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wessex tales-第27节

小说: wessex tales 字数: 每页4000字

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the period in bell…hanging; ventilating; smoke…jacks; fire…grates;
and French windows。  The business was soon ended; and Jones; having
directed Barnet's attention to a roll of wall…paper patterns which
lay on a bench for his choice; was leaving to keep another
engagement; when Barnet said; 'Is the tomb finished yet for Mrs。

'Wellyes:  it is at last;' said the architect; coming back and
speaking as if he were in a mood to make a confidence。  'I have had
no end of trouble in the matter; and; to tell the truth; I am
heartily glad it is over。'

Barnet expressed his surprise。  'I thought poor Downe had given up
those extravagant notions of his? then he has gone back to the altar
and canopy after all?  Well; he is to be excused; poor fellow!'

'O nohe has not at all gone back to themquite the reverse;'
Jones hastened to say。  'He has so reduced design after design; that
the whole thing has been nothing but waste labour for me; till in
the end it has become a common headstone; which a mason put up in
half a day。'

'A common headstone?' said Barnet。

'Yes。  I held out for some time for the addition of a footstone at
least。  But he said; 〃O nohe couldn't afford it。〃'

'Ah; wellhis family is growing up; poor fellow; and his expenses
are getting serious。'

'Yes; exactly;' said Jones; as if the subject were none of his。  And
again directing Barnet's attention to the wall…papers; the bustling
architect left him to keep some other engagement。

'A common headstone;' murmured Barnet; left again to himself。  He
mused a minute or two; and next began looking over and selecting
from the patterns; but had not long been engaged in the work when he
heard another footstep on the gravel without; and somebody enter the
open porch。

Barnet went to the doorit was his manservant in search of him。

'I have been trying for some time to find you; sir;' he said。  'This
letter has come by the post; and it is marked immediate。  And
there's this one from Mr。 Downe; who called just now wanting to see
you。'  He searched his pocket for the second。

Barnet took the first letterit had a black border; and bore the
London postmark。  It was not in his wife's handwriting; or in that
of any person he knew; but conjecture soon ceased as he read the
page; wherein he was briefly informed that Mrs。 Barnet had died
suddenly on the previous day; at the furnished villa she had
occupied near London。

Barnet looked vaguely round the empty hall; at the blank walls; out
of the doorway。  Drawing a long palpitating breath; and with eyes
downcast; he turned and climbed the stairs slowly; like a man who
doubted their stability。  The fact of his wife having; as it were;
died once already; and lived on again; had entirely dislodged the
possibility of her actual death from his conjecture。  He went to the
landing; leant over the balusters; and after a reverie; of whose
duration he had but the faintest notion; turned to the window and
stretched his gaze to the cottage further down the road; which was
visible from his landing; and from which Lucy still walked to the
solicitor's house by a cross path。  The faint words that came from
his moving lips were simply; 'At last!'

Then; almost involuntarily; Barnet fell down on his knees and
murmured some incoherent words of thanksgiving。  Surely his virtue
in restoring his wife to life had been rewarded!  But; as if the
impulse struck uneasily on his conscience; he quickly rose; brushed
the dust from his trousers and set himself to think of his next
movements。  He could not start for London for some hours; and as he
had no preparations to make that could not be made in half…an…hour;
he mechanically descended and resumed his occupation of turning over
the wall…papers。  They had all got brighter for him; those papers。
It was all changedwho would sit in the rooms that they were to
line?  He went on to muse upon Lucy's conduct in so frequently
coming to the house with the children; her occasional blush in
speaking to him; her evident interest in him。  What woman can in the
long run avoid being interested in a man whom she knows to be
devoted to her?  If human solicitation could ever effect anything;
there should be no going to India for Lucy now。  All the papers
previously chosen seemed wrong in their shades; and he began from
the beginning to choose again。

