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hemingway, ernest - men without women-第2节

小说: hemingway, ernest - men without women 字数: 每页4000字

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   ¨Thereˇre the regular pics;〃 he offered。
   ¨I know;〃 Manuel said。 ¨I know your regular pics。〃
   Retana did not smile。 Manuel knew it was over。
   ¨All I want is an even break;〃 Manuel said reasoningly。 ¨When I go out there I want to be able to call my shots on the bull。 It only takes one good picador。〃
   He was talking to a man who was no longer listening。
   ¨If you want something extra;〃 Retana said; ¨go and get it。 There will be a regular cuadrilla out there。 Bring as many of your own pics as you want。 The charlotada is over by ten…thirty。〃
   ¨All right;〃 Manuel said。 ¨If thatˇs the way you feel about it。〃
   ¨Thatˇs the way;〃 Retana said。
   ¨Iˇll see you tomorrow night;〃 Manuel said。
   ¨Iˇll be out there;〃 Retana said。
   Manuel picked up his suitcase and went out。
   ¨Shut the door;〃 Retana called。
   Manuel looked back。 Retana was sitting forward looking at some papers。 Manuel pulled the door tight until it clicked。
   He went down the stairs and out of the door into the hot brightness of the street。 It was very hot in the street and the light on the white buildings was sudden and hard on his eyes。 He walked down the shady side of the steep street toward the Puerta del Sol。 The shade felt solid and cool as running water。 The heat came suddenly as he crossed the intersecting streets。 Manuel saw no one he knew in all the people he passed。
   Just before the Puerta del Sol he turned into a caf?。
   It was quiet in the caf?。 There were a few men sitting at tables against the wall。 At one table four men played cards。 Most of the men sat against the wall smoking; empty coffee…cups and liqueur…glasses before them on the tables。 Manuel went through the long room to a small room in back。 A man sat at a table in the corner asleep。 Manuel sat down at one of the tables。
   A waiter came in and stood beside Manuelˇs table。
   ¨Have you seen Zurito?〃 Manuel asked him。
   ¨He was in before lunch; the waiter answered。 ¨He wonˇt be back before five oˇclock。〃
   ¨Bring me some coffee and milk and a shot of the ordinary;〃 Manuel said。
   The waiter came back into the room carrying a tray with a big coffee…glass and a liqueur…glass on it。 In his left hand he held a bottle of brandy。 He swung these down to the table and a boy who had followed him poured coffee and milk into the glass from two shiny; spouted pots with long handles。
   Manuel took off his cap and the waiter noticed his pigtail pinned forward on his head。 He winked at the coffee…boy as he poured out the brandy into the little glass beside Manuelˇs coffee。 The coffee…boy looked at Manuelˇs pale face curiously。
   ¨You fighting here?〃 asked the waiter; corking up the bottle。
   ¨Yes;〃 Manuel said。 ¨Tomorrow。〃
   The waiter stood there; holding the bottle on one hip。
   ¨You in the Charlie Chaplinˇs?〃 he asked。
   The coffee…boy looked away; embarrassed。
   ¨No。 In the ordinary。〃
   ¨I thought they were going to have Chaves and Hernandez;〃 the waiter said。
   ¨No。 Me and another。〃
   ¨Who? Chaves or Hernandez?〃
   ¨Hernandez; I think。〃
   ¨Whatˇs the matter with Chaves?〃
   ¨He got hurt。〃
   ¨Where did you hear that?〃
   ¨Hey; Looie;〃 the waiter called to the next room; ¨Chaves got cogida。〃
   Manuel had taken the wrapper off the lumps of sugar and dropped them into his coffee。 He stirred it and drank it down; sweet; hot; and warming in his empty stomach。 He drank off the brandy。
   ¨Give me another shot of that;〃 he said to the waiter。
   The waiter uncorked the bottle and poured the glass full; slopping another drink into the saucer。 Another waiter had come up in front of the table。 The coffee…boy was gone。
   ¨Is Chaves hurt bad?〃 the second waiter asked Manuel。
   ¨I donˇt know;〃 Manuel said。 ¨Retana didnˇt say。〃
   ¨A hell of a lot he cares;〃 the tall waiter said。 Manuel had not seen him before。 He must have just come up。
   ¨If you stand in with Retana in this town; youˇre a made man;〃 the tall waiter said。 ¨If you arenˇt in with him; you might just as well go out and shoot yourself。〃
   ¨You said it;〃 the other waiter who had come in said。 ¨You said it then。〃
   ¨Youˇre right I said it;〃 said the tall waiter。 ¨I know what Iˇm talking about when I talk about that bird。〃
   ¨Look what heˇs done for Villalta;〃 the first waiter said。
   ¨And that ainˇt all;〃 the tall waiter said。 ¨Look what heˇs done for Marcial Lalanda。 Look what heˇs done for Nacional。〃
