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camille (la dame aux camilias)(卡米勒)-第44节

小说: camille (la dame aux camilias)(卡米勒) 字数: 每页4000字

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does not entitle you。 Who knows what he would do then! He has gambled; 

I   know;    without    telling  you   of  it;  I  know   also;  but;  in  a  moment     of 

madness; he might have lost part of what I have saved; during many years; 

for my daughter's portion; for him; and for the repose of my old age。 What 

might have happened may yet happen。 

     〃Are you sure; besides; that the life which you are giving up for him 

will never again come to attract you? Are you sure; you who have loved 

him; that you will never love another? Would you not…suffer on seeing the 

hindrances set by your love to your lover's life; hindrances for which you 

would   be   powerless   to   console   him;   if;   with   age;   thoughts   of   ambition 

should succeed to dreams of love? Think over all that; madame。 You love 

Armand; prove it to him by the sole means which remains to you of yet 

proving it to him; by sacrificing your love to his future。 No misfortune has 

yet arrived; but one will arrive; and perhaps a greater one than those which 

I foresee。 Armand might become jealous of a man who has loved you; he 

might provoke him; fight; be killed。 Think; then; what you would suffer in 

the presence of a father who should call on you to render an account for 

the life of his son! 

     〃Finally; my dear child; let me tell you all; for I have not yet told you 

all; let me tell you what has brought me to Paris。 I have a daughter; as I 

have told you; young; beautiful; pure as an angel。 She loves; and she; too; 

has made this love the dream of her life。 I wrote all that to Armand; but; 

absorbed in you; he made no reply。 Well; my daughter is about to marry。 

She is to marry the man whom she loves; she enters an honourable family; 

which requires that mine has to be no less honourable。 The family of the 

man   who   is   to   become   my   son…in…law   has   learned   what   manner   of   life 

Armand is leading in Paris; and has declared to me that the marriage must 

be broken off if Armand continues this life。 The future of a child who has 

done nothing against you; and who has the right of looking forward to a 

happy future; is in your hands。 Have you the right; have you the strength; 

to shatter it? In the name of your love and of your repentance; Marguerite; 

grant me the happiness of my child。〃 

     I wept silently; my friend; at all these reflections which I had so often 

made;   and   which;   in   the   mouth   of   your   father;   took   a   yet   more   serious 


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                          CAMILLE (LA DAME AUX CAMILIAS) 

reality。 I said to myself all that your father dared not say to me; though it 

had come to his lips twenty times: that I was; after all; only a kept woman; 

and that whatever excuse I gave for our liaison; it would always look like 

calculation on my part; that my past life left me no right to dream of such 

a future; and that I was accepting responsibilities for which my habits and 

reputation   were   far   from   giving   any   guarantee。   In   short;   I   loved   you; 


     The   paternal   way   in   which   M。   Duval   had   spoken   to   me;   the   pure 

memories   that   he   awakened   in   me;   the   respect   of   this old   man;  which   I 

would gain; yours; which I was sure of gaining later on: all that called up 

in my heart thoughts which raised me in my own eyes with a sort of holy 

pride; unknown till then。 When I thought that one day this old man; who 

was now imploring me for the future of his son; would bid his daughter 

mingle my name with her prayers; as the name of a mysterious friend; I 

seemed to become transformed; and I felt a pride in myself。 

     The exaltation of the moment perhaps exaggerated the truth of these 

impressions;      but   that  was    what   I  felt;  friend;  and   these   new    feelings 

silenced the memory of the happy days I had spent with you。 

     〃Tell   me;   sir;〃   I   said   to   your   father;   wiping   away   my   tears;   〃do   you 

believe that I love your son?〃 

     〃Yes;〃 said M。 Duval。 

     〃With a disinterested love?〃 


     〃Do   you   believe   that   I   had   made   this   love   the   hope;   the   dream;   the 

