 He was getting one of those gloomy spells
that Lucy hated。 Nevertheless; she felt a stir of her pulses。

〃Lucy; there won't be any doubt about my standwhen I meet Bostil;〃 said
Slone。 Some thought had animated him。

〃What do you mean?〃 Lucy trembled a little。

There was a sternness about Slone; a dignity that seemed new。 〃I'll ask him
toto let you marry me。〃

Lucy stared aghast。 Slone appeared in dead earnest。

〃Nonsense!〃 she exclaimed; shortly。

〃I reckon the possibility isthat;〃 replied Slone; bitterly; 〃but my motive

〃It is。 Why; you've known me only a few days。 。 。 。 Dad would be mad。 Like as
not he'd knock you down。 。 。 。 I tell you; Lin; my dad isis pretty rough。
And just at this time of the races。 。 。 。 And if Wildfire beats the King! 。 。
。 Whew!〃

〃WHEN Wildfire beats the King; not IF;〃 corrected Slone。

〃Dad will be dangerous;〃 warned Lucy。 〃Please don't…don't ask him that。 Then
everybody would know IIyou…you〃

〃That's it。 I want everybody at your home to know。〃

〃But it's a little place;〃 flashed Lucy。 〃Every one knows me。 I'm the only
girl。 There have beenother fellows who。 。 。 。 And oh! I don't want you made
fun of!〃

〃Why?〃 he asked。

Lucy turned away her head without answering。 Something deep within her was
softening her anger。 She must fight to keep angry; and that was easy enough;
she thought; if she could only keep in mind Slone's opposition to her。
Strangely; she discovered that it had been sweet to find him always governed
by her desire or will。

〃Maybe you misunderstand;〃 he began; presently。 And his voice was not steady。
〃I don't forget I'm onlya beggarly rider。 I couldn't have gone into the Ford
at allI was such a ragamuffin〃

〃Don't talk like that!〃 interrupted Lucy; impatiently。

〃Listen;〃 he replied。 〃My askin' Bostil for you doesn't mean I've any hope。 。
。 。 It's just I want him an' everybody to know that I asked。〃

〃But Dadeverybody will think that YOU think there's reasonwhy Iwhy;
you OUGHT to ask;〃 burst out Lucy; with scarlet face。

〃Sure; that's it;〃 he replied。

〃But there's no reason。 None! Not a reason under the sun;〃 retorted Lucy;
hotly。 〃I found you out here。 I did you aa little service。 We planned to
race Wildfire。 And 

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