   ¨You said it; kid;〃 agreed the short waiter。
   Manuel looked at them; standing talking in front of his table。 He had drunk his second brandy。 They had forgotten about him。 They were not interested in him。
   ¨Look at that bunch of camels;〃 the tall waiter went on。 ¨Did you ever see this Nacional II?〃
   ¨I seen him last Sunday; didnˇt I?〃 the original waiter said。
   ¨Heˇs a giraffe;〃 the short waiter said。
   ¨What did I tell you?〃 the tall waiter said。 ¨Those are Retanaˇs boys。〃
   ¨Say; give me another shot of that;〃 Manuel said。 He had poured the brandy the waiter had slopped over in the saucer into his glass and drank it while they were talking。
   The original waiter poured his glass full mechanically; and the three of them went out of the room talking。
   In the far corner the man was still asleep; snoring slightly on the intaking breath; his head back against the wall。
   Manuel drank his brandy。 He felt sleepy himself。 It was too hot to go out into the town。 Besides there was nothing to do。 He wanted to see Zurito。 He would go to sleep while he waited。 He kicked his suitcase under the table to be sure it was there。 Perhaps it would be better to put it back under the seat; against the wall。 He leaned down and shoved it under。 Then he leaned forward on the table and went to sleep。
   When he woke there was someone sitting across the table from him。 It was a big man with a heavy brown face like an Indian。 He had been sitting there some time。 He had waved the waiter away and sat reading the paper and occasionally looking down at Manuel; asleep; his head on the table。 He read the paper laboriously forming the words with his lips as he read。 When it tired him he looked at Manuel。 He sat heavily in the chair; his black Cordoba hat tipped forward。
   Manuel sat up and looked at him。
   ¨Hullo; Zurito;〃 he said。
   ¨Hello; kid;〃 the big man said。
   ¨Iˇve been asleep。〃 Manuel rubbed his forehead with the back of his fist。
   ¨I thought maybe you were。〃
   ¨Howˇs everything?〃
   ¨Good。 How is everything with you?〃
   ¨Not so good。〃
   They were both silent。 Zurito; the picador; looked at Manuelˇs white face。 Manuel looked down at the picadorˇs enormous hands folding the paper to put away in his pocket。
   ¨I got a favor to ask you; Manos;〃 Manuel said。
   Manosduros was Zuritoˇs nickname。 He never heard it without thinking of his huge hands。 He put them forward on the table self…consciously。
   ¨Letˇs have a drink;〃 he said。
   ¨Sure;〃 said Manuel。
   The waiter came and went and came again。 He went out of the room looking back at the two men at the table。
   ¨Whatˇs the matter; Manolo?〃 Zurito set down his glass。
   ¨Would you pic two bulls for me tomorrow night?〃 Manuel asked; looking at Zurito across the table。
   ¨No;〃 said Zurito。 ¨Iˇm not pic…ing。〃
   Manuel looked down at his glass。 He had expected that answer; now he had it。 Well; he had it。
   ¨Iˇm sorry; Manolo; but Iˇm not pic…ing。〃 Zurito looked at his hands。
   ¨Thatˇs all right;〃 Manuel said。
   ¨Iˇm too old;〃 Zurito said。
   ¨I just asked you;〃 Manuel said。
   ¨Is it the nocturnal tomorrow?〃
   ¨Thatˇs it。 I figured if I had just one good pic; I could get away with it。〃
   ¨How much are you getting?〃
   ¨Three hundred pesetas。〃
   ¨I get more than that for pic…ing。〃
   ¨I know;〃 said Manuel。 ¨I didnˇt have any right to ask you。〃
   ¨What do you keep on doing it for?〃 Zurito asked。 ¨Why donˇt you cut off your coleta; Manolo?〃
   ¨I donˇt know;〃 Manuel said。
   ¨Youˇre pretty near as old as I am;〃 Zurito said。
   ¨I donˇt know;〃 Manuel said。 ¨I got to do it。 If I can fix it so that I get an even break; thatˇs all I want。 I got to stick with it Manos。〃
   ¨No you donˇt。〃
   ¨Yes; I do。 Iˇve tried keeping away from it。〃
   ¨I know how you feel。 But it isnˇt right。 You ought to get out and stay out。〃
   ¨I canˇt do it。 Besides; Iˇve been going good lately。〃
   Zurito looked at his face。
   ¨Youˇve been in the hospital。〃
   ¨But I was going great when I got hurt。〃
   Zurito said nothing。 He tipped the cognac out of his saucer into his glass。
   ¨The papers said they never saw a better faena;〃 Manuel said。
   Zurito looked at him。
   ¨You know when I get going Iˇm good;〃 Manuel said。
   ¨Youˇre too old;〃 the picador said。
   ¨No;〃 said Manuel。 ¨Youˇre ten years older than I am。〃
   ¨With me itˇs different。〃
   ¨Iˇm not too old;〃 Manuel said。
   They sat silent; Manuel watching the picadorˇs face。
   ¨I was going great till I got hurt;〃 Manuel offered。
   ¨You ought to have seen me; Manos;〃 Manuel sai

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