forgivenessof my life?〃 


     〃Well; sir; embrace me once; as you would embrace your daughter; and 

I   swear   to   you   that   that   kiss;   the   only   chaste   kiss   I   have   ever   had;   will 

make me strong against my love; and that within a week your son will be 

once more at your side; perhaps unhappy for a time; but cured forever。〃 

     〃You     are   a  noble    child;〃   replied   your   father;   kissing    me   on   the 

forehead; 〃and you are making an attempt for which God will reward you; 

but I greatly fear that you will have no influence upon my son。〃 

     〃Oh; be at rest; sir; he will hate me。〃 


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                           CAMILLE (LA DAME AUX CAMILIAS) 

     I   had    to   set  up    between     us;   as   much     for   me    as   for   you;    an 

insurmountable barrier。 

     I wrote to Prudence to say that I accepted the proposition of the Comte 

de N。; and that she was to tell him that I would sup with her and him。 I 

sealed   the   letter;   and;   without   telling   him   what   it   contained;   asked   your 

father to have it forwarded to its address on reaching Paris。 

     He inquired of me what it contained。 

     〃Your son's welfare;〃 I answered。 

     Your father embraced me once more。   I felt two grateful tears on   my 

forehead;  like   the   baptism  of   my  past   faults;   and   at   the   moment   when   I 

consented   to   give   myself   up   to   another   man   I   glowed   with   pride   at   the 

thought of what I was redeeming by this new fault。 

     It   was   quite   natural; Armand。  You   told   me   that   your   father   was   the 

most honest man in the world。 

     M。 Duval returned to his carriage; and set out for Paris。 

     I   was   only   a   woman;   and   when   I   saw   you   again   I   could   not   help 

weeping; but I did not give way。 

     Did I do right? That is what I ask myself to…day; as I lie ill in my bed; 

that I shall never leave; perhaps; until I am dead。 

     You are witness of what I felt as the hour of our separation approached; 

your father was no longer there to support me; and there was a moment 

when I was on the point of confessing everything to you; so terrified was I 

at the idea that you were going to bate and despise me。 

     One   thing   which       you   will   not   believe;   perhaps;   Armand;   is   that      I 

prayed   God   to   give   me   strength;   and   what   proves   that   he   accepted   my 

sacrifice is that he gave me the strength for which I prayed。 

     At supper I still had need of aid; for I could not think of what I was 

going   to   do;   so   much   did   I   fear   that   my   courage   would   fail   me。   Who 

would ever have said that I; Marguerite Gautier; would have suffered so at 

the   mere   thought   of   a   new   lover?   I   drank   for   forgetfulness;   and   when   I 

woke next day I was beside the count。 

     That   is   the   whole   truth;   friend。   judge   me   and   pardon   me;   as   I   have 

pardoned you for all the wrong that you have done me since that day。 


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                          CAMILLE (LA DAME AUX CAMILIAS) 

                               CHAPTER 26 

     What followed that fatal night you know as well as I; but what you can 

not   know;   what   you   can   not   suspect;   is   what   I   have   suffered   since   our 


     I heard that your father had taken you away with him; but I felt sure 

that you could not live away from me for long; and when I met you in the 

Champs…Elysees; I was a little upset; but by no means surprised。 

     Then began that series of days; each of them brought me a fresh insult 

from you。 I received them all with a kind of joy; for; besides proving to me 

that you still loved me; it seemed to me as if the more you persecuted me 

the more I should be raised in your eyes when you came to know the truth。 

     Do not wonder at my joy in martyrdom; Armand; your love for me had 

opened my heart to noble enthusiasm。 

     Still; I was not so strong as that quite at once。 

     Between the time of the sacrifice made for you and the time of your 

return a long while elapsed; during which I was obliged to have recourse 

to physical means in order not to go mad; and in order to be blinded and 

deafened in the whirl of life into which I flung myself。 Prudence has told 

you (has she not?) how I went to all the fetes and balls and orgies。 I had a 

sort of hope that I should kill myself by all these 

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