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wessex tales-第26节

小说: wessex tales 字数: 每页4000字

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the ladder; stepping on to the floor and crying to her sisters and
Miss Savile to follow。  Another head rose above the floor; and
another; and then Lucy herself came into view。  The troop ran hither
and thither through the empty; shaving…strewn rooms; and Barnet came

Lucy uttered a small exclamation:  she was very sorry that she had
intruded; she had not the least idea that Mr。 Barnet was there:  the
children had come up; and she had followed。

Barnet replied that he was only too glad to see them there。  'And
now; let me show you the rooms;' he said。

She passively assented; and he took her round。  There was not much
to show in such a bare skeleton of a house; but he made the most of
it; and explained the different ornamental fittings that were soon
to be fixed here and there。  Lucy made but few remarks in reply;
though she seemed pleased with her visit; and stole away down the
ladder; followed by her companions。

After this the new residence became yet more of a hobby for Barnet。
Downe's children did not forget their first visit; and when the
windows were glazed; and the handsome staircase spread its broad low
steps into the hall; they came again; prancing in unwearied
succession through every room from ground…floor to attics; while
Lucy stood waiting for them at the door。  Barnet; who rarely missed
a day in coming to inspect progress; stepped out from the drawing…

'I could not keep them out;' she said; with an apologetic blush。  'I
tried to do so very much:  but they are rather wilful; and we are
directed to walk this way for the sea air。'

'Do let them make the house their regular playground; and you
yours;' said Barnet。  'There is no better place for children to romp
and take their exercise in than an empty house; particularly in
muddy or damp weather such as we shall get a good deal of now; and
this place will not be furnished for a long long timeperhaps
never。  I am not at all decided about it。'

'O; but it must!' replied Lucy; looking round at the hall。  'The
rooms are excellent; twice as high as ours; and the views from the
windows are so lovely。'

'I daresay; I daresay;' he said absently。

'Will all the furniture be new?' she asked。

'All the furniture be newthat's a thing I have not thought of。  In
fact I only come here and look on。  My father's house would have
been large enough for me; but another person had a voice in the
matter; and it was settled that we should build。  However; the place
grows upon me; its recent associations are cheerful; and I am
getting to like it fast。'

A certain uneasiness in Lucy's manner showed that the conversation
was taking too personal a turn for her。  'Still; as modern tastes
develop; people require more room to gratify them in;' she said;
withdrawing to call the children; and serenely bidding him good
afternoon she went on her way。

Barnet's life at this period was singularly lonely; and yet he was
happier than he could have expected。  His wife's estrangement and
absence; which promised to be permanent; left him free as a boy in
his movements; and the solitary walks that he took gave him ample
opportunity for chastened reflection on what might have been his lot
if he had only shown wisdom enough to claim Lucy Savile when there
was no bar between their lives; and she was to be had for the
asking。  He would occasionally call at the house of his friend
Downe; but there was scarcely enough in common between their two
natures to make them more than friends of that excellent sort whose
personal knowledge of each other's history and character is always
in excess of intimacy; whereby they are not so likely to be severed
by a clash of sentiment as in cases where intimacy springs up in
excess of knowledge。  Lucy was never visible at these times; being
either engaged in the school…room; or in taking an airing out of
doors; but; knowing that she was now comfortable; and had given up
the; to him; depressing idea of going off to the other side of the
globe; he was quite content。

The new house had so far progressed that the gardeners were
beginning to grass down the front。  During an afternoon which he was
passing in marking the curve for the carriage…drive; he beheld her
coming in boldly towards him from the road。  Hitherto Barnet had
only caught her on the premises by stealth; and this advance seemed
to show that at last her reserve had broken down。

A smile gained strength upon her face as she approached; and it was
quite radiant when she came up; and said; without a trace of
embarrassment; 'I find I owe you a hundred thanksand it comes to
me quite as a surprise!  It was through your kindness that I was
engaged by Mr。 Downe。  Believe me; Mr。 Barnet; I did not know it
until yesterday; or I should have thanked you long and long ago!'

'I had offended youjust a trifleat the time; I think?' said
Barnet; smiling; 'and it was best that you should not know。'

'Yes; yes;' she returned hastily。  'Don't allude to that; it is past
and over; and we will let it be。  The house is finished almost; is
it not?  How beautiful it will look when the evergreens are grown!
Do you call the style Palladian; Mr。 Barnet?'

'Ireally don't quite know what it is。  Yes; it must be Palladian;
certainly。  But I'll ask Jones; the architect; for; to tell the
truth; I had not thought much about the style:  I had nothing to do
with choosing it; I am sorry to say。'

She would not let him harp on this gloomy refrain; and talked on
bright matters till she said; producing a small roll of paper which
he had noticed in her hand all the while; 'Mr。 Downe wished me to
bring you this revised drawing of the late Mrs。 Downe's tomb; which
the architect has just sent him。  He would like you to look it

The children came up with their hoops; and she went off with them
down the harbour…road as usual。  Barnet had been glad to get those
words of thanks; he had been thinking for many months that he would
like her to know of his share in finding her a home such as it was;
and what he could not do for himself; Downe had now kindly done for
him。  He returned to his desolate house with a lighter tread; though
in reason he hardly knew why his tread should be light。

On examining the drawing; Barnet found that; instead of the vast
altar…tomb and canopy Downe had determined on at their last meeting;
it was to be a more modest memorial even than had been suggested by
the architect; a coped tomb of good solid construction; with no
useless elaboration at all。  Barnet was truly glad to see that Downe
had come to reason of his own accord; and he returned the drawing
with a note of approval。

He followed up the house…work as before; and as he walked up and
down the rooms; occasionally gazing from the windows over the
bulging green hills and the quiet harbour that lay between them; he
murmured words and fragments of words; which; if listened to; would
have revealed all the secrets of his existence。  Whatever his reason
in going there; Lucy did not call again:  the walk to the shore
seemed to be abandoned:  he must have thought it as well for both
that it should be so; for he did not go anywhere out of his
accustomed ways to endeavour to discover her。


The winter and the spring had passed; and the house was complete。
It was a fine morning in the early part of June; and Barnet; though
not in the habit of rising early; had taken a long walk before
breakfast; returning by way of the new building。  A sufficiently
exciting cause of his restlessness to…day might have been the
intelligence which had reached him the night before; that Lucy
Savile was going to India after all; and notwithstanding the
representations of her friends that such a journey was unadvisable
in many ways for an unpractised girl; unless some more definite
advantage lay at the end of it than she could show to be the case。
Barnet's walk up the slope to the building betrayed that he was in a
dissatisfied mood。  He hardly saw that the dewy time of day lent an
unusual freshness to the bushes and trees which had so recently put
on their summer habit of heavy leafage; and made his newly…laid lawn
look as well established as an old manorial meadow。  The house had
been so adroitly placed between six tall elms which were growing on
the site beforehand; that they seemed like real ancestral trees; and
the rooks; young and old; cawed melodiously to their visitor。

The door was not locked; and he entered。  No workmen appeared to be
present; and he walked from sunny window to sunny window of the
empty rooms; with a sense of seclusion which might have been very
pleasant but for the antecedent knowledge that his almost paternal
care of Lucy Savile was to be thrown away by her wilfulness。
Footsteps echoed through an adjoining room; and bending his eyes in
that direction; he perceived Mr。 Jones; the architect。  He had come
to look over the building before giving the contractor his final
certificate。  They walked over the house together。  Everything was
finished except the papering:  there were the latest improvements of
the period in bell…hanging; ventilating; smoke…jacks; fire…grates;
and French windows。  The b

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