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camille (la dame aux camilias)(卡米勒)-第12节

小说: camille (la dame aux camilias)(卡米勒) 字数: 每页4000字

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time   I   raised   my   eyes   to   the   box   I   had   quitted   so   abruptly;   and   that   the 

faces of fresh visitors succeeded one another all the time。 

     I   was   far   from   having   given   up   thinking   about   Marguerite。 Another 

feeling had taken possession of me。 It seemed to me that I had her insult 

and my absurdity to wipe out; I said to myself that if I spent every penny I 

had; I would win her and win my right to the place I had abandoned so 


     Before   the   performance   was   over   Marguerite   and   her   friend   left   the 

box。 I rose from my seat。 

     〃Are you going?〃 said Ernest。 



     At that moment he saw that the box was empty。 

     〃Go; go;〃 he said; 〃and good luck; or rather better luck。〃 

     I went out。 

     I   heard   the   rustle   of dresses;   the   sound   of voices;  on   the   staircase。   I 

stood    aside;   and;   without    being    seen;   saw   the   two   women      pass  me; 

accompanied by two young men。 At the entrance to the theatre they were 

met by a footman。 

     〃Tell   the   coachman   to   wait   at   the   door   of   the   Cafe'   Anglais;〃   said 

Marguerite。 〃We will walk there。〃 

     A few minutes afterward I saw Marguerite from the street at a window 

of   one  of   the  large   rooms   of   the  restaurant;   pulling   the  camellias   of  her 

bouquet to pieces; one by one。 One of the two men was leaning over her 

shoulder and whispering in her ear。 I took up my position at the Maison… 


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                           CAMILLE (LA DAME AUX CAMILIAS) 

d'or; in one of the first…floor rooms; and did not lose sight of the window 

for an instant。 At one in the morning Marguerite got into her carriage with 

her three friends。 I took a cab and followed them。 The carriage stopped at 

No。 9; Rue d'Antin。 Marguerite got out and went in alone。 It was no doubt 

a mere chance; but the chance filled me with delight。 

     From that time forward; I often met Marguerite at the theatre or in the 

Champs…Elysees。          Always     there   was    the  same     gaiety   in  her;   the  same 

emotion in me。 

     At last a fortnight passed without my meeting her。 I met Gaston and 

asked after her。 

     〃Poor girl; she is very ill;〃 he answered。 

     〃What is the matter?〃 

     〃She   is   consumptive;   and   the   sort   of   life   she   leads   isn't   exactly   the 

thing to cure her。 She has taken to her bed; she is dying。〃 

     The heart is a strange thing; I was almost glad at hearing it。 

     Every day I went to ask after her; without leaving my name or my card。 

I heard she was convalescent and had gone to Bagneres。 

     Time went by; the impression; if not the memory; faded gradually from 

my   mind。   I   travelled;   love   affairs;   habits;   work;   took   the   place   of   other 

thoughts;   and   when   I   recalled   this   adventure   I  looked   upon   it   as   one   of 

those passions which one has when one is very young; and laughs at soon 


     For   the   rest;   it   was   no   credit   to   me   to   have   got   the   better   of   this 

recollection; for I had completely lost sight of Marguerite; and; as I told 

you;    when     she   passed    me    in  the   corridor    of  the   Varietes;    I  did   not 

recognise her。 She was veiled; it is true; but; veiled though she might have 

been   two   years   earlier;   I   should   not   have   needed   to   see   her   in   order   to 

recognise her: I should have known her intuitively。 All the same; my heart 

began   to   beat   when   I   knew   that   it   was   she;   and   the   two   years   that   had 

passed   since   I   saw   her;   and   what   had   seemed   to   be   the   results   of   that 

separation; vanished in smoke at the mere touch of her dress。 


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                         CAMILLE (LA DAME AUX CAMILIAS) 

                               CHAPTER 8 

    However (continued Armand after a pause); while I knew myself to be 

still in love with her; I felt more sure of myself; and part of my desire to 

speak to Marguerite again was a wish to make her see that I was stronger 

than she。 

    How many ways does the heart take; how many reasons does it invent 

for itself; in order to arrive at what it wants! 

