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camille (la dame aux camilias)(卡米勒)-第30节

小说: camille (la dame aux camilias)(卡米勒) 字数: 每页4000字

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     〃Yes;〃 I answered; trying to quiet the scruples which this way of living 

awoke in me from time to time。 

     〃We went all over the house; and we shall have everything perfect。 The 

duke is going to look after every single thing。 Ah; my dear;〃 she added; 

kissing   me;   〃you're   in   luck;   it's   a   millionaire   who   makes   your   bed   for 


     〃And when shall you move into the house?〃 inquired Prudence。 

     〃As soon as possible。〃 

     〃Will you take your horses and carriage?〃 

     〃I shall take the whole house; and you can look after my place while I 

am away。〃 

     A week later Marguerite was settled in her country house; and I was 

installed at Point du Jour。 

     Then     began    an   existence     which    I  shall   have    some    difficulty   in 

describing   to   you。 At   first   Marguerite   could   not   break   entirely   with   her 

former habits; and; as the house was always en fete; all the women whom 

she knew came to see her。 For a whole month there was not a day when 

Marguerite   had   not   eight   or   ten   people   to   meals。   Prudence;  on   her   side; 

brought down all the people she knew; and did the honours of the house as 

if the house belonged to her。 

     The duke's money paid for all that; as you may imagine; but from time 

to   time   Prudence   came   to   me;   asking   for   a   note   for   a   thousand   francs; 

professedly on behalf of Marguerite。 You know I had won some money at 

gambling;   I     therefore    immediately   handed       over   to  Prudence     what    she 

asked   for   Marguerite;   and   fearing   lest   she   should   require   more   than   I 

possessed;   I   borrowed   at   Paris   a   sum   equal   to   that   which   I   had   already 

borrowed and paid back。 I was then once more in possession of some ten 

thousand francs; without reckoning my allowance。 However; Marguerite's 

pleasure   in   seeing   her   friends   was   a   little   moderated   when   she   saw   the 

expense which that pleasure entailed; and especially the necessity she was 

sometimes in of asking me for money。 The duke; who had taken the house 

in order   that   Marguerite might   rest there; no  longer   visited it;  fearing   to 

find himself in the midst of a large and merry company; by whom he did 

not wish to be seen。 This came about through his having once arrived to 


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dine tete…a…tete with Marguerite; and having fallen upon a party of fifteen; 

who were still at lunch at an hour when he was prepared to sit down to 

dinner。 He had unsuspectingly opened the dining…room door; and had been 

greeted by a burst of laughter; and had had to retire precipitately before the 

impertinent mirth of the women who were assembled there。 

     Marguerite   rose   from   table;   and   joined   the   duke   in   the   next   room; 

where she tried; as far as possible; to induce him to forget the incident; but 

the old man; wounded in his dignity; bore her a grudge for it; and could 

not   forgive   her。   He   said   to   her;   somewhat   cruelly;   that   he   was   tired   of 

paying for the   follies of   a   woman who   could not even   have him  treated 

with respect under his own roof; and he went away in great indignation。 

     Since that day he had never been heard of。 

     In vain Marguerite dismissed her guests; changed her way of life; the 

duke was not to be heard of。 I was the gainer in so; far that my mistress 

now     belonged     to  me    more    completely;     and   my   dream     was   at  length 

realized。 Marguerite could not be without me。 Not caring what the result 

might   be;   she   publicly   proclaimed   our   liaison;   and   I   had   come   to   live 

entirely at her house。 The servants addressed me officially as their master。 

     Prudence   had   strictly   sermonized   Marguerite   in   regard   to   her   new 

manner of life; but she had replied that she loved me; that she could not 

live without me; and that; happen what might; she would not sacrifice the 

pleasure of having me constantly with her; adding that those who were not 

satisfied   with   this   arrangement   were   free   to   stay   away。   So   much   I   had 

