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camille (la dame aux camilias)(卡米勒)-第13节

小说: camille (la dame aux camilias)(卡米勒) 字数: 每页4000字

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turning; began to talk with the duke。 

     It   may   sound   childish  to  tell   you  all   these  details;   but  everything 

relating   to  Marguerite   is   so  fresh   in  my   memory   that    I   can  not  help 

recalling them now。 

     I went back to Gaston and told him of the arrangement I had made for 

him  and   for   me。   He   agreed;  and   we   left   our   stalls to go   round   to   Mme。 

Duvernoy's box。 We had scarcely opened the door leading into the stalls 

when we had to stand aside to allow Marguerite and the duke to pass。 I 

would have given ten years of my life to have been in the old man's place。 

    When they were on the street he handed her into a phaeton; which he 

drove himself; and they were whirled away by two superb horses。 

    We returned to Prudence's box; and when the play was over we took a 

cab and drove to 7; Rue d'Antin。 At the door; Prudence asked us to come 

up and see her showrooms; which we had never seen; and of which she 

seemed very proud。 You can imagine how eagerly I accepted。 It seemed to 

me as if I was coming nearer and nearer to Marguerite。 I soon turned the 

conversation in her direction。 

     〃The old duke is at your neighbours;〃 I said to Prudence。 


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     〃Oh; no; she is probably alone。〃 

     〃But she must be dreadfully bored;〃 said Gaston。 

     〃We spend most of our evening together; or she calls to me when she 

comes in。 She never goes to bed before two in the morning。 She can't sleep 

before that。〃 


     〃Because she suffers in the chest; and is almost always feverish。〃 

     〃Hasn't she any lovers?〃 I asked。 

     〃I   never   see   any   one   remain   after   I   leave;   I   don't   say   no   one   ever 

comes when I am gone。 Often in the evening I meet there a certain Comte 

de N。; who thinks he is making some headway by calling on her at eleven 

in the evening; and by sending her jewels to any extent; but she can't stand 

him。 She makes a mistake; he is very rich。 It is              in vain that I say to her 

from   time   to   time;   'My   dear   child;   there's   the   man   for   you。'   She;   who 

generally  listens   to   me;   turns   her   back   and   replies   that   he   is   too   stupid。 

Stupid; indeed; he is; but it would be a position for her; while this old duke 

might die any day。 Old men are egoists; his family are always reproaching 

him for his affection for Marguerite; there are two reasons why he is likely 

to leave her nothing。 I give her good advice; and she only says it will be 

plenty of time to take on the count when the duke is dead。 It isn't all fun;〃 

continued Prudence; 〃to live like that。 I know very well it wouldn't suit me; 

and I should soon send the old man about his business。 He is so dull; he 

calls her his daughter; looks after her like a child; and is always in the way。 

I am sure at this very moment one of his servants is prowling about in the 

street to see who comes out; and especially who goes in。〃 

     〃Ah;   poor   Marguerite!〃   said   Gaston;   sitting   down   to   the   piano   and 

playing a waltz。 〃I hadn't a notion of it; but I did notice she hasn't been 

looking so gay lately。〃 

     〃Hush;〃 said Prudence; listening。 Gaston stopped。 

     〃She is calling me; I think。〃 

     We listened。 A voice was calling; 〃Prudence!〃 

     〃Come; now; you must go;〃 said Mme。 Duvernoy。 

     〃Ah; that is your idea of hospitality;〃 said Gaston; laughing; 〃we won't 

go till we please。〃 


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     〃Why should we go?〃 

     〃I am going over to Marguerite's。〃 

     〃We will wait here。〃 

     〃You can't。〃 

     〃Then we will go with you。〃 

     〃That still less。〃 

     〃I know Marguerite;〃 said Gaston; I can very well pay her a call。〃 

     〃But Armand doesn't know her。〃 

     〃I will introduce him。〃 


    We again heard Marguerite's voice calling to Prudence; who rushed to 

her   dressing…room   window。   I   followed   with   Gaston   as   she   opened   the 

window。 We hid ourselves so as not to be seen from outside。 

     〃I   have   been   calling   you   for   ten   minutes;〃   said   Marguerite   from   her 