     I could not remain in the corridor; and I returned to my place in the 

stalls;   looking   hastily  around   to   see   what   box   she   was   in。   She   was   in   a 

ground…floor box; quite alone。 She had changed; as I have told you; and no 

longer wore an indifferent smile on her lips。 She had suffered; she was still 

suffering。 Though it was April; she was still wearing a winter costume; all 

wrapped up in furs。 

     I gazed at her so fixedly that my eyes attracted hers。 She looked at me 

for a few seconds; put up her opera…glass to see me better; and seemed to 

think she recognised me; without being quite sure who I was; for when she 

put down her glasses; a smile; that charming; feminine salutation; flitted 

across her lips; as if to answer the bow which she seemed to expect; but I 

did not respond; so as to have an advantage over her; as if I had forgotten; 

while she remembered。 Supposing herself mistaken;; she looked away。 

     The   curtain   went   up。   I   have   often   seen   Marguerite   at   the   theatre。   I 

never saw her pay the slightest attention to what was being acted。 As for 

me; the performance interested me equally little; and I paid no attention to 

anything but her; though doing my utmost to keep her from noticing it。 

    Presently   I   saw   her   glancing   across   at   the   person   who   was   in   the 

opposite box; on looking; I saw a woman with whom I was quite familiar。 

She had once been a kept woman; and had tried to go on the stage; had 

failed; and; relying on her acquaintance with fashionable people in Paris; 

had gone into business and taken a milliner's shop。 I saw in her a means of 

meeting with Marguerite; and profited by a moment in which she looked 

my  way to wave my hand to her。 As I expected; she beckoned to me   to 

come to her box。 

    Prudence Duvernoy (that was the milliner's auspicious name) was one 


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                       CAMILLE (LA DAME AUX CAMILIAS) 

of those fat women of forty with whom one requires very little diplomacy 

to make them understand what one wants to know; especially when what 

one wants to know is as simple as what I had to ask of her。 

    I   took  advantage   of  a  moment    when   she  was   smiling   across  at 

Marguerite to ask her; 〃Whom are you looking at?〃 

    〃Marguerite Gautier。〃 

    〃You know her?〃 

    〃Yes; I am her milliner; and she is a neighbour of mine。〃 

    〃Do you live in the Rue d'Antin?〃 

    〃No。 7。 The window of her dressing…room looks on to the window of 


    〃They say she is a charming girl。〃 

    〃Don't you know her?〃 

    〃No; but I should like to。〃 

    〃Shall I ask her to come over to our box?〃 

    〃No; I would rather for you to introduce me to her。〃 

    〃At her own house?〃 


    〃That is more difficult。〃 


    〃Because she is under the protection of a jealous old duke。〃 

    〃'Protection' is charming。〃 

    〃Yes;   protection;〃  replied  Prudence。   〃Poor   old  man;  he  would   be 

greatly embarrassed to offer her anything else。〃 

    Prudence then told me how Marguerite had made the acquaintance of 

the duke at Bagneres。 

    〃That; then;〃 I continued; 〃is why she is alone here?〃 


    〃But who will see her home?〃 

    〃He will。〃 

    〃He will come for her?〃 

    〃In a moment。〃 

    〃And you; who is seeing you home?〃 

    〃No one。〃 


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                         CAMILLE (LA DAME AUX CAMILIAS) 

     〃May I offer myself?〃 

     〃But you are with a friend; are you not?〃 

     〃May we offer; then?〃 

     〃Who is your friend?〃 

     〃A charming fellow; very amusing。 He will be delighted to make your 


     〃Well; all right; we will go after this piece is over; for I know the last 


     〃With pleasure; I will go and tell my friend。〃 

     〃Go; then。 Ah;〃 added Prudence; as I was going; 〃there is the duke just 

coming into Marguerite's box。〃 

     I looked at him。 A man of about seventy had sat down behind her; and 

was giving her a bag of sweets; into which she dipped at once; smiling。 

Then she held it out toward Prudence; with a gesture which seemed to say; 

〃Will you have some?〃 

     〃No;〃    signalled    Prudence。     Marguerite      drew   back    the  bag;   and; 

turning; began to talk with the duke。 


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