heard     one   day   when     Prudence     had   said   to  Marguerite      that  she   had 

something very important to tell her; and I had listened at the door of the 

room into which they had shut themselves。 

     Not long after; Prudence returned again。 I was at the other end of the 

garden when she arrived; and she did not see me。 I had no doubt; from the 

way     in   which     Marguerite      came    to   meet    her;   that   another    similar 

conversation was going to take place; and I was anxious to hear what it 

was   about。   The   two   women   shut   themselves   into   a   boudoir;   and   I   put 

myself within hearing。 

     〃Well?〃 said Marguerite。 

     〃Well; I have seen the duke。〃 


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     〃What did he say?〃 

     〃That he would gladly forgive you in regard to the scene which took 

place; but that he has learned that you are publicly living with M。 Armand 

Duval; and that he will never forgive that。 'Let Marguerite leave the young 

man;' he said to me; 'and; as in the past; I will give her all that she requires; 

if not; let her ask nothing more from me。'〃 

     〃And you replied?〃 

     〃That   I   would   report   his   decision   to   you;   and   I   promised   him   that   I 

would bring   you   into a   more   reasonable frame   of   mind。 Only  think;  my 

dear child; of the position that you are losing; and that Armand can never 

give you。 He loves you with all his soul; but he has no fortune capable of 

supplying your needs; and he will be bound to leave you one day; when it 

will   be   too   late   and   when   the   duke   will   refuse   to   do   any   more   for   you。 

Would you like me to speak to Armand?〃 

     Marguerite seemed to be thinking; for she answered nothing。 My heart 

beat violently while I waited for her reply。 

     〃No;〃 she answered; 〃I will not leave Armand; and I will not conceal 

the fact that I am living with him。 It is folly no doubt; but I love him。 What 

would you have me do? And then; now that he has got accustomed to be 

always with me; he would suffer too cruelly if he had to leave me so much 

as an hour a day。 Besides; I have not such a long time to live that I need 

make   myself   miserable   in   order   to   please   an   old   man   whose   very   sight 

makes me feel old。 Let him keep his money; I will do without it。〃 

     〃But what will you do?〃 

     〃I don't in the least know。〃 

     Prudence      was   no   doubt   going    to  make    some    reply;   but  I  entered 

suddenly and   flung myself   at   Marguerite's feet;  covering her hands   with 

tears in my joy at being thus loved。 

     〃My life is yours; Marguerite; you need this man no longer。 Am I not 

here? Shall I ever leave you; and can I ever repay you for the happiness 

that you give me? No more barriers; my Marguerite; we love; what matters 

all the rest?〃 

     〃Oh yes; I love you; my Armand;〃 she murmured; putting her two arms 

around my neck。 〃I love you as I never thought I should ever love。 We will 


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be happy; we will live quietly; and I will say good…bye forever to the life 

for which I now blush。 You won't ever reproach me for the past? Tell me!〃 

     Tears choked my voice。 I could only reply by clasping Marguerite to 

my heart。 

     〃Well;〃 said she; turning to Prudence; and speaking in a broken voice; 

〃you can report this scene to the duke; and you can add that we have no 

longer need of him。〃 

     From that day forth the duke was never referred to。 Marguerite was no 

longer   the   same   woman   that   I   had   known。   She   avoided   everything   that 

might recall to me the life which she had been leading when I first met her。 

Never did wife or sister surround husband or brother with such loving care 

as she had for me。 Her nature was morbidly open to all impressions and 

accessible to all sentiments。 She had broken equally with her friends and 

with her ways; with her words and with her extravagances。 Any one who 

had seen us leaving the house to go on the river in the charming little boat 

which I had bought would never have believed that the woman dressed in 

white; wearing a straw hat; and carrying on her arm a little silk pelisse to 

protect her against the damp of the river; was that Marguerite Gautier who; 

only  four   months   ago;   had   been   the   talk   of the   town   for   t

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