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the crystal stopper-第29节

小说: the crystal stopper 字数: 每页4000字

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Lupin whispered:

〃It will take me two or three hours to file through one of the bars。 Are Sebastiani and his sons coming back?〃

〃Yes; they are sure to;〃 replied Daubrecq; in the same low voice; 〃but I expect they will leave me to myself。〃

〃But they sleep next door?〃


〃Won't they hear?〃

〃No; the door is too thick。〃

〃Very well。  In that case; it will soon be done。  I have a rope…ladder。 Will you be able to climb up alone; without my assistance?〃

〃I think so。。。 I'll try。。。 It's my wrists that they've broken。。。 Oh; the brutes!  I can hardiy move my hands。。。 and I have very little strength left。  But I'll try all the same。。。 needs must。。。 〃

He stopped; listened and; with his finger to his mouth; whispered:


When Sebastiani and his sons entered the room; Daubrecq; who had hidden the letter and lain down on his bed; pretended to wake with a start。

The huntsman brought him a bottle of wine; a glass and some food:

〃How goes it; monsieur le depute?〃 he cried。  〃Well; perhaps we did squeeze a little hard。。。 It's very painful; that thumbscrewing。  Seems they often did it at the time of the Great Revolution and Bonaparte。。。  in the days of the chauffeurs。*  A pretty invention!  Nice and clean。。。 no bloodshed。。。  And it didn't last long either!  In twenty minutes; you came out with the missing word!〃  Sebastiani burst out laughing。  〃By the way; monsieur le depute; my congratulations!  A capital hiding…place。 Who would ever suspect it?。。。  You see; what put us off; monsieur le marquis and me; was that name of Marie which you let out at first。  You weren't telling a lie; but there you are; you know: the word was only half…finished。  We had to know the rest。  Say what you like; it's amusing!  Just think; on your study…table!  Upon my word; what a joke!〃


        *The name given to the brigands in the Vendee; who tortured their victims with fire to make them confess where their money was hidden。 … Translator's Note。 _______________________________________________________________________

The huntsman rose and walked up and down the room; rubbing his hands:

〃Monsieur le marquis is jolly well pleased; so pleased; in fact; that he himself is coming to…morrow evening to let you out。  Yes; he has thought it over; there will be a few formalities: you may have to sign a cheque or two; stump up; what; and make good monsieur le marquis' expense and trouble。  But what's that to you?  A trifle!  Not to mention that; from now on; there will be no more chains; no more straps round your wrists; in short; you will be treated like a king!  And I've even been told … look here! … to allow you a good bottle of old wine and a flask of brandy。〃

Sebastiani let fly a few more jests; then took the lamp; made a last examination of the room and said to his sons:

〃Let's leave him to sleep。  You also; take a rest; all three of you。 But sleep with one eye open。  One never can tell。。。 〃  They withdrew。

Lupin waited a little longer and asked; in a low voice:

〃Can I begin?〃

〃Yes; but be careful。  It's not impossible that they may go on a round in an hour or two。〃

Lupin set to work。  He had a very powerful file; and the iron of the bars; rusted and gnawed away by time; was; in places; almost reduced to dust。  Twice Lupin stopped to listen; with ears pricked up。  But it was only the patter of a rat over the rubbish in the upper story; or the flight of some night…bird; and he continued his task; encouraged by Daubrecq; who stood by the door; ready to warn him at the least alarm。

〃Oof!〃  he said; giving a last stroke of the file。  〃I'm glad that's over; for; on my word; I've been a bit cramped in this cursed tunnel。。。 to say nothing of the cold。。。 〃

He bore with all his strength upon the bar; which he had sawn from below; and succeeded in forcing it down sufficiently for a man's body to slip between the two remaining bars。  Next; he had to go back to the end of the embrasure; the wider part; where he had left the rope…ladder。   After fixing it to the bars; he called Daubrecq:

〃Psst!。。。 It's all right。。。  Are you ready?〃

〃Yes。。。 coming。。。 One more second; while I listen。。。  All right。。。  They're asleep。。。 give me the ladder。〃

Lupin lowered it and asked:

〃Must I come down?〃

〃No。。。 。 I feel a little weak。。。 but I shall manage。

Indeed; he reached the window of the embrasure pretty quickly and crept along the passage in the wake of his rescuer。  The open air; however; seemed to make him giddy。  Also; to give himself strength; he had drunk half the bottle of wine; and he had a fainting…fit that kept him lying on the stones of the embrasure for half an hour。  Lupin; losing patience; was fastening him to one end of the rope; of which the other end was knotted round the bars and was preparing to let him down like a bale of goods; when Daubrecq woke up; in better condition:

