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camille (la dame aux camilias)(卡米勒)-第36节

小说: camille (la dame aux camilias)(卡米勒) 字数: 每页4000字

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     〃You swear it?〃 

     〃Do I need to swear it?〃 

     How sweet it is to let oneself be persuaded by the voice that one loves! 

Marguerite and I spent the whole day in talking over our projects for the 

future; as if we felt the need of realizing them as quickly as possible。 At 

every     moment     we   awaited    some     event;   but  the   day   passed    without 

bringing us any new tidings。 

    Next day I left at ten o'clock; and reached the hotel about twelve。 My 

father had gone out。 

     I went to my own rooms; hoping that he had perhaps gone there。 No 

one had called。 I went to the solicitor's。 No one was there。 I went back to 

the hotel; and waited till six。 M。 Duval did not return; and I went back to 


     I found Marguerite not waiting for me; as she had been the day before; 

but sitting by the fire; which the weather still made necessary。 She was so 

absorbed in her thoughts that I came close to her chair without her hearing 

me。   When   I   put   my   lips   to   her   forehead   she   started   as   if   the   kiss   had 

suddenly awakened her。 

     〃You frightened me;〃 she said。 〃And your father?〃 

     〃I have not seen him。 I do not know what it means。 He was not at his 

hotel; nor anywhere where there was a chance of my finding him。〃 

     〃Well; you must try again to…morrow。〃 

     〃I am very much inclined to wait till he sends for me。 I think I have 

done all that can be expected of me。〃 

     〃No; my friend; it is not enough; you must call on your father again; 

and you must call to…morrow。〃 

     〃Why to…morrow rather than any other day?〃 

     〃Because;〃   said   Marguerite;   and   it   seemed   to   me   that   she   blushed 

slightly at this question; 〃because it will show that you are the more keen 


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about it; and he will forgive us the sooner。〃 

     For the remainder of the day  Marguerite was sad and preoccupied。  I 

had to repeat twice over everything I said to her to obtain an answer。 She 

ascribed this   preoccupation   to   her   anxiety  in   regard   to   the   events   which 

had happened during the last two days。 I spent the night in reassuring her; 

and she sent me away in the morning with an insistent disquietude that I 

could not explain to myself。 

     Again my father was absent; but he had left this letter for me: 

     〃If you call again to…day; wait for me till four。 If I am not in by four; 

come and dine with me to…morrow。 I must see you。〃 

     I waited till the hour he had named; but he did not appear。 I returned to 


     The   night   before   I  had   found   Marguerite   sad;   that   night   I   found   her 

feverish and agitated。 On seeing me; she flung her arms around my neck; 

but she cried for a long time in my arms。 I questioned her as to this sudden 

distress;   which   alarmed   me   by   its   violence。   She   gave   me   no   positive 

reason; but put me off with those evasions which a woman resorts to when 

she will not tell the truth。 

     When she was a little calmed down; I told her the result of my visit; 

and I showed her my father's letter;   from which; I said; we might   augur 

well。 At the sight of the letter and on hearing my comment; her tears began 

to flow so copiously that I feared an attack of nerves; and; calling Nanine; 

I put her to bed; where she wept without a word; but held my hands and 

kissed them every moment。 

     I asked Nanine if; during my absence; her mistress had received any 

letter or visit which could account for the state in which I found her; but 

Nanine replied that no one had called and nothing had been sent。 

     Something;   however;   had   occurred   since   the   day   before;   something 

which troubled me the more because Marguerite concealed it from me。 

     In the   evening   she   seemed   a   little   calmer;   and;   making   me   sit   at the 

foot   of   the   bed;   she   told   me   many   times   how   much   she   loved   me。   She 

smiled at me; but with an effort; for in spite of herself her eyes were veiled 

with tears。 

     I used every means to make her confess the real cause of her distress; 


