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wessex tales-第24节

小说: wessex tales 字数: 每页4000字

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derived from an octavo volume of Domestic Medicine; which at this
moment was lying; as it had lain for many years; on a shelf in
Barnet's dressing…room。  He hastily fetched it; and there read under
the head 'Drowning:'…

'Exertions for the recovery of any person who has not been immersed
for a longer period than half…an…hour should be continued for at
least four hours; as there have been many cases in which returning
life has made itself visible even after a longer interval。

'Should; however; a weak action of any of the organs show itself
when the case seems almost hopeless; our efforts must be redoubled;
the feeble spark in this case requires to be solicited; it will
certainly disappear under a relaxation of labour。'

Barnet looked at his watch; it was now barely two hours and a half
from the time when he had first heard of the accident。  He threw
aside the book and turned quickly to reach a stimulant which had
previously been used。  Pulling up the blind for more light; his eye
glanced out of the window。  There he saw that red chimney still
smoking cheerily; and that roof; and through the roof that somebody。
His mechanical movements stopped; his hand remained on the blind…
cord; and he seemed to become breathless; as if he had suddenly
found himself treading a high rope。

While he stood a sparrow lighted on the windowsill; saw him; and
flew away。  Next a man and a dog walked over one of the green hills
which bulged above the roofs of the town。  But Barnet took no

We may wonder what were the exact images that passed through his
mind during those minutes of gazing upon Lucy Savile's house; the
sparrow; the man and the dog; and Lucy Savile's house again。  There
are honest men who will not admit to their thoughts; even as idle
hypotheses; views of the future that assume as done a deed which
they would recoil from doing; and there are other honest men for
whom morality ends at the surface of their own heads; who will
deliberate what the first will not so much as suppose。  Barnet had a
wife whose pretence distracted his home; she now lay as in death; by
merely doing nothingby letting the intelligence which had gone
forth to the world lie undisturbedhe would effect such a
deliverance for himself as he had never hoped for; and open up an
opportunity of which till now he had never dreamed。  Whether the
conjuncture had arisen through any unscrupulous; ill…considered
impulse of Charlson to help out of a strait the friend who was so
kind as never to press him for what was due could not be told; there
was nothing to prove it; and it was a question which could never be
asked。  The triangular situationhimselfhis wifeLucy Savile
was the one clear thing。

From Barnet's actions we may infer that he SUPPOSED such and such a
result; for a moment; but did not deliberate。  He withdrew his hazel
eyes from the scene without; calmly turned; rang the bell for
assistance; and vigorously exerted himself to learn if life still
lingered in that motionless frame。  In a short time another surgeon
was in attendance; and then Barnet's surmise proved to be true。  The
slow life timidly heaved again; but much care and patience were
needed to catch and retain it; and a considerable period elapsed
before it could be said with certainty that Mrs。 Barnet lived。  When
this was the case; and there was no further room for doubt; Barnet
left the chamber。  The blue evening smoke from Lucy's chimney had
died down to an imperceptible stream; and as he walked about
downstairs he murmured to himself; 'My wife was dead; and she is
alive again。'

It was not so with Downe。  After three hours' immersion his wife's
body had been recovered; life; of course; being quite extinct。
Barnet on descending; went straight to his friend's house; and there
learned the result。  Downe was helpless in his wild grief;
occasionally even hysterical。  Barnet said little; but finding that
some guiding hand was necessary in the sorrow…stricken household;
took upon him to supervise and manage till Downe should be in a
state of mind to do so for himself。


One September evening; four months later; when Mrs。 Barnet was in
perfect health; and Mrs。 Downe but a weakening memory; an errand…boy
paused to rest himself in front of Mr。 Barnet's old house;
depositing his basket on one of the window…sills。  The street was
not yet lighted; but there were lights in the house; and at
intervals a flitting shadow fell upon the blind at his elbow。  Words
also were audible from the same apartment; and they seemed to be
those of persons in violent altercation。  But the boy could not
gather their purport; and he went on his way。

Ten minutes afterwards the door of Barnet's house opened; and a tall
closely…veiled lady in a travelling…dress came out and descended the
freestone steps。  The servant stood in the doorway watching her as
she went with a measured tread down the street。  When she had been
out of sight for some minutes Barnet appeared at the door from

'Did your mistress leave word where she was going?' he asked。

'No; sir。'

'Is the carriage ordered to meet her anywhere?'

