the haunted hotel(闹鬼的旅馆)-第6节
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THE HAUNTED HOTEL A Mystery of Modern Venice
They went on with Montbarry。 'Is he going to take that horrid woman
with him to Ireland?' 'Not he! he can't face the tenantry; they know about
Agnes Lockwood。' 'Well; but where is he going?' 'To Scotland。' 'Does
she like that?' 'It's only for a fortnight; they come back to London; and
go abroad。' 'And they will never return to England; eh?' 'Who can tell?
Did you see how she looked at Montbarry; when she had to lift her veil at
the beginning of the service? In his place; I should have bolted。 Did you
see her; Doctor?' By this time; Doctor Wybrow had remembered his
patients; and had heard enough of the club gossip。 He followed the
example of Baron Rivar; and walked off。
'One step more; you see; on the way to the end;' he repeated to himself;
on his way home。 'What end?'
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THE HAUNTED HOTEL A Mystery of Modern Venice
On the day of the marriage Agnes Lockwood sat alone in the little
drawing…room of her London lodgings; burning the letters which had been
written to her by Montbarry in the bygone time。
The Countess's maliciously smart description of her; addressed to
Doctor Wybrow; had not even hinted at the charm that most distinguished
Agnesthe artless expression of goodness and purity which instantly
attracted everyone who approached her。 She looked by many years
younger than she really was。 With her fair complexion and her shy
manner; it seemed only natural to speak of her as 'a girl;' although she was
now really advancing towards thirty years of age。 She lived alone with
an old nurse devoted to her; on a modest little income which was just
enough to support the two。 There were none of the ordinary signs of grief
in her face; as she slowly tore the letters of her false lover in two; and
threw the pieces into the small fire which had been lit to consume them。
Unhappily for herself; she was one of those women who feel too deeply to
find relief in tears。 Pale and quiet; with cold trembling fingers; she
destroyed the letters one by one without daring to read them again。 She
had torn the last of the series; and was still shrinking from throwing it after
the rest into the swiftly destroying flame; when the old nurse came in; and
asked if she would see 'Master Henry;' meaning that youngest member of
the Westwick family; who had publicly declared his contempt for his
brother in the smoking…room of the club。
Agnes hesitated。 A faint tinge of colour stole over her face。
There had been a long past time when Henry Westwick had owned that
he loved her。 She had made her confession to him; acknowledging that
her heart was given to his eldest brother。 He had submitted to his
disappointment; and they had met thenceforth as cousins and friends。
Never before had she associated the idea of him with embarrassing
recollections。 But now; on the very day when his brother's marriage to
another woman had consummated his brother's treason towards her; there
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THE HAUNTED HOTEL A Mystery of Modern Venice
was something vaguely repellent in the prospect of seeing him。 The old
nurse (who remembered them both in their cradles) observed her
hesitation; and sympathising of course with the man; put in a timely word
for Henry。 'He says; he's going away; my dear; and he only wants to
shake hands; and say good…bye。' This plain statement of the case had its
effect。 Agnes decided on receiving her cousin。
He entered the room so rapidly that he surprised her in the act of
throwing the fragments of Montbarry's last letter into the fire。 She
hurriedly spoke first。
'You are leaving London very suddenly; Henry。 Is it business? or
Instead of answering her; he pointed to the flaming letter; and to some
black ashes of burnt paper lying lightly in the lower part of the fireplace。
'Are you burning letters?'
'His letters?'
He took her hand gently。 'I had no idea I was intruding on you; at a
time when you must wish to be alone。 Forgive me; AgnesI shall see
you when I return。'
She signed to him; with a faint smile; to take a chair。
'We have known one another since we were children;' she said。 'Why
should I feel a foolish pride about myself in your presence? why should I
have any secrets from you? I sent back all your brother's gifts to me
some time ago。 I have been advised to do more; to keep nothing that can
remind me of himin short; to burn his letters。 I have taken the advice; but
I own I shrank a little from destroying the last of the letters。 Nonot
because it was the last; but because it had this in it。' She opened her hand;
and showed him a lock of Montbarry's hair; tied with a morsel of golden
cord。 'Well! well! let it go with the rest。'
She dropped it into the flame。 For a while; she stood with her back to
Henry; leaning on the mantel…piece; and looking into the fire。 He took the
chair to which she had pointed; with a strange contradiction of expression
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in his face: the tears were in his eyes; while the brows above were knit
close in an angry frown。 He muttered to himself; 'Damn him!'
She rallied her courage; and looked at him again when she spoke。
'Well; Henry; and why are you going away?'
'I am out of spirits; Agnes; and I want a change。'
She paused before she spoke again。 His face told her plainly that he
was thinking of her when he made that reply。 She was grateful to him;
but her mind was not with him: her mind was still with the man who had
deserted her。 She turned round again to the fire。
'Is it true;' she asked; after a long silence; 'that they have been married
He answered ungraciously in the one necessary word:'Yes。'
'Did you go to the church?'
He resented the question with an expression of indignant surprise。 'Go
to the church?' he repeated。 'I would as soon go to' He checked himself
there。 'How can you ask?' he added in lower tones。 'I have never spoken
to Montbarry; I have not even seen him; since he treated you like the
scoundrel and the fool that he is。'
She looked at him suddenly; without saying a word。 He understood her;
and begged her pardon。 But he was still angry。 'The reckoning comes to
some men;' he said; 'even in this world。 He will live to rue the day when he
married that woman!'
Agnes took a chair by his side; and looked at him with a gentle
'Is it quite reasonable to be so angry with her; because your brother
preferred her to me?' she asked。
Henry turned on her sharply。 'Do you defend the Countess; of all the
people in the world?'
'Why not?' Agnes answered。 'I know nothing against her。 On the
only occasion when we met; she appeared to be a singularly timid; nervous
person; looking dreadfully ill; and being indeed so ill that she fainted
under the heat of my room。 Why should we not do her justice? We know
that she was innocent of any intention to wrong me; we know that she was
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not aware of my engagement'
Henry lifted his hand impatiently; and stopped her。 'There is such a
thing as being too just and too forgiving!' he interposed。 'I can't bear to
hear you talk in that patient way; after the scandalously cruel manner in
which you have been treated。 Try to forget the