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the crystal stopper-第3节

小说: the crystal stopper 字数: 每页4000字

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 every point of view。  He had reached one of those minutes which he called the 〃superior moments of existence;〃 those which alone give a value and a price to life。  On such occasions; however threatening the danger; he always began by counting to himself; slowly  … 〃One。。。 Two。。。 Three。。。 Four。。。。 Five。。。 Six〃 … until the beating of his heart became normal and regular。  Then and not till then; he reflected; but with what intensity; with what perspicacity; with what a profound intuition of possibilities!  All the factors of the problem were present in his mind。  He foresaw everything。  He admitted everything。 And he took his resolution in all logic and in all certainty。

After thirty or forty seconds; while the men outside were banging at the doors and picking the locks; he said to his companion:

〃Follow me。〃

Returning to the dining…room; he softly opened the sash and drew the Venetian blinds of a window in the side…wall。  People were coming and going; rendenng flight out of the question。

Thereupon he began to shout with all his might; in a breathiess voice:

〃This way!。。。 Help!。。。 I've got them! 。。。 This way!〃

He pointed his revolver and fired two shots into the tree…tops。  Then he went back to Vaucheray; bent over him and smeared his face and hands with the wounded man's blood。  Lastly; turning upon Gilbert; he took him violently by the shoulders and threw him to the floor。

〃What do you want; governor?  There's a nice thing to do!〃

〃Let me do as I please;〃 said Lupin; laying an imperative stress on every syllable。  〃I'll answer for everything。。。 I'll answer for the two of you。。。 Let me do as I like with you。。。 I'll get you both out of prison 。。。 But I can only do that if I'm free。〃

Excited cries rose through the open window。

〃This way!〃 he shouted。  〃I've got them! Help!〃

And; quietly; in a whisper:

〃Just think for a moment。。。 Have you anything to say to me?。。。 Something that can be of use to us?

Gilbert was too much taken aback to understand 'Lupin's plan and he struggled furiously。  Vaucheray showed more intelligence; moreover; he had given up all hope of escape; because of his wound; and he snarled:

〃Let the governor have his way; you ass!。。。 As long as he gets off; isn't that the great thing?〃

Suddenly; Lupin remembered the article which Gilbert had put in his pocket; after capturing it from Vaucheray。  He now tried to take it in his turn。

〃No; not that!  Not if I know it!〃 growled Gilbert; managing to release himself。

Lupin floored him once more。  But two men suddenly appeared at the window; and Gilbert yielded and; handing the thing to Lupin; who pocketed it without looking at it; whispered:

〃Here you are; governor。。。 I'll explain。  You can be sure that。。。 〃

He did not have time to finish。。。 Two policemen and others after them and soldiers who entered through every door and window caine to Lupin's assistance。

Gilbert was at once seized and firmly bound。  Lupin withdrew:

〃I'm glad you've come;〃 he said。  〃The beggar's given me a lot of trouble。  I wounded the other; but this one。。。 〃

The commissary of police asked him; hurriedly:

〃Have you seen the man…servant?  Have they killed him?〃

〃I don't know;〃 ;he answered。

〃You don't know?。。。 〃

〃Why; I came with you from Enghien; on hearing of the murder!  Only; while you were going round the left of the house; I went round the right。 There was; a window open。  I climbed up just as these two ruffians were about to jump down。  I fred at this one;〃 pointing to Vaucheray; 〃and seized hold of his pal。〃

How could he have been suspected?  He was covered with blood。  He had handed over the valet's murderers。  Half a score of people had witnessed the end of the heroic combat which he had delivered。  Besides; the uproar was too great for any one to take the trouble to argue or to waste time in entertaining doubts。  In the height of the first confusion; the people of the neighbourhood invaded the villa。  One and all lost their heads。 They ran to every side; upstairs; downstairs; to the very cellar。  They asked one another questions; yelled and shouted; and no one dreamt of checking Lupin's statements; which sounded so plausible。

