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camille (la dame aux camilias)(卡米勒)-第24节

小说: camille (la dame aux camilias)(卡米勒) 字数: 每页4000字

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    When I reached home I began to cry like a child。 There is no man to 

whom a woman has not been unfaithful; once at least; and who will not 

know what I suffered。 

    I said to myself; under the weight of these feverish resolutions which 

one always feels as if one had the force to carry out; that I must break with 

my amour at once; and I waited impatiently for daylight in order to set out 

forthwith to rejoin my father and my sister; of whose love at least I was 

certain; and certain that that love would never be betrayed。 

    However; I did not wish to go away without letting Marguerite know 

why I went。 Only a man who really cares no more for his mistress leaves 

her without writing to her。 I made and remade twenty letters in my head。 I 

had had to do with a woman like all other women of the kind。 I had been 

poetizing too much。 She had treated me like a school…boy; she had used in 

deceiving me a trick which was insultingly simple。 My self…esteem got the 

upper hand。 I must leave this woman without giving her the satisfaction of 

knowing that she had made me suffer; and this is what I wrote to her in my 

most elegant handwriting and with tears of rage and sorrow in my eyes: 

     〃MY DEAR MARGUERITE: I hope that your indisposition yesterday 

was not serious。 I came; at eleven at night; to ask after you; and was told 

that you had not come in。 M。 de G。 was more fortunate; for he presented 

himself shortly afterward; and at four in the morning he had not left。 

     〃Forgive me for the few tedious hours that I have given you; and be 

assured that I shall never forget the happy moments which I owe to you。 

     〃I should have called to…day to ask after you; but I intend going back 

to my father's。 

     〃Good…bye; my dear Marguerite。 I am not rich enough to love you as I 

would nor poor enough to love you as you would。 Let us then forget; you a 

name which must be indifferent enough to you; I a happiness which has 

become impossible。 

     〃I send back your key; which I have never used; and which might be 

useful to you; if you are often ill as you were yesterday。〃 

    As   you   will   see;   I   was   unable   to   end   my   letter   without   a   touch   of 


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impertinent irony; which proved how much in love I still was。 

     I read and reread this letter ten times over; then the thought of the pain 

it would give to Marguerite calmed me a little。 I tried to persuade myself 

of the feelings which it professed; and when my servant came to my room 

at eight o'clock; I gave it to him and told him to take it at once。 

     〃Shall     I  wait   for  an   answer?〃     asked    Joseph     (my   servant;    like   all 

servants; was called Joseph)。 

     〃If they ask whether there is a reply; you will say that you don't know; 

and wait。〃 

     I buoyed myself up with the hope that she would reply。 Poor; feeble 

creatures that we are! All the time that my servant was away I was in a 

state of extreme agitation。 At one moment I would recall how Marguerite 

had   given   herself   to   me;   and   ask   myself   by   what   right   I   wrote   her   an 

impertinent   letter;   when   she   could   reply   that   it   was   not   M。   de   G。   who 

supplanted me; but I who had supplanted M。 de G。: a mode of reasoning 

which   permits   many  women   to   have   many  lovers。 At   another   moment   I 

would   recall   her   promises;   and   endeavour   to   convince   myself   that   my 

letter   was   only   too   gentle;   and   that   there   were   not   expressions   forcible 

enough to punish a woman who laughed at a love like mine。 Then I said to 

myself   that   I   should   have   done   better   not   to   have   written   to   her;   but   to 

have   gone   to   see   her;   and   that   then   I   should   have   had   the   pleasure   of 

seeing   the   tears   that   she   would   shed。   Finally;   I   asked   myself   what   she 

would reply to me; already prepared to believe whatever excuse she made。 

     Joseph returned。 

     〃Well?〃 I said to him。 

     〃Sir;〃 said he; 〃madame was not up; and still asleep; but as soon as she 

rings the letter will be taken to her; and if there is any reply it will be sent。〃 

     She was asleep! 

