english stories-london-第25节
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and the worsted bird became a sort of uncouth charm to make them both
But after Christmas had come and gone; and the melancholy days; the
last beating of the failing pulse of the Old Year; throbbed slowly and
heavily away; the baby took upon its wan visage a strange expression
the solemn expression of worn…out and suffering age。 Its blue eyes
grew more solemnly speculative and dreamy; and after a while it seemed
to lose all taste for the petty things of this world and the low
desires of mere humanity。 It lay very quiet in Liz's arms; it never
cried; and was no longer fretful; and it seemed to listen with a sort
of mild approval to the tones of her voice as they rang out in the
dreary streets; through which; by day and night; she patiently
wandered。 By…and…by the worsted bird; too; fell out of favour; it
jumped and glittered in vain; the baby surveyed it with an unmoved air
of superior wisdom; just as if it had suddenly found out what real
birds were like; and was not to be deceived into accepting so poor an
imitation of nature。 Liz grew uneasy; but she had no one in whom to
confide her fears。 She had been very regular in her payments to Mother
Mawks; and that irate lady; kept in order by her bull…dog of a
husband; had been of late very contented to let her have the child
without further interference。 Liz knew well enough that no one in the
miserable alley where she dwelt would care whether the baby were ill
or not。 They would tell her; 〃The more sickly the better for your
trade。〃 Besides; she was jealous; she could not endure the idea of any
one tending it or touching it but herself。 Children were often ailing;
she thought; and if left to themselves without doctor's stuff they
recovered sometimes more quickly than they had sickened。 Thus soothing
her inward tremors as best she might; she took more care than ever of
her frail charge; stinting herself than she might nourish it; though
the baby seemed to care less and less for mundane necessities; and
only submitted to be fed; as it were; under patient and silent
And so the sands in Time's hour…glass ran slowly but surely away; and
it was New…Year's eve。 Liz had wandered about all day; singing her
little repertoire of ballads in the teeth of a cruel; snow…laden wind
so cruel that people otherwise charitably disposed had shut close
their doors and windows; and had not even heard her voice。 Thus the
last span of the Old Year had proved most unprofitable and dreary; she
had gained no more than sixpence; how could she return with only that
humble amount to face Mother Mawks and her vituperative fury? Her
throat ached; she was very tired; and; as the night darkened from pale
to deep and starless shadows; she strolled mechanically from the
Strand to the Embankment; and after walking some little distance she
sat down in a corner close to Cleopatra's Needlethat mocking obelisk
that has looked upon the decay of empires; itself impassive; and that
still appears to say; 〃Pass on; ye puny generations! I; a mere carven
block of stone; shall outlive you all!〃 For the first time in all her
experience the child in her arms seemed a heavy burden。 She put aside
her shawl and surveyed it tenderly; it was fast asleep; a small;
peaceful smile on its thin; quiet face。 Thoroughly worn out herself;
she leaned her head against the damp stone wall behind her; and
clasping the infant tightly to her breast; she also sleptthe heavy;
dreamless sleep of utter fatigue and physical exhaustion。 The solemn
night moved on; a night of black vapours; the pageant of the Old
Year's deathbed was unbrightened by so much as a single star。 None of
the hurrying passers…by perceived the weary woman where she slept in
that obscure corner; and for a long while she rested there
undisturbed。 Suddenly a vivid glare of light dazzled her eyes; she
started to her feet half asleep; but still instinctively retaining the
infant in her close embrace。 A dark form; buttoned to the throat and
holding a brilliant bull's…eye lantern; stood before her。
〃Come now;〃 said this personage; 〃this won't do! Move on!〃
Liz smiled faintly and apologetically。
〃All right!〃 she answered; striving to speak cheerfully; and raising
her eyes to the policeman's good…natured countenance。 〃I didn't mean
to fall asleep here。 I don't know how I came to do it。 I must go home;
of course。〃
〃Of course;〃 said the policeman; somewhat mollified by her evident
humility; and touched in spite of himself by the pathos of her eyes。
Then turning his lamp more fully upon her; he continued; 〃Is that a
baby you've got there?〃
〃Yes;〃 said Liz; half proudly; half tenderly。 〃Poor little dear! it's
been ailing sadlybut I think it's better now than it was。〃
And; encouraged by his friendly tone; she opened the folds of her
shawl to show him her one treasure。 The bulls…eye came into still
closer requisition as the kindly guardian of the peace peered
inquiringly at the tiny bundle。 He had scarcely looked when he started
back with an exclamation:
〃God bless my soul!〃 he cried; 〃it's dead!〃
〃Dead!〃 shrieked Liz; 〃oh; no; no! Not dead! Don't say so; oh; don't;
don't say so! Oh; you can't mean it! Oh; for God's love; say you
didn't mean it! It can't be dead; not really dead!no; no; indeed!