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but she persisted in giving me nothing but vague reasons; as I have told 

you。 At   last she   fell   asleep in   my arms;  but   it   was   the sleep   which   tires 

rather than rests the body。 From time to time she uttered a cry; started up; 

and;   after   assuring   herself   that   I   was   beside   her;   made   me   swear   that   I 

would always love her。 

     I  could    make    nothing    of  these   intermittent    paroxysms      of  distress; 

which went on till morning。 Then Marguerite fell into a kind of stupor。 She 

had not slept for two nights。 

     Her   rest   was   of   short   duration;   for   toward   eleven   she   awoke;   and; 

seeing that I was up; she looked about her; crying: 

     〃Are you going already?〃 

     〃No;〃 said I; holding her hands; 〃but I wanted to let you sleep on。 It is 

still early。〃 

     〃What time are you going to Paris?〃 

     〃At four。〃 

     〃So soon? But you will stay with me till then?〃 

     〃Of course。 Do I not always?〃 

     〃I am so glad! Shall we have lunch?〃 she went on absentmindedly。 

     〃If you like。〃 

     〃And then you will be nice to me till the very moment you go?〃 

     〃Yes; and I will come back as soon as I can。〃 

     〃You will come back?〃 she said; looking at me with haggard eyes。 


     〃Oh; yes; you will come back to…night。 I shall wait for you; as I always 

do; and you will love me; and we shall be happy; as we have been ever 

since we have known each other。〃 

     All these words were said in such a strained voice; they seemed to hide 

so persistent and so sorrowful a thought; that I trembled every moment lest 

Marguerite should become delirious。 

     〃Listen;〃 I said。 〃You are ill。 I can not leave you like this。 I will write 

and tell my father not to expect me。〃 

     〃No; no;〃 she cried hastily; 〃don't do that。 Your father will accuse me 

of hindering you again from going to see him when he wants to see you; 

no; no; you must go; you must! Besides; I am not ill。 I am quite well。 I had 


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a bad dream and am not yet fully awake。〃 

     From that moment Marguerite tried to seem more cheerful。 There were 

no more tears。 

     When the hour came for me to go; I embraced her and asked her if she 

would   come   with   me   as   far   as   the   train;   I   hoped   that   the   walk   would 

distract her and that the air would do her good。 I wanted especially to be 

with her as long as possible。 

     She agreed; put on her cloak and took Nanine with her; so as not to 

return alone。 Twenty times I was on the point of not going。 But the hope of 

a speedy return; and the fear of offending my father still more; sustained 

me; and I took my place in the train。 

     〃Till this evening!〃 I said to Marguerite; as I left her。 She did not reply。 

     Once already she had not replied to the same words; and the Comte de 

G。; you will remember; had spent the night with her; but that time was so 

far away that it seemed to have been effaced from  my memory; and if I 

had   any   fear;   it   was   certainly   not   of   Marguerite   being   unfaithful   to   me。 

Reaching Paris; I hastened off to see Prudence; intending to ask her to go 

and   keep   Marguerite   company;   in   the   hope   that   her   mirth   and   liveliness 

would      distract   her。  I  entered    without     being   announced;      and    found 

Prudence at her toilet。 

     〃Ah!〃 she said; anxiously; 〃is Marguerite with you?〃 


     〃How is she?〃 

     〃She is not well。〃 

     〃Is she not coming?〃 

     〃Did you expect her?〃 

     Madame Duvernoy reddened; and replied; with a certain constraint: 

     〃I   only   meant   that   since   you   are   at   Paris;   is   she   not   coming   to   join 



     I looked at Prudence; she cast down her eyes; and I read in her face the 

fear of seeing my visit prolonged。 

     〃I even came to ask you; my dear Prudence; if you have nothing to do 

this evening; to go and see Marguerite; you will be company for her; and 


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you can stay the night。 I never saw her as she was to…day; and I am afraid 

she is going to be ill。〃 

     〃I   am   dining   in  town;〃   replied   Prudence;   〃and     I   can't   go  and  see 


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