While entering on the task he heard a forced 'Ahem!' from without
the porch; evidently uttered to attract his attention; and footsteps
again advancing to the door。  His man; whom he had quite forgotten
in his mental turmoil; was still waiting there。

'I beg your pardon; sir;' the man said from round the doorway; 'but
here's the note from Mr。 Downe that you didn't take。  He called just
after you went out; and as he couldn't wait; he wrote this on your

He handed in the letterno black…bordered one now; but a practical…
looking note in the well…known writing of the solicitor。

'DEAR BARNET'it ran'Perhaps you will be prepared for the
information I am about to givethat Lucy Savile and myself are
going to be married this morning。  I have hitherto said nothing as
to my intention to any of my friends; for reasons which I am sure
you will fully appreciate。  The crisis has been brought about by her
expressing her intention to join her brother in India。  I then
discovered that I could not do without her。

'It is to be quite a private wedding; but it is my particular wish
that you come down here quietly at ten; and go to church with us; it
will add greatly to the pleasure I shall experience in the ceremony;
and; I believe; to Lucy's also。  I have called on you very early to
make the request; in the belief that I should find you at home; but
you are beforehand with me in your early rising。Yours sincerely;
C。 Downe。'

'Need I wait; sir?' said the servant after a dead silence。

'That will do; William。  No answer;' said Barnet calmly。

When the man had gone Barnet re…read the letter。  Turning eventually
to the wall…papers; which he had been at such pains to select; he
deliberately tore them into halves and quarters; and threw them into
the empty fireplace。  Then he went out of the house; locked the
door; and stood in the front awhile。  Instead of returning into the
town; he went down the harbour…road and thoughtfully lingered about
by the sea; near the spot where the body of Downe's late wife had
been found and brought ashore。

Barnet was a man with a rich capacity for misery; and there is no
doubt that he exercised it to its fullest extent now。  The events
that had; as it were; dashed themselves together into one half…hour
of this day showed that curious refinement of cruelty in their
arrangement which often proceeds from the bosom of the whimsical god
at other times known as blind Circumstance。  That his few minutes of
hope; between the reading of the first and second letters; had
carried him to extraordinary heights of rapture was proved by the
immensity of his suffering now。  The sun blazing into his face would
have shown a close watcher that a horizontal line; which he had
never noticed before; but which was never to be gone thereafter; was
somehow gradually forming itself in the smooth of his forehead。  His
eyes; of a light hazel; had a curious look which can only be
described by the word bruised; the sorrow that looked from them
being largely mixed with the surprise of a man taken unawares。

The secondary particulars of his present position; too; were odd
enough; though for some time they appeared to engage little of his
attention。  Not a soul in the town knew; as yet; of his wife's
death; and he almost owed Downe the kindness of not publishing it
till the day was over:  the conjuncture; taken with that which had
accompanied the death of Mrs。 Downe; being so singular as to be
quite sufficient to darken the pleasure of the impressionable
solicitor to a cruel extent; if made known to him。  But as Barnet
could not set out on his journey to London; where his wife lay; for
some hours (there being at this date no railway within a distance of
many miles); no great reason existed why he should leave the town。

Impulse in all its forms characterized Barnet; and when he heard the
distant clock strike the hour of ten his feet began to carry him up
the harbour…road with the manner of a man who must do something to
bring himself to life。  He passed Lucy Savile's old house; his own
new one; and came in view of the church。  Now he gave a perceptible
start; and his mechanical condition went away。  Before the church…
gate were a couple of carriages; and Barnet then could perceive that
the marriage between Downe and Lucy was at that moment being
solemnized within。  A feeling of sudden; proud self…confidence; an
indocile wish to walk unmoved in spite of grim environments; plainly
possessed him; and when he reached the wicket…gate he turned in
without apparent effort。  Pacing up the paved footway he entered the
church and stood for a while in the nave passage。  A group of people
was standing round the vestry door; Barnet advanced through these
and stepped into the vestry。

There they were; busily signing their names。  Seeing Downe about to

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