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camille (la dame aux camilias)(卡米勒)-第11节

小说: camille (la dame aux camilias)(卡米勒) 字数: 每页4000字

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her address; and went on my way。 

     The   recollection   of   this   vision;   for   it   was   really   a   vision;   would   not 

leave my mind like so many visions I had seen; and I looked everywhere 

for this royally beautiful woman in white。 

     A few days later there was a great performance at the Opera Comique。 

The first person I saw in one of the boxes was Marguerite Gautier。 

     The young man whom I was with recognised her immediately; for he 

said to me; mentioning her name: 〃Look at that pretty girl。〃 

     At that moment Marguerite turned her opera…glass in our direction and; 

seeing my friend; smiled and beckoned to him to come to her。 

     〃I will go and say 'How do you do?' to her;〃 he said; 〃and will be back 

in a moment。〃 

     〃I could not help saying 〃Happy man!〃 


     〃To go and see that woman。〃 


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                          CAMILLE (LA DAME AUX CAMILIAS) 

     〃Are you in love with her?〃 

     〃No;〃   I   said;   flushing;   for   I   really   did   not   know   what   to   say;   〃but   I 

should very much like to know her。〃 

     〃Come with me。 I will introduce you。〃 

     〃Ask her if you may。〃 

     〃Really; there is no need to be particular with her; come。〃 

     What he said troubled me。 I feared to discover that Marguerite was not 

worthy of the sentiment which I felt for her。 

     In a book of Alphonse Karr entitles Am Rauchen; there is a man who 

one evening follows a very elegant woman; with whom he had fallen in 

love with at first sight on account of her beauty。 Only to kiss her hand he 

felt   that   he   had   the   strength   to   undertake   anything;   the   will   to   conquer 

anything; the courage to achieve anything。 He scarcely dares glance at the 

trim ankle which she shows as she holds her dress out of the mud。 While 

he is dreaming of all that he would do to possess this woman; she stops at 

the corner of the street and asks if he will come home with her。 He turns 

his head; crosses the street; and goes sadly back to his own house。 

     I recalled the story; and; having longed to suffer for this woman; I was 

afraid that she would accept me too promptly and give me at once what I 

fain   would   have   purchased   by   long   waiting   or   some   great   sacrifice。  We 

men are built like that; and it is very fortunate that the imagination lends 

so much poetry to the senses; and that the desires of the body make thus 

such concession to the dreams of the soul。 If any one had said to me; You 

shall   have   this   woman   to…night   and   be   killed   tomorrow;   I   would   have 

accepted。 If any one had said to me; you can be her lover for ten pounds; I 

would have refused。 I would have cried like a child who sees the castle he 

has been dreaming about vanish away as he awakens from sleep。 

     All the same; I wished to know her; it was my only means of making 

up   my   mind   about   her。   I   therefore   said   to   my   friend   that   I   insisted   on 

having her permission to be introduced to her; and I wandered to and fro in 

the corridors; saying to myself that in a moment's time she was going to 

see me; and   that I should not   know which way  to look。  I tried   (sublime 

childishness of love!) to string together the words I should say to her。 

     A moment after my friend returned。 〃She is expecting us;〃 he said。 


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                          CAMILLE (LA DAME AUX CAMILIAS) 

     〃Is she alone?〃 I asked。 

     〃With another woman。〃 

     〃There are no men?〃 


     〃Come; then。〃 

     My friend went toward the door of the theatre。 

     〃That is not the way;〃 I said。 

     〃We must go and get some sweets。 She asked me for some。〃 

     We went into a confectioner's in the passage de l'Opera。 I would have 

bought   the   whole   shop;   and   I   was   looking   about   to   see   what   sweets   to 

choose; when my friend asked for a pound of raisins glaces。 

     〃Do you know if she likes them?〃 

     〃She eats no other kind of sweets; everybody knows it。 

     〃Ah;〃 he went on when we had left the shop; 〃do you know what kind 

of woman it is that I am going to introduce you to? Don't imagine it is a 

duchess。 It is simply a kept woman; very much kept; my dear fellow; don't 

be shy; say anything that comes into your head。〃 

     〃Yes; yes;〃 I stammered; and I followed him; saying to myself that I 

should soon cure myself of my passion。 

     When   I   entered   the   box   Marguerite   was   in   fits   of   laughter。   I   would 

