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the crystal stopper-第47节

小说: the crystal stopper 字数: 每页4000字

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h mentioning。  Good…bye; Daubrecq。  And; if you should want a louis or two; to buy yourself a new decanter…stopper; drop me a line。 Good…bye; Daubrecq。〃

He walked away。

He had not gone fifty steps when he heard the sound of a shot。

He turned round。

Daubrecq had blown his brains out。

〃De profundist〃 murmured Lupin; taking off his hat。 

Two months later; Gilbert; whose sentence had been commuted to one of penal servitude for life; made his escape from the Ile de Re; on the day before that on which he was to have been transported to New Caledonia。

It was a strange escape。  Its least details remained difficult to understand; and; like the two shots on the Boulevard Arago; it greatly enhanced Arsene Lupin's prestige。

〃Taken all round;〃 said Lupin to me; one day; after telling me the different episodes of the story; 〃taken all around; no enterprise has ever given me more trouble or cost me greater exertions than that confounded adventure which; if you don't mind; we will call; The Crystal Stopper; or; Never Say Die。  In twelve hours; between six o'clock in the morning and six o'clock in the evening; I made up for six months of bad luck; blunders; gropings in the dark and reverses。  I certainly count those twelve hours among the finest and the most glorious of my life。〃

〃And Gilbert?〃 I asked。  〃What became of him?〃 

〃He is farming his own land; way down in Algeria; under his real name; his only name of Antoine Mergy。  He is married to an Englishwoman; and they have a son whom he insisted on calling Arsene。  I often receive a bright; chatty; warm…hearted letter from him。〃

〃And Mme。 Mergy?〃

〃She and her little Jacques are living with them。〃

〃Did you see her again?〃

〃I did not。〃


Lupin hesitated for a few moments and then said with a smile:

〃My dear fellow; I will let you into a secret that will make me seem ridiculous in your eyes。  But you know that I have always been as sentimental as a schoolboy and as silly as a goose。  Well; on the evening when I went back to Clarisse Mergy and told her the news of the day … part of which; for that matter; she already knew … I felt two  things very thoroughly。  One was that I entertained for her a much deeper feeling than I thought; the other that she; on the contrary; entertained for me a feeling which was not without contempt; not without a rankling grudge nor even a certain aversion。〃

〃Nonsense!  Why?〃

〃Why?  Because Clarisse Mergy is an exceedingly honest woman and because I am。。。 just Arsene Lupin。〃


〃Dear me; yes; an attractive bandit; a romantic and chivalrous cracksman; anything you please。  For all that; in the eyes of a really honest woman; with an upright nature and a well…balanced mind; I am only only the merest riff…raff。〃

I saw that the wound was sharper than he was willing to admit; and I said:

〃So you really loved her?〃 

〃I even believe;〃 he said; in a jesting tone; 〃that I asked her to marry me。  After all; I had saved her son; had I not?。。。 So。。。 I thought。 What a rebuff!。。。 It produced a coolness between us。。。 Since then。。。 〃

〃You have forgotten her?〃

〃Oh; certainly!  But it required the consolations of one Italian; two Americans; three Russians; a German grand…duchess and a Chinawoman to do it!〃

〃And; after that。。。 ?〃

〃After that; so as to place an insuperable barrier between myself and her; I got married。〃

〃Nonsense!  You got married; you; Arsene Lupin?〃

〃Married; wedded; spliced; in the most lawful fashion。  One of the greatest names in France。  An only daughter。  A colossal fortune。。。 What! You don't know the story?  Well; it's worth hearing。〃

And; straightway; Lupin; who was in a confidential vein; began to tell me the story of his marriage to Angelique de Sarzeau…Vendome; Princesse de Bourbon…Conde; to…day Sister Marie…Auguste; a humble nun in the Visitation Convent。。。 * ________________________________________________________________________

*See The Confessions of Arsene Lupin By Maurice Leblanc Translated by  Alexander Teixeira de Mattos ________________________________________________________________________

But; after the first few words; he stopped; as though his narrative had suddenly ceased to interest him; and he remained pensive。

〃What's the matter; Lupin?〃

〃The matter? Nothing。〃

〃Yes; yes。 。。。 There。。。 now you're smiling。。。 Is it Daubrecq's secret receptacle; his glass eye; that's making you laugh?〃

〃Not at all。〃

〃What then?〃

〃Nothing; I tell you 。 。 only a memory。〃

〃A pleasant memory?〃

〃Yes!。。。 Yes; a delightful memory even。  It was at night; off the Ile de Re; on the fishingsmack in which Clarisse and I were taking Gilbert away。 。。。 We were alone; the two of us; m the stern of the boat。。。 And I remember 。。。 I talked。。。 I spoke words and more words。。。 I said all that I had on my heart。。。 And then。。。then came silence; a perturbing and disarming silence。     '


〃Well; I swear to you that the woman whom I took in my arms that night and kissed on the lips  …  oh; not for long: a few seconds only; but no matter! … I swear before heaven that she was something more than a  grateful mother; something more than a friend yielding to a moment of susceptibility; that she was a woman also; a woman quivering with emotion 。。。 〃  And he continued; with a bitter laugh; 〃Who ran away next day; never to see me again。〃

He was silent once more。  Then he whispered:

〃Clarisse。。。 Clarisse。。。 On the day when I am tired and disappointed and weary of life; I will come to you down there; in your little Arab house 。。。 in that little white house; Clarisse; where you are waiting for me。。。


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