〃That's over;〃 he said。  〃I feel fit now。  Will it take long?〃

〃Pretty long。  We are a hundred and fifty yards up。〃

〃How was it that d'Albufex did not foresee that it was possible to escape this way?〃

〃The cliff is perpendicular。〃

〃And you were able to。。。 〃

〃Well; your cousins insisted。。。 And then one has to live; you know; and they were free with their money。〃

〃The dear; good souls!〃 said Daubrecq。  〃Where are they?〃

〃Down below; in a boat。〃

〃Is there a river; then?〃

〃Yes; but we won't talk; if you don't mind。  It's dangerous。〃

〃One word more。  Had you been there long when you threw me the letter?〃

〃No; no。  A quarter of an hour or so。  I'll tell you all about it。。。   Meanwhile; we must hurry。〃

Lupin went first; after recommending Daubrecq to hold tight to the rope and to come down backward。  He would give him a hand at the difficult places。

It took them over forty minutes to reach the platform of the ledge formed by the cliff; and Lupin had several times to help his companion; whose wrists; still bruised from the torture; had lost all their strength and suppleness。

Over and over again; he groaned:

〃Oh; the swine; they've done for me!。。。 The swine!。。。 Ah; d'Albufex; I'll make you pay dear for this!。。。 〃

〃Ssh!〃 said Lupin。

〃What's the matter?〃

〃A noise。。。 up above。。。 〃

Standing motionless on the platform; they listened。  Lupin thought of the Sire de Tancarville and the sentry who had killed him with a shot from his harquebus。  He shivered; feeling all the anguish of the silence and the darkness。

〃No;〃 he said; 〃I was mistaken。。。 Besides; it's absurd。。。 They can't hit us here。〃

〃Who would bit us?〃

〃No one。。。 no one。。。 it was a silly notion。。。 〃

He groped about till he found the uprights of the ladder; then he said:

〃There; here's the ladder。  It is fixed in the bed of the river。  A friend of mine is looking after it; as well as your cousins。〃

He whistled:

〃Here I am;〃 he said; in a low voice。  〃Hold the ladder fast。〃  And; to Daubrecq; 〃I'll go first。〃

Daubrecq objected:

〃Perhaps it would be better for me to go down first。〃


〃I am very tired。  You can tie your rope round my waist and hold me。。。  Otherwise; there is a danger that I might。。。  。〃

〃Yes; you are right;〃 said Lupin。 〃Come nearer。

Daubrecq came nearer and knelt down on the rock。  Lupin fastened the rope to him and then; stooping over; grasped one of the uprights in both hands to keep the ladder from shaking:

〃Off you go;〃 he said。

At the same moment; he felt a violent pain in the shoulder:

〃Blast it!〃 he said; sinking to the ground。

Daubrecq had stabbed him with a knife below the nape of the neck; a  little to the right。

〃You blackguard!  You blackguard!〃

He half…saw Daubrecq; in the dark; ridding himself of his rope; and heard him whisper:

〃You're a bit of a fool; you know!。。。 You bring me a letter from my Rousselot cousins; in which I recognize the writing of the elder; Adelaide; but which that sly puss of an Adelaide; suspecting something and meaning to put me on my guard; if necessary; took care to sign with the name of the younger sister; Euphrasie Rousselot。  You see; I tumbled to it!  So; with a little reflection。。。  you are Master Arsene Lupin; are you not?  Clarisse's protector; Gilbert's saviour。。。  Poor Lupin; I fear you're in a bad way。。。  I don't use the knife often; but; when I do; I use it with a vengeance。〃

He bent over the wounded man and felt in his pockets:

〃Give me your revolver; can't you?  You see; your friends will know at once that it is not their governor; and they will try to secure me。。。  And; as I have not much strength left; a bullet or two。。。 Good…bye; Lupin。  We shall meet in the next world; eh?  Book me a nice flat; with all the latest conveniences。

Good…bye; Lupin。  And my best thanks。  For really I don't know what I should have done without you。 By Jove; d'Albufex was hitting me hard! It'll be a joke to meet the beggar again!〃

Daubrecq had completed his preparations。  He whistled once more。  A reply came from the boat。

〃Here I am;〃 he said。

With a last effort; Lupin put out his arm to stop him。  But his hand touched nothing but space。  He tried to call out; to warn his accomplices: his voice choked in his throat。

He f

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