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camille (la dame aux camilias)(卡米勒)-第9节

小说: camille (la dame aux camilias)(卡米勒) 字数: 每页4000字

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I left her; is really dead。 I must convince myself of it。               I must see what 

God   has   done   with   a   being   that   I   have   loved   so   much;   and   perhaps   the 

horror of the sight will cure me of my despair。 Will you accompany me; if 

it won't be troubling you too much?〃 

     〃What did her sister say about it?〃 

     〃Nothing。 She seemed greatly surprised that a stranger wanted to buy a 

plot   of   ground   and   give   Marguerite   a   new   grave;   and   she   immediately 

signed the authorization that I asked her for。〃 

     〃Believe me; it would be better to wait until you are quite well。〃 

     〃Have no fear; I shall be quite composed。 Besides; I should simply go 

out of   my   mind   if   I   were   not   to   carry  out   a   resolution   which   I   have set 

myself to carry out。 I swear to you that I shall never be myself again until I 

have   seen   Marguerite。   It   is   perhaps   the   thirst   of   the   fever;   a   sleepless 

night's    dream;    a  moment's      delirium;    but  though     I  were   to  become     a 

Trappist; like M。 de Rance'; after having seen; I will see。〃 

     〃I understand;〃 I said to Armand; 〃and I am at your service。 Have you 

seen Julie Duprat?〃 

     〃Yes; I saw her the day I returned; for the first time。〃 

     〃Did she give you the papers that Marguerite had left for you?〃 

     Armand drew a roll of papers from under his pillow; and immediately 

put them back。 

     〃I know all that is in these papers by heart;〃 he said。 〃For three weeks I 

have   read   them   ten   times   over   every   day。 You   shall   read   them;   too;   but 

later on; when I am calmer; and can make you understand all the love and 

tenderness hidden away in this confession。 For the moment I want you to 

do me a service。〃 

     〃What is it?〃 

     〃Your cab is below?〃 


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                          CAMILLE (LA DAME AUX CAMILIAS) 


     〃Well; will you take my passport and ask if there are any letters for me 

at the poste restante? My father and sister must have written to me at Paris; 

and I   went   away in   such haste that   I did not   go   and see before   leaving。 

When you come back we will go together to the inspector of police; and 

arrange for to…morrow's ceremony。〃 

     Armand   handed   me   his   passport;   and   I   went   to   Rue   Jean   Jacques 

Rousseau。   There   were   two   letters   addressed   to   Duval。   I   took   them   and 

returned。 When I re…entered the room Armand was dressed and ready to go 


     〃Thanks;〃 he said; taking the letters。 〃Yes;〃 he added; after glancing at 

the addresses; 〃they are from my father and sister。 They must have been 

quite at a loss to understand my silence。〃 

     He opened the letters; guessed at rather than read them; for each was 

of four pages; and a moment after folded them up。 〃Come;〃 he said; 〃I will 

answer tomorrow。〃 

     We went to the police station; and Armand handed in the permission 

signed by Marguerite's sister。 He received in return a letter to the keeper of 

the   cemetery;   and   it   was   settled   that   the   disinterment   was   to   take   place 

next day; at ten o'clock; that I should call for him an hour before; and that 

we should go to the cemetery together。 

     I confess that I was curious to be present; and I did not sleep all night。 

judging from the thoughts which filled my brain; it must have been a long 

night   for   Armand。   When   I   entered   his   room   at   nine   on   the   following 

morning he was frightfully pale; but seemed calm。 He smiled and held out 

his hand。 His candles were burned out; and before leaving he took a very 

heavy letter addressed to his father; and no doubt containing an account of 

that night's impressions。 

     Half an hour later we were   at Montmartre。 The police inspector   was 

there   already。   We   walked   slowly   in   the   direction   of   Marguerite's   grave。 

The inspector went in front; Armand and I followed a few steps behind。 

     From time to time I felt my companion's arm tremble convulsively; as 

if he shivered from head to feet。 I looked at him。 He understood the look; 

and smiled at me; we had not exchanged a word since leaving the house。 


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                          CAMILLE (LA DAME AUX CAMILIAS) 