Oh; baby; baby! You are not dead; my pet my angel; not dead; oh no!〃
And breathless; frantic with fear; she felt the little thing's hands
and feet and face; kissed it wildly; and called it by a thousand
endearing names; in vainin vain! Its tiny body was already stiff and
rigid; it had been a corpse more than two hours。
The policeman coughed; and brushed his thick gauntlet glove across his
eyes。 He was an emissary of the law; but he had a heart。 He thought of
his bright…eyed wife at home; and of the soft…cheeked; cuddling little
creature that clung to her bosom and crowed with rapture whenever he
came near。
〃Look here;〃 he said; very gently; laying one hand on the woman's
shoulder as she crouched shivering against the wall; and staring
piteously at the motionless waxen form in her arms; 〃it's no use
fretting about it。〃 He paused; there was an uncomfortable lump in his
throat; and he had to cough again to get it down。 〃The poor little
creature's gonethere's no help for it。 The next world's a better
place than this; you know! There; there; don't take on so about it〃
this as Liz shuddered and sighed; a sigh of such complete despair that
it went straight to his honest soul; and showed him how futile were
his efforts at consolation。 But he had his duty to attend to; and he
went on in firmer tones: 〃Now; like a good woman; you just move off
from here and go home。 If I leave you here by yourself a bit; will you
promise me to go straight home? I mustn't find you here when I come
back on this beat; d' ye understand?〃 Liz nodded。 〃That's right!〃 he
resumed; cheerily。 〃I'll give you just ten minutes; you just go
straight home。〃
And with a 〃Good…night;〃 uttered in accents meant to be comforting; he
turned away and paced on; his measured tread echoing on the silence at
first loudly; then fainter and fainter; till it altogether died away;
as his bulky figure disappeared in the distance。 Left to herself; Liz
rose from her crouching posture; rocking the dead child in her arms;
she smiled。
〃Go straight home!〃 she murmured; half aloud。 〃Home; sweet home! Yes;
baby; yes; my darling; we will go home together!〃
And creeping cautiously along in the shadows; she reached a flight of
the broad stone steps leading down to the river。 She descended them;
one by one; the black water lapped against them heavily; heavily; the
tide was full up。 She paused; a sonorous; deep…toned iron voice rang
through the air with reverberating; solemn melody。 It was the great
bell of St。 Paul's tolling midnightthe Old Year was dead。
〃Straight home!〃 she repeated; with a beautiful; expectant look in her
wild; weary eyes。 〃My little darling! Yes; we are both tired; we will
go home! Home; sweet home! We will go!〃
Kissing the cold face of the baby corpse she held; she threw herself
forward; there followed a sullen; deep splasha slight struggleand
all was over! The water lapped against the steps heavily; heavily; as
before; the policeman passed once more; and saw to his satisfaction
that the coast was clear; through the dark veil of the sky one star
looked out and twinkled for a brief instant; then disappeared again。 A
clash and clamour of bells startled the brooding night; here and there
a window was opened; and figures appeared in balconies to listen。 They
were ringing in the New Yearthe festival of hope; the birthday of
the world! But what were New Years to her; who; with white; upturned
face; and arms that embraced an infant in the tenacious grip of death;
went drifting; drifting solemnly down the dark river; unseen; unpitied
by all those who awoke to new hopes and aspiratio