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camille (la dame aux camilias)(卡米勒)-第35节

小说: camille (la dame aux camilias)(卡米勒) 字数: 每页4000字

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speaks   to   you;   your   father   who   has   always   loved   you;   and   who   only 

desires your happiness。 Is it honourable for you to live like husband and 

wife with a woman whom everybody has had?〃 

     〃What   does   it   matter;   father;   if   no   one   will   any   more?   What   does   it 

matter; if this woman loves me; if her whole life is changed through the 

love which she has for me and the love which I have for her? What does it 

matter; if she has become a different woman?〃 

     〃Do you think; then; sir; that the mission of a man of honour is to go 

about   converting   lost   women?   Do   you   think   that   God   has   given   such   a 

grotesque      aim   to  life;  and   that   the  heart   should    have    any   room    for 

enthusiasm of that kind? What will be the end of this marvellous cure; and 

what   will   you   think   of   what   you   are   saying   to…day   by   the   time   you   are 

forty? You will laugh at this love of yours; if you can still laugh; and if it 

has not left   too serious a trace   in   your   past。 What would   you   be   now if 

your father had had your ideas and had given up his life to every impulse 

of this kind; instead of rooting himself firmly in convictions of honour and 

steadfastness?   Think   it   over;   Armand;   and   do   not   talk   any   more   such 

absurdities。 Come; leave this woman; your father entreats you。〃 

     I answered nothing。 

     〃Armand;〃 continued my father; 〃in the name of your sainted mother; 

abandon this life; which you will forget more easily than you think。 You 

are   tied   to   it   by  an   impossible   theory。 You   are   twenty…four;   think   of   the 

future。 You can not always love this woman; who also can not always love 

you。 You both exaggerate your love。 You put an end to your whole career。 

One step further; and you will no longer be able to leave the path you have 

chosen; and you will suffer all your life for what you have done in your 


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youth。 Leave Paris。 Come and stay for a month or two with your sister and 

me。 Rest in our quiet family affection will soon heal you of this fever; for 

it is nothing else。 Meanwhile; your mistress will console herself; she will 

take another lover; and when you see what it is for which you have all but 

broken with your father; and all but lost his love; you will tell me that I 

have done well to come and seek you out; and you will thank me for it。 

Come; you will go with me; Armand; will you not?〃 I felt that my father 

would be right if it had been any other woman; but I was convinced that he 

was wrong with regard to Marguerite。 Nevertheless; the tone in which he 

said these last words was so kind; so appealing; that I dared not answer。 

     〃Well?〃 said he in a trembling voice。 

     〃Well; father; I can promise nothing;〃 I said at last; 〃what you ask of 

me is   beyond   my power。  Believe   me;〃 I   continued;  seeing him  make   an 

impatient      movement;       〃you    exaggerate      the   effects   of   this   liaison。 

Marguerite is a different kind of a woman from what you think。 This love; 

far from leading me astray; is capable; on the contrary; of setting me in the 

right direction。 Love always makes a man better; no matter what woman 

inspires it。 If you knew Marguerite; you would understand that I am in no 

danger。    She    is  as  noble   as  the  noblest   of   women。     There   is  as  much 

disinterestedness in her as there is cupidity in others。〃 

     〃All of which does not prevent her from accepting the whole of your 

fortune;    for  the   sixty  thousand     francs   which    come    to  you   from   your 

mother;   and   which   you   are   giving   her;   are;   understand   me   well;   your 

whole fortune。〃 

     My father had probably kept this peroration and this threat for the last 

stroke。 I was firmer before these threats than before his entreaties。 

     〃Who told you that I was handing this sum to her?〃 I asked。 

     〃My solicitor。 Could an honest man carry out such a procedure without 

warning      me?   Well;   it  is  to  prevent   you    from   ruining    yourself   for  a 

prostitute   that   I   am   now   in   Paris。 Your   mother;   when   she   died;   left   you 

enough to live on respectably; and not to squander on your mistresses。〃 

     〃I swear to you; father; that Marguerite knew nothing of this transfer。〃 

     〃Why; then; do you make it?〃 

     〃Because Marguerite; the woman you calumniate; and whom you wish 


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me to abandon;  is sacrificing all   that she   possesses in order   to live   with 