window; in almost an imperious tone of voice。 

     〃What do you want?〃 

     〃I want you to come over at once。〃 


     〃Because the Comte de N。 is still here; and he is boring me to death。〃 

     〃I can't now。〃 

     〃What is hindering you?〃 

     〃There are two young fellows here who won't go。〃 

     〃Tell them that you must go out。〃 

     〃I have told them。〃 

     〃Well; then; leave them in the house。 They will soon go when they see 

you have gone。〃 

     〃They will turn everything upside down。〃 

     〃But what do they want?〃 

     〃They want to see you。〃 

     〃What are they called?〃 

     〃You know one; M。 Gaston R。〃 

     〃Ah; yes; I know him。 And the other?〃 

     〃M。 Armand Duval; and you don't know him。〃 

     〃No; but bring them along。 Anything is better than the count。 I expect 


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                          CAMILLE (LA DAME AUX CAMILIAS) 

you。 Come at once。〃 

     Marguerite   closed   her   window   and   Prudence   hers。   Marguerite;   who 

had   remembered   my   face   for   a   moment;   did   not   remember   my   name。   I 

would      rather   have   been    remembered       to   my   disadvantage      than    thus 


     〃I knew;〃 said Gaston; 〃that she would be delighted to see us。〃 

     〃Delighted isn't the word;〃 replied Prudence; as she put on her hat and 

shawl。 〃She will see you in order to get rid of the count。 Try to be more 

agreeable than   he   is;   or   (I know   Marguerite)   she   will   put   it   all   down   to 


     We   followed   Prudence   downstairs。   I   trembled;   it   seemed   to   me   that 

this visit was to have a great influence on my life。 I was still more agitated 

than    on  the   evening    when    I  was   introduced     in  the  box   at  the  Opera 

Comique。       As   we   reached    the  door    that  you   know;    my    heart  beat   so 

violently that I was hardly able to think。 

     We heard the sound of a piano。 Prudence rang。 The piano was silent。 A 

woman who looked more like a companion than a servant opened the door。 

We went into the drawing…room; and from that to the boudoir; which was 

then just as you have seen it since。 A young man was leaning against the 

mantel…piece。 Marguerite; seated at the piano; let her fingers wander over 

the notes;   beginning   scraps of   music   without   finishing   them。  The   whole 

scene breathed boredom; the man embarrassed by the consciousness of his 

nullity; the   woman   tired of her   dismal   visitor。 At the voice   of   Prudence; 

Marguerite rose; and coming toward us with a look of gratitude to Mme。 

Duvernoy; said: 

     〃Come in; and welcome。〃 


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                         CAMILLE (LA DAME AUX CAMILIAS) 

                               CHAPTER 9 

     〃Good…evening; my dear Gaston;〃 said Marguerite to my companion。 

〃I am very glad to see you。 Why didn't you come to see me in my box at 

the Varietes?〃 

     〃I was afraid it would be indiscreet。〃 

     〃Friends;〃 and Marguerite lingered over the word; as if to intimate to 

those   who   were   present   that   in   spite   of   the   familiar   way   in   which   she 

greeted   him;   Gaston   was   not   and   never   had   been   anything   more   than   a 

friend; 〃friends are always welcome。〃 

     〃Then; will you permit me to introduce M。 Armand Duval?〃 

     〃I had already authorized Prudence to do so。〃 

     〃As   far   as   that   goes;   madame;〃   I   said;   bowing;   and   succeeding   in 

getting more or less intelligible sounds out of my throat; 〃I have already 

had the honour of being introduced to you。〃 

    Marguerite's beautiful eyes seemed to be looking back in memory; but 

she could not; or seemed not to; remember。 

     〃Madame;〃 I continued; 〃I am grateful to you for having forgotten the 

occasion   of   my   first   introduction;   for   I   was   very   absurd   and   must   have 

seemed to you very tiresome。 It was at the Opera Comique; two years ago; 

I was with Ernest de 。〃 

     〃Ah; I remember;〃 said Marguerite; with a smile。 〃It was not you who 

were absurd; it was I who was mischievous; as I still am; but somewhat 

less。 You have forgiven me?〃 

    And she held out her hand; which I kissed。 

     〃It is true;〃 she went on; 〃you know I have the bad habit of trying to 

embarrass people the first time I meet them。 It is very stupid。 My docto

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