rather that she had been sad。 My friend introduced me; Marguerite gave 

me a little nod; and said; 〃And my sweets?〃 

     〃Here they are。〃 

     She looked at me as she took them。 I dropped my eyes and blushed。 

     She leaned across to her neighbour and said something in her ear; at 

which   both   laughed。   Evidently   I   was   the   cause   of   their   mirth;   and   my 

embarrassment increased。 At that time I had as mistress a very affectionate 

and    sentimental     little  person;  whose    sentiment     and   whose    melancholy 

letters   amused   me   greatly。   I   realized   the   pain   I   must   have   given   her   by 

what   I now   experienced;  and   for   five   minutes   I   loved   her   as no   woman 

was ever loved。 

     Marguerite ate her raisins glaces without taking any more notice of me。 

The   friend   who   had   introduced   me   did   not   wish   to   let   me   remain   in   so 

ridiculous a position。 


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                          CAMILLE (LA DAME AUX CAMILIAS) 

     〃Marguerite;〃   he   said;   〃you   must   not   be   surprised   if   M。   Duval   says 

nothing: you overwhelm him to such a degree that he can not find a word 

to say。〃 

     〃I should say; on the contrary; that he has only come with you because 

it would have bored you to come here by yourself。〃 

     〃If that were true;〃 I said; 〃I should not have begged Ernest to ask your 

permission to introduce me。〃 

     〃Perhaps that was only in order to put off the fatal moment。〃 

     However little one may have known women like Marguerite; one can 

not but know the delight they take in pretending to be witty and in teasing 

the people whom they meet for the first time。 It is no doubt a return for the 

humiliations which they often have to submit to on the part of those whom 

they see every day。 

     To answer them properly; one requires a certain knack; and I had not 

had the opportunity of acquiring it; besides; the idea that I had formed of 

Marguerite   accentuated   the   effects   of   her   mockery。   Nothing   that   dame 

from her was indifferent to me。 I rose to my feet; saying in an altered voice; 

which I could not entirely control: 

     〃If   that   is   what   you   think   of   me;   madame;   I   have   only   to   ask   your 

pardon   for  my   indiscretion;  and   to   take leave  of   you   with   the   assurance 

that it shall not occur again。〃 

     Thereupon I bowed and quitted the box。 I had scarcely closed the door 

when   I   heard   a   third   peal   of   laughter。   It   would   not   have   been   well   for 

anybody who had elbowed me at that moment。 

     I   returned   to   my   seat。   The   signal   for   raising   the   curtain   was   given。 

Ernest came back to his place beside me。 

     〃What a way you behaved!〃 he said; as he sat down。 〃They will think 

you are mad。〃 

     〃What did Marguerite say after I had gone?〃 

     〃She laughed; and said she had never seen any one so funny。 But don't 

look upon it as a lost chance; only do not do these women the honour of 

taking them  seriously。 They  do   not   know   what   politeness   and   ceremony 

are。   It   is   as   if   you   were   to   offer   perfumes   to   dogsthey   would   think   it 

smelled bad; and go and roll in the gutter。〃 


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                          CAMILLE (LA DAME AUX CAMILIAS) 

     〃After all; what does it matter to me?〃 I said; affecting to speak in a 

nonchalant   way。   〃I   shall   never   see   this   woman   again;   and   if   I   liked   her 

before meeting her; it is quite different now that I know her。〃 

     〃Bah! I don't despair of seeing you one day at the back of her box; and 

of bearing that you are ruining yourself for her。 However; you are right; 

she hasn't been well brought up; but she would be a charming mistress to 


     Happily; the curtain rose and my friend was silent。 I could not possibly 

tell you what they were acting。 All that I remember is that from time to 

time   I   raised   my   eyes   to   the   box   I   had   quitted   so   abruptly;   and   that   the 

faces of fresh visitors su

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