'No; sir。'

'Did she take a latch…key?'

'No; sir。'

Barnet went in again; sat down in his chair; and leaned back。  Then
in solitude and silence he brooded over the bitter emotions that
filled his heart。  It was for this that he had gratuitously restored
her to life; and made his union with another impossible!  The
evening drew on; and nobody came to disturb him。  At bedtime he told
the servants to retire; that he would sit up for Mrs。 Barnet
himself; and when they were gone he leaned his head upon his hand
and mused for hours。

The clock struck one; two; still his wife came not; and; with
impatience added to depression; he went from room to room till
another weary hour had passed。  This was not altogether a new
experience for Barnet; but she had never before so prolonged her
absence。  At last he sat down again and fell asleep。

He awoke at six o'clock to find that she had not returned。  In
searching about the rooms he discovered that she had taken a case of
jewels which had been hers before her marriage。  At eight a note was
brought him; it was from his wife; in which she stated that she had
gone by the coach to the house of a distant relative near London;
and expressed a wish that certain boxes; articles of clothing; and
so on; might be sent to her forthwith。  The note was brought to him
by a waiter at the Black…Bull Hotel; and had been written by Mrs。
Barnet immediately before she took her place in the stage。

By the evening this order was carried out; and Barnet; with a sense
of relief; walked out into the town。  A fair had been held during
the day; and the large clear moon which rose over the most prominent
hill flung its light upon the booths and standings that still
remained in the street; mixing its rays curiously with those from
the flaring naphtha lamps。  The town was full of country…people who
had come in to enjoy themselves; and on this account Barnet strolled
through the streets unobserved。  With a certain recklessness he made
for the harbour…road; and presently found himself by the shore;
where he walked on till he came to the spot near which his friend
the kindly Mrs。 Downe had lost her life; and his own wife's life had
been preserved。  A tremulous pathway of bright moonshine now
stretched over the water which had engulfed them; and not a living
soul was near。

Here he ruminated on their characters; and next on the young girl in
whom he now took a more sensitive interest than at the time when he
had been free to marry her。  Nothing; so far as he was aware; had
ever appeared in his own conduct to show that such an interest
existed。  He had made it a point of the utmost strictness to hinder
that feeling from influencing in the faintest degree his attitude
towards his wife; and this was made all the more easy for him by the
small demand Mrs。 Barnet made upon his attentions; for which she
ever evinced the greatest contempt; thus unwittingly giving him the
satisfaction of knowing that their severance owed nothing to
jealousy; or; indeed; to any personal behaviour of his at all。  Her
concern was not with him or his feelings; as she frequently told
him; but that she had; in a moment of weakness; thrown herself away
upon a common burgher when she might have aimed at; and possibly
brought down; a peer of the realm。  Her frequent depreciation of
Barnet in these terms had at times been so intense that he was
sorely tempted to retaliate on her egotism by owning that he loved
at the same low level on which he lived; but prudence had prevailed;
for which he was now thankful。

Something seemed to sound upon the shingle behind him over and above
the raking of the wave。  He looked round; and a slight girlish shape
appeared quite close to him; He could not see her face because it
was in the direction of the moon。

'Mr。 Barnet?' the rambler said; in timid surprise。  The voice was
the voice of Lucy Savile。

'Yes;' said Barnet。  'How can I repay you for this pleasure?'

'I only came because the night was so clear。  I am now on my way

'I am 

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