     〃And   you   accept   this   sacrifice?   What   sort   of   a   man   are   you;   sir;   to 

allow Mlle。 Gautier to sacrifice anything for you? Come; enough of this。 

You will leave this woman。 Just now I begged you; now I command you。 I 

will have no   such scandalous   doings  in   my   family。  Pack   up   your   things 

and get ready to come with me。〃 

     〃Pardon me; father;〃 I said; 〃but I shall not come。〃 

     〃And why?〃 

     〃Because I am at an age when no one any longer obeys a command。〃 

     My father turned pale at my answer。 

     〃Very well; sir;〃 he said; 〃I know what remains to be done。〃 

     He rang and Joseph appeared。 

     〃Have my things taken to the Hotel de Paris;〃 he said to my servant。 

And     thereupon    he   went   to  his  room   and    finished   dressing。   When     he 

returned; I went up to him。 

     〃Promise      me;   father;〃  I  said;   〃that  you   will   do   nothing    to  give 

Marguerite pain?〃 

     My  father  stopped;   looked   at   me   disdainfully;  and   contented   himself 

with saying; 〃I believe you are mad。〃 After this he went out; shutting the 

door violently after him。 

     I went downstairs; took a cab; and returned to Bougival。 

     Marguerite was waiting for me at the window。 


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                               CHAPTER 21 

     〃At last you have come;〃 she said; throwing her arms round my neck。 

〃But how pale you are!〃 

     I told her of the scene with my father。 

     〃My God! I was afraid of it;〃 she said。 〃When Joseph came to tell you 

of   your   father's   arrival   I   trembled   as   if   he   had   brought   news   of   some 

misfortune。 My poor friend; I am the cause of all your distress。 You will be 

better off; perhaps; if you leave me and do not quarrel with your father on 

my account。 He knows that you are sure to have a mistress; and he ought 

to be thankful that it is I; since I love you and do not want more of you 

than   your   position   allows。   Did   you   tell   him   how   we   had   arranged   our 


     〃Yes;   that   is   what   annoyed   him   the   most;   for   he   saw   how   much   we 

really love one another。〃 

     〃What are we to do; then?〃 

     〃Hold together; my good Marguerite; and let the storm pass over。〃 

     〃Will it pass?〃 

     〃It will have to。〃 

     〃But your father will not stop there。〃 

     〃What do you suppose he can do?〃 

     〃How do I know? Everything that a father can do to make his son obey 

him。   He   will   remind   you   of   my   past   life;   and   will   perhaps   do   me   the 

honour of inventing some new story; so that you may give me up。〃 

     〃You know that I love you。〃 

     〃Yes; but   what I know; too;  is   that; sooner or later;  you will have   to 

obey your father; and perhaps you will end by believing him。〃 

     〃No; Marguerite。 It is I who will make him believe me。 Some of his 

friends have been telling him tales which have made him angry; but he is 

good and just; he will change his first impression; and then; after all; what 

does it matter to me?〃 

     〃Do not say that; Armand。 I would rather anything should happen than 

that   you   should   quarrel   with   your   family;   wait   till   after   to…day;   and   to… 

morrow go back to Paris。 Your father; too; will have thought it over on his 


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side; and perhaps you will both come to a better understanding。 Do not go 

against his principles; pretend to make some concessions to what he wants; 

seem not to care so very much about me; and he will let things remain as 

they are。 Hope; my friend; and be sure of one thing; that whatever happens; 

Marguerite will always be yours。〃 

     〃You swear it?〃 

     〃Do I need to swear it?〃 

     How sweet it is to let oneself be persuaded by the voice that one loves! 

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