However; the discovery of the body in the pantry restored the comnussary to a sense of his responsibility。  He issued orders; had the house cleared and placed policemen at the gate to prevent any one from passing in or out。  Then; without further delay; he examined the spot and began his inquiry。  Vaucheray gave his name; Gilbert refused to give his; on the plea that he would only speak in the presence of a lawyer。  But; when he was accused of the murder; he informed against Vaucheray; who defended himself by denouncing the other; and the two of them vociferated at the same time; with the evident wish to monopolize the commissary's attention。 When the commissary turned to Lupin; to request his evidence; he perceived that the stranger was no longer there。

Without the least suspicion; he said to one of the policemen:

〃Go and tell that gentleman that I should like to ask him a few questions。〃

They looked about for the gentleman。  Some one had seen him standing on the steps; lighting a cigarette。  The next news was that he had given cigarettes to a group of soldiers and strolled toward the lake; saying that they were to call him if he was wanted。

They called him。  No one replied。

But a soldier came running up。  The gentleman had just got into a boat and was rowing away for all he was worth。  The commissary looked at Gilbert and realized that he had been tricked:

〃Stop him!〃 he shouted。  Fire on him! He's an accomplice!。。。 〃

He himself rushed out; followed by two policemen; while the others remained with the prisoners。  On reaching the bank; he saw the gentleman; a hundred yards away; taking off his hat to him in the dusk。

One of the policemen discharged his revolver; without thinking。

The wind carried the sound of words across the water。  The gentleman was singing as he rowed:

                〃Go; little bark;                  Float in the dark。。。 〃

But the commissary saw a skiff fastened to the landing…stage of the adjoining property。  He scrambled over the hedge separating the two gardens and; after ordering the soldiers to watch the banks of the lake and to seize the fugitlve if he tried to put ashore; the commissary and two of his men pulled off in pursuit of Lupin。

It was not a difficult matter; for they were able to follow his movements by the intermittent light of the moon and to see that he was trying to cross the lakes while bearing toward the right … that is to say; toward the village of Saint…Gratien。  Moreover; the commissary soon perceived that; with the aid of his men and thanks perhaps to the comparative lightness of his craft; he was rapidly gaining on the other。  In ten minutes he had decreased the interval between them by one half。

〃That's it!〃 he cried。  〃We shan't even need the soldiers to keep him from landing。  I very much want to make the fellow's acquaintance。  He's a cool hand and no mistake!〃

The funny thing was that the distance was now diminishing at an abnormal rate; as though the fugitive had lost heart at realizing the futility of the struggle。  The policemen redoubled their efforts。  The boat shot across the water with the swiftness of a swallow。  Another hundred yards at most and they would reach the man。

〃Halt!〃 cried the commissary。

The enemy; whose huddled shape they could make out in the boat; no longer moved。  The sculls drifted with the stream。  And this absence of all motion had something alarming about it。  A ruffian of that stamp might easily lie in wait for his aggressors; sell his life dearly and even shoot them dead before they had a chance of attacking him。

〃Surrender!〃 shouted the commissary。

The sky; at that moment; was dark。  The three men lay flat at the bottom of their skiff; for they thought they perceived a threatening gesture。

The boat; carried by its own impetus; was approaching the other。

The commissary growled:

〃We won't let ourselves be sniped。  Let's fire at him。 Are you ready?〃 And he roared; once more; 〃Surrender。。。 if not。。。 !〃

No reply。

The enemy did not budge。

〃Surrender!。。。 Hands up!。。。 You refuse?。。。 So much the worse for you。。。  I'm counting。。。 One。。。 Two。。。 〃

The policemen did not wait for the word of command。  They fired and; at once; bending over their oars; gave the boat so powerful an impulse that it reached the goal in a few strokes。

The commissary watched; revolver in hand; ready for the least movement。 He raised his arm:

〃If you stir; I'll blow out your brains!〃

But the enemy did not stir for a moment; and; when the boat was bumped and the two men; letting go their oars; prepared for the formidable assault; the commissary understood the reason of this passive attitude: there was no one in the boat。  The enemy had escaped by swimming; leaving in the hands of the victor a certain number of the stolen articles; which; heaped up and surmounted by a jacket and a bowler hat; might be taken; at a pinch; in the semi…darkness; vaguely to represent the figure of a man。

They struck matches and examined the enemy's cast clothes。  There were no initial

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