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camille (la dame aux camilias)(卡米勒)-第43节

小说: camille (la dame aux camilias)(卡米勒) 字数: 每页4000字

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and who told me not to take it until the coach was out of the courtyard。〃 

     I rushed to the Rue d'Antin。 

     〃Madame left for England at six o'clock;〃 said the porter。 

     There was nothing to hold me in Paris any longer; neither hate nor love。 

I was exhausted by this series of shocks。 One of my friends was setting out 

on a tour in the East。 I told my father I should like to accompany him; my 

father   gave   me   drafts   and   letters   of   introduction;   and   eight   or   ten   days 

afterward I embarked at Marseilles。 

     It   was   at   Alexandria   that   I   learned   from   an   attache   at   the   embassy; 

whom      I  had   sometimes     seen    at  Marguerite's;    that  the  poor    girl  was 

seriously ill。 

     I then wrote her the letter which she answered in the way you know; I 


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received it at Toulon。 

    I started at once; and you know the rest。 

    Now you have only to read a few sheets which Julie Duprat gave me; 

they are the best commentary on what I have just told you。 


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                              CHAPTER 25 

    Armand; tired by this long narrative; often interrupted by his tears; put 

his two hands over his forehead and closed his eyes to think; or to try to 

sleep; after giving me the pages written by the hand of Marguerite。 A few 

minutes after; a more rapid breathing told me that Armand slept; but that 

light sleep which the least sound banishes。 

     This is what I read; I copy it without adding or omitting a syllable: 

     To…day is the 15th December。 I have been ill three or four days。 This 

morning I stayed in bed。 The weather is dark; I am sad; there is no one by 

me。 I think of you; Armand。 And you; where are you; while I write these 

lines? Far from Paris; far; far; they tell me; and perhaps you have already 

forgotten Marguerite。 Well; be happy; I owe you the only happy moments 

in my life。 

     I can not help wanting to explain all my conduct to you; and I have 

written you a letter; but; written by a girl like me; such a letter might seem 

to be a lie; unless death had sanctified it by its authority; and; instead of a 

letter; it were a confession。 

     To…day  I   am   ill;   I   may   die   of   this   illness;   for   I  have   always   had   the 

presentiment that I shall die young。 My mother died of consumption; and 

the way I have always lived could but increase the only heritage she ever 

left me。 But I do not want to die without clearing up for you everything 

about me; that is; if; when you come back; you will still trouble yourself 

about the poor girl whom you loved before you went away。 

     This is what the letter contained; I shall like writing it over again; so as 

to give myself another proof of my own justification。 

    You remember; Armand; how the arrival of your father surprised us at 

Bougival; you remember the involuntary fright that his arrival caused me; 

and the scene which took place between you and him; which you told me 

of in the evening。 

    Next day; when you were at Paris; waiting for your father; and he did 

not return; a man came to the door and handed in a letter from M。 Duval。 

    His   letter;   which   I  inclose  with   this;  begged   me;   in   the   most   serious 

terms; to keep you away on the following day; on some excuse or other; 


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and    to  see   your    father;  who    wished     to  speak    to  me;   and   asked    me 

particularly not to say anything to you about it。 

     You know how I insisted on your returning to Paris next day。 

     You had only been gone an hour when your father presented himself。 I 

won't say what impression his severe face made upon me。 Your father had 

the old theory that a courtesan is a being without heart or reason; a sort of 

machine   for   coining   gold;   always   ready;   like   the   machine;   to   bruise   the 

hand   that   gives   her   everything;   and   to   tear   in   pieces;   without   pity   or 

discernment; those who set her in motion。 

     Your father   had written   me a   very polite letter; in order that   I   might 

consent to see him; he did not present himself quite as he had written。 His 

manner at first was so stiff; insolent; and even threatening; that I had to 

make him understand that I was in my own house; and that I had no need 

to   render    him   an   account    of   my   life;  except    because    of  the   sincere 

affection which I had for his son。 

     M。 Duval calmed down a little; but still went on to say that he could 

not any longer allow his son to ruin himself over me; that I was beautiful; 

it was true; but; however beautiful I might be; I ought not to make use of 

my beauty to spoil the future of a young man by such expenditure as I was 


     At   that   there   was   only   one   thing   to   do;   to   show   him   the   proof   that 

since I was   your mistress I  had spared no   sacrifice to be   faithful to  you 

without asking for more money than you had to give me。 I showed him the 

pawn tickets; the receipts of the people to whom I had sold what I could 

not pawn; I told him of my resolve to part with my furniture in order to 

pay my debts; and live with you without being a too heavy expense。 I told 

him   of   our   happiness;   of   how   you   had   shown   me   the   possibility   of   a 

quieter    and   happier    life;  and   he  ended    by   giving    in  to  the  evidence; 

offering me his hand; and asking pardon for the way in which he had at 

first approached me。 

     Then he said to me: 

     〃So;    madame;      it  is  not   by   remonstrances       or  by   threats;   but   by 

entreaties;   that   I   must   endeavour   to   obtain   from   you   a   greater   sacrifice 

than you have yet made for my son。〃 


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     I trembled at this beginning。 

     Your father came over to me; took both my hands; and continued in an 

affectionate voice: 

     〃My child; do not take what I have to say to you amiss; only remember 

that there are sometimes in life cruel necessities for the heart; but that they 

must be submitted to。 You are good; your soul has generosity unknown to 

many women who perhaps despise you; and are less worthy than you。 But 

remember that there is not only the mistress; but the family; that besides 

love there are duties; that to the age of passion succeeds the age when man; 

if he is to be respected; must plant himself solidly in a serious position。 

My son has no fortune; and yet he is ready to abandon to you the legacy of 

his   mother。   If   he   accepted   from   you   the   sacrifice   which   you   are   on   the 

point of making; his honour and dignity would require him to give you; in 

exchange for it; this income; which would always put you out of danger of 

adversity。 But he can not accept this sacrifice; because the world; which 

does not know you; would give a wrong interpretation to this acceptance; 

and such an interpretation must not tarnish the name which we bear。 No 

one   would   consider   whether Armand   loves   you;   whether   you   love   him; 

whether this mutual love means happiness to him and redemption to you; 

they would see only one thing; that Armand Duval allowed a kept woman 

(forgive me; my child; for what I am forced to say to you) to sell all she 

had for him。 Then the day of reproaches and regrets would arrive; be sure; 

for you or for others; and you would both bear a chain that you could not 

sever。 What would you do then? Your youth would be lost; my son's future 

destroyed; and I; his father; should receive from only one of my children 

the recompense that I look for from both。 

     〃You are young; beautiful; life will console you; you are noble; and the 

memory of a good deed will redeem you from many past deeds。 During 

the six months that he has known you Armand has forgotten me。 I wrote to 

him four times; and he has never once replied。 I might have died and he 

not known it! 

     〃Whatever   may   be   your   resolution   of   living   otherwise   than   as   you 

have lived; Armand; who loves you; will never consent to the seclusion to 

which his modest fortune would condemn you; and to which your beauty 


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does not entitle you。 Who knows what he would do then! He has gambled; 

I   know;    without    telling  you   of  it;

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