     Twenty times I was on the point of sending to get the letter back; but 

every time I said to myself: 〃Perhaps she will have got it already; and it 

would look as if I have repented of sending it。〃 

     As the hour at which it seemed likely that she would reply came nearer; 

I regretted more and more that I had written。 The clock struck; ten; eleven; 

twelve。  At   twelve   I   was   on   the   point   of   keeping   the   appointment   as   if 


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nothing had happened。 In the end I could see no way out of the circle of 

fire which closed upon me。 

     Then I began to believe; with the superstition which people have when 

they   are   waiting;   that   if   I   went   out   for   a   little   while;   I   should   find   an 

answer when I got back。 I went out under the pretext of going to lunch。 

     Instead of lunching at the Cafe Foy; at the corner of the Boulevard; as I 

usually did; I preferred to go to the Palais Royal and so pass through the 

Rue d'Antin。 Every time that I saw a woman at a distance; I fancied it was 

Nanine bringing me an answer。 I passed through the Rue d'Antin without 

even coming across a commissionaire。 I went to Very's in the Palais Royal。 

The waiter gave me something to eat; or rather served up to me whatever 

he   liked;   for   I   ate   nothing。   In   spite   of   myself;   my   eyes   were   constantly 

fixed on the clock。 I returned home; certain that I should find a letter from 


     The porter had   received nothing; but I still   hoped in   my servant。  He 

had seen no one since I went out。 

     If Marguerite had been going to answer me she would have answered 

long before。 

     Then   I   began   to   regret   the   terms   of   my   letter;   I   should   have   said 

absolutely      nothing;     and   that   would     undoubtedly       have    aroused     her 

suspicions;   for;   finding   that   I   did   not   keep   my   appointment;   she   would 

have inquired the reason of my absence; and only then I should have given 

it to her。 Thus; she would have had to exculpate herself; and what I wanted 

was   for   her   to   exculpate   herself。   I   already   realized   that   I   should   have 

believed whatever reasons she had given me; and anything was better than 

not to see her again。 

     At last I began to believe that she would come to see me herself; but 

hour followed hour; and she did not come。 

     Decidedly Marguerite was not like other women; for there are few who 

would have received such a letter as I had just written without answering it 

at all。 

     At five; I hastened to the Champs…Elysees。 〃If I meet her;〃 I thought; 〃I 

will put on an indifferent air; and she will be convinced that I no longer 

think about her。〃 


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     As I turned the corner of the Rue Royale; I saw her pass in her carriage。 

The meeting was so sudden that I turned pale。 I do not know if she saw my 

emotion; as for me; I was so agitated that I saw nothing but the carriage。 

     I   did   not   go   any   farther   in   the   direction   of   the   Champs…Elysees。   I 

looked   at   the   advertisements   of   the   theatres;   for   I   had   still   a   chance   of 

seeing her。 There was a first night at the Palais Royal。 Marguerite was sure 

to   be   there。   I   was   at   the   theatre   by   seven。   The   boxes   filled   one   after 

another; but Marguerite was not there。 I left the Palais Royal and went to 

all the theatres where she was most often to be seen: to the Vaudeville; the 

Varietes; the Opera Comique。 She was nowhere。 

     Either my letter had troubled her too much for her to care to go to the 

theatre;   or   she   feared   to   come   across   me;   and   so   wished   to   avoid   an 

explanation。 So my vanity was whispering to me on the boulevards; when 

I met Gaston; who asked me where I had been。 

     〃At the Palais Royal。〃 

     〃And I at the Opera;〃 said he; 〃I expected to see you there。〃 


     〃Because Marguerite was there。〃 

     〃Ah; she was there?〃 



     〃No; with another woman。〃 

     〃That all?〃 

     〃The Comte de G。 came to her box for an instant; but she went off with 

the duke。 I expected to see you every moment; for there was a stall at my 

side   which   remained   empty  the

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