     Just   before   we   reached   the   grave; Armand   stopped   to   wipe   his   face; 

which   was   covered   with   great   drops   of   sweat。   I   took   advantage   of   the 

pause to draw in a long breath; for I; too; felt as if I had a weight on my 


     What is the origin of that mournful pleasure which we find in sights of 

this kind? When we reached the grave the gardener had removed all the 

flower…pots;   the   iron   railing   had   been   taken   away;   and   two   men   were 

turning up the soil。 

     Armand leaned against a tree and watched。 All his life seemed to pass 

before his eyes。 Suddenly one of the two pickaxes struck against a stone。 

At the sound Armand recoiled; as at an electric shock; and seized my hand 

with such force as to give me pain。 

     One   of   the   grave…diggers   took   a   shovel   and   began   emptying   out   the 

earth; then; when only the stones covering the coffin were left; he threw 

them out one by one。 

     I scrutinized Armand; for every moment I was afraid lest the emotions 

which   he   was   visibly  repressing should prove too   much   for him;   but   he 

still watched;   his eyes   fixed and   wide open;   like the   eyes of   a   madman; 

and a  slight   trembling of the  cheeks   and   lips   were the  only  signs   of  the 

violent nervous crisis under which he was suffering。 

     As for me; all I can say is that I regretted having come。 

     When the coffin was uncovered the inspector said to the grave…digger: 

〃Open it。〃 They obeyed; as if it were the most natural thing in the world。 

     The    coffin   was    of  oak;   and   they   began     to  unscrew     the  lid。  The 

humidity of the earth had rusted the screws; and it was not without some 

difficulty that the coffin was opened。 A painful odour arose in spite of the 

aromatic plants with which it was covered。 

     〃O    my   God;   my   God!〃   murmured   Armand;   and   turned   paler   than 


     Even the grave…digger drew back。 

     A great white shroud covered the corpse; closely outlining some of its 

contours。 This shroud was almost completely eaten away at one end; and 

left one of the feet visible。 

     I was nearly fainting; and at the moment of writing these lines I see the 


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                           CAMILLE (LA DAME AUX CAMILIAS) 

whole scene over again in all its imposing reality。 

     〃Quick;〃 said the inspector。 Thereupon one of the men put out his hand; 

began to unsew the shroud; and taking hold of it by one end suddenly laid 

bare the face of Marguerite。 

     It was terrible to see; it is horrible to relate。 The eyes were nothing but 

two   holes;   the   lips   had   disappeared;   vanished;   and   the   white   teeth   were 

tightly   set。   The   black   hair;   long   and   dry;   was   pressed   tightly   about   the 

forehead;      and   half  veiled    the  green    hollows     of  the  cheeks;     and   yet  I 

recognised in this face the joyous white and rose face that I had seen so 


     Armand; unable to turn away his eyes; had put the handkerchief to his 

mouth and bit it。 

     For my part; it was as if a circle of iron tightened about my head; a veil 

covered   my   eyes;   a   rumbling   filled   my   ears;   and   all   I   could   do   was   to 

unstop a smelling bottle which I happened to have with me; and to draw in 

long breaths of it。 

     Through   this   bewilderment   I   heard   the   inspector   say   to   Duval;   〃Do 

you identify?〃 

     〃Yes;〃 replied the young man in a dull voice。 

     〃Then fasten it up and take it away;〃 said the inspector。 

     The   grave…diggers   put   back   the   shroud   over   the   face   of   the   corpse; 

fastened up the coffin; took hold of each end of it; and began to carry it 

toward the place where they had been told to take it。 

     Armand did not move。 His eyes were fixed upon the empty grave; he 

was as white as the corpse which we had just seen。 He looked as if he had 

been turned to stone。 

     I   saw   what   was   coming   as   soon   as   the   pain   caused by  the   spectacle 

should   have   abated   and   thus   ceased   to   sustain   him。   I   went   up   to   the 

inspector。 〃Is this gentleman's presence still necessary?〃 I said; pointing to 


     〃No;〃 he replied; 〃and I should advise you to